You Change Or You Don't

You Change Or You Don't

Yesterday's post focused primarily on being able to pay attention to someone's actions over their words.

Today, I want to dive a little bit deeper into action and discuss the importance of being able to take control of your own life at any moment.

The problem most people today face is that most people feel like they have no control over their lives or their mental state.

This is in-part due too trauma and how trauma plays effects on the brain, and is also in-part a choice because we choose how things can make us feel in real time.

While having self-control and having control over your own thoughts and feelings may seem daunting, it is the only way one truly finds peace.

If you are unhappy with where you currently are in your life, you don't like your job, you don't like where you live, etc. and you do nothing to change your current situation, then I have no sympathy for you.

I have zero sympathy for someone who has the ability to change their lives and does nothing to do so.

If you don't like your job, go get a new job.

If you don't like where you live, move.

If your partner makes you unhappy, leave and take some time to realize what it takes for you to make yourself happy first.

The biggest reason why people don't make the changes they need is because of risk assessment.

Most people are afraid to take risk.

As we have said before, modern day humans (most of the time) elect to take the path of least resistance.

It is easy to stay at the job that pays you well even though you hate it.

It is easy to stay living in the place that you live because you won't have to pack up and start a whole new life somewhere else and feel like you're going backwards.

It is exceptionally easy to stay with someone who makes you unhappy because it is all you know and you yourself have no idea what it takes for you to have peace of mind.

The point is people would rather sit in their misery and wait for the right things to happen so that they can eventually have peace of mind when that is not really how life works.

The only way one finds peace of mind is by living their lives and taking those risks.

When you take risks, you begin to operate differently - you begin to try different things and go to different places you never would have thought of going to.

You find peace when you live and experience different things.

I never would have found working with horses if I didn't uproot my life and move to Las Vegas. It took a few years, but I found my peace simply by going and living my life.

Working with horses is nothing compared to what I originally wanted to do, in fact, some would say it is the complete opposite considering I moved to Vegas solely for entertainment.

I wanted the spotlight until I realized that I didn't want the spotlight and found something that genuinely brings me peace.

It is a million times harder work than anything I have ever done, but it makes me feel useful doing ranch work and working with animals through their problems.

The risk is almost always worth it just for the knowledge you gain along the way.

Maybe you're taking a risk in dating someone you never pictured yourself being with, come to find out they genuinely value you, your lifestyle, and what you have to offer.

Maybe you taking the risk to leave that job that you hate to start a new venture will be worth it when you can live with a little more peace of mind and still put a roof over your head.

While risk taking puts you in a vulnerable position, you gain strength if you are willing to fight through it.

Nobody likes being vulnerable and most people think they have way more to lose than they actually do due to risk.

The way I see it, you have nothing to lose when you only have one life and you are doing nothing to have the life that you want.

If you are not happy about not being able to find a suitable partner for you and you do nothing to change your behavior, I have no sympathy for you.

You have nothing to lose by changing your situation and figuring out what it truly is that brings you peace of mind.

People have this idea in their heads that if they wait, someone will come along and give them the life they have always thought they wanted. The truth is, that it not at all how life works...

What I have found is the life that you think that you want is often times not the life that you actually want.

The way you find the life that you really want is by taking risk, taking control of your life, and finding the things that bring you peace of mind.

You must take action to change your current situation in order to find things of genuine substance in your life.

No man, or no woman is ever going to waltz into your life and be able to bring you peace of mind if you cannot find it yourself first.

Someone else might be able to numb it temporarily, but in the long run, your own well-being will always catch up with you if you have not done the things you need to do to find peace of mind.

The point of this post is to point out the fact that you either change, or you don't - you either take the necessary action to improve your current situation, or you continue down the road you are on.

Waiting around for the right person or the right moment to come and change your life for you won't get you anywhere.

You must come from a genuine place and take action if you wish to attract someone of value and live a life full of genuine substance.

I don't feel sorry for you if you can't find a genuine person to share your life with and you do nothing to change your current situation.

I don't feel sorry for you if you have shitty friends and do nothing to change them.

I don't feel sorry for you if your current situation sucks and you do nothing to change it.

Sometimes, you do have to take a step or two back to keep moving forward, but this is why it is so important to have a vision of what you are going to accomplish in life and you continue to do the things that will get you there.

Don't come from a place of desperation because desperation never attracts anything genuine.

You must take the action to find your peace of mind, put yourself in an environment where you can thrive, and live a life of fulfillment.

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