I am Patrick, the CEO of Playboy Ranchin'. The idea for starting this brand came to me when I was out training one of my horses on a bright sunny day in South Florida. As I felt my horse start to move out underneath me due to a bunny rabbit running out of a bush, I thought to myself "why the hell do I do this to myself and only ride crazy horses? oh yeah, I am a man..."

I have done many things in my life from fitness coaching, to sales, to performing in a live show on the Las Vegas Strip, and becoming a full-time horse trainer. While on paper, my life doesn't make any sense, I have always felt a strong urge at wanting to be good at different things.

After 15 years of playing competitive ice hockey growing up, I eventually transitioned into bodybuilding and began working out in my late teens. The past 11 years I have spent in the gym has taught me some of the most valuable life lessons that I will carry with me to my grave. My passion for fitness taught me how to outwork myself and train my own mind through enduring pain. The gym taught me the importance of focus and respect for hard work. When it is you versus you, the only thing you have to conquer is your own mind.

What I believe in most is becoming a man of value. Being THE man when you walk into a room and people know that they can count on you. Being THE man that is always hungry for information and searching for more. And most importantly, being a man that is respected for carrying himself with confidence, always working hard, capable of doing hard things, and his ability to love and protect his woman and those who mean the most to him.

The way a man earns respect is much like how horses learn to respect you as their rider and handler. Horses are simple creatures and truly only ever think about survival. Yet, we as humans have the ability to connect with these animals even though they reside on the complete opposite side of the food chain. Through hard work and focused effort, providing a horse with a guide to safety will allow the horse to accept you and respect you as their rider or handler.

I started this brand to connect with more men who still hold true to traditional masculine values and strive to become the best versions of themselves everyday. I am excited to see the value everyone in our community has to offer, women included. Let's have some fun and let's get to work!