You Are Worthy

You Are Worthy

The human spirit is fragile, but when its true power is harnessed, it can give every single one of us an unstoppable amount of power.

I don't mean power in the sense of gaining control of others.

I mean power in the sense of gaining control over you.

It is extremely easy for people today to get caught up in the lives of everyone else.

Through platforms like social media, the easy accessibility of others coupled with our own mindless addiction to what we consume, we can easily find ourselves feeling trapped, insecure, and not worthy of having what we see everybody else have.

We have spoken rather heavily on this particular topic in our most recent blog posts, so I will not go too heavy in the details today.

It is important to be made aware that we are consumers by nature and the more technology progresses and continues to make things more convenient, the easier it is to consume.

Convenience causes one to not have to think, simply because everything is right in front of our faces with the click of a button.

I always said that the knowledge one gets from books or life experience will be 1000% more efficient than trying to gain knowledge off of social media.

The way I see it, having to go out and live life or purchase books to sit down and take time out of your day to solely focus on learning something is earned knowledge.

You went out and did something to gain that knowledge, making you worthy of it.

I know I have beat social media up a lot over the past couple of days, and it may make me sound like a hypocrite because I do use it and still consume content.

The content that I choose to consume however, is vastly different than the content that I used to consume.

I began seeing the effects of the content I used to consume and it ultimately resulted in me feeling worthless.

Seeing everyone else living what seems to be great lives, making money online and traveling the world made me feel worthless still working a job just to get by.

Now, I have had some interesting jobs, don't get me wrong, but they have given me experience in life that I will forever be grateful for.

It is easy for humans to feel worthless in today's day-in-age for many of the reasons I just described.

I can almost guarantee that most people reading his would love to make a good living and travel the world simultaneously, or doing what they love to do all the time and still make a good living.

There are many people out there who have cracked this code and more are continuing to crack the code.

But for the everyday person, the thought of being able to make a living by just having a cell phone seems like a complete foreign language - I know it seems that way to me, at least.

But what I also know is that everyone needs to find their purpose in life because purpose means fulfillment.

Fulfillment is something we are all worthy of in life and it doesn't matter what you do for a living if you are fulfilling your purpose.

While you may not always feel worthy to have nice things, you have to understand that this is just a frame of mind.

Feeling unworthy of having the things that we want just pushes us further away from having the things that we want.

We all yearn to be loved by others and be respected, and oftentimes when others have made us feel unloved, we tend to feel like we are not worthy of having it.

But just because one person did not love you like you had hoped, doesn't mean that there isn't someone who will.

This means that you must first love yourself and get to the root of your own insecurities, whatever they may be.

You may not feel worthy of having nice things, whether it be a nice car or a nice house, but that doesn't mean you aren't actually worthy of having it.

This is a matter of finding mental clarity and focusing on the work needed to have those nice things.

The work always begins with yourself first.

Identifying the roots of our insecurities is the work that we all must render to be capable of achieving desired results in life.

Maybe you feel like you suck at dating and that you are not worthy of having a genuine partner in life because you have had many negative dating experiences.

There is an insecurity holding you back and causing you to have this mind set and it often isn't as clear as we think it is.

In other words, many of our insecurities are deeply embedded within us and are more complex than we like to think.

It is more than just thinking "well, this happened to me as a child and this is why I am the way that I am now."

Because while this is an honest perspective and is partially true, it is still not the full picture.

Our insecurities run much deeper than that.

This is why self-work is never ending, because there is always going to be a deeper meaning behind us that we are not consciously aware of.

This is also more than just taking magic mushrooms and thinking you're "woke".

Real introspection takes consistent effort and daily work to get to the roots of these problems so that we can begin to feel worthy of ourselves.

What I am here to tell you is that you are worthy!

Even if you don't always feel like it, you are worthy.

The feeling of unworthiness comes from within and if you can control the battle going on internally, you will have more control over what goes on externally.

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