Women's Biggest Turn-Off's

Women's Biggest Turn-Off's

Today's post is going to be a fun one because we are going to talk about the biggest turn-off's for women and why they are turned off by certain behavior.

First, I will start out by saying that most women all inherently want the same thing from a man - a protector/provider that is loyal, emotionally available, physically/mentally/emotionally strong, and a leader.

This does not go without mentioning that most women want this type of man, but not all women.

Some women want a man that is more passive and will allow her to do more of the things that she wants to do.

Some women have a mile long checklist of qualities she thinks a man ought to have before he could even be considered by her - 6ft tall, smart, funny, rich, handsome, emotionally available, loyal, charismatic, charming etc. the list goes on and on.

While this isn't to be offensive, most women who think a man needs to check off a mile long list of boxes before he is to even be considered by her, don't have anything of genuine substance to offer men.

Most women that think a man needs to have an exceptional amount of qualities that make him desirable by all women, have been tricked into believing they have more to offer than they really do.

Whether this kind of woman has been flown around the world by billionaires, or she is promiscuous and has had her fair share of men and attention from men, these are often the kinds of women that have little-to-no value to offer a man, hence why they are promiscuous in the first place.

I know what some of you might be thinking: "what was the point of going off on that tangent?"

Well, the point is not all women truly want the same thing.

Most women think they want the same thing.

On paper, most women think they want the same thing - a loyal protector/provider who is emotionally available, with a family, a house, and a white picket fence etc.

The reality is, there are a lot of women out there that think they want this ideal dream life, but it's not actually what they want.

Women have turn-off and turn-on buttons and we are going to get into more of what that means right now.

A woman that is objectively feminine is naturally going to be turned off to a man that is passive in nature.

This means that a woman who thinks and behaves like a woman that is genuinely feminine, is turned off at any sign of emotional weakness from a man.

Piggy backing off of yesterday's post about men having stoic command over their emotions, a lack of having stoic command is immediately what turns off a women from being able to see him as being a man.

When a woman is looking for a true protector, she is looking for the kind of man that isn't sad and emotional; she is looking for the kind of man that is able to handle stress and make decisions.

When a man lacks emotional control, he naturally lacks the ability to lead and women that are objectively feminine are looking for a man to lead, make decisions, and solve problems.

Another thing that women that are objectively feminine are turned off by is a man that is also promiscuous.

While there are some women out there who do not care about a man who has slept with a lot of women, women that are objectively feminine are repulsed by a man that has slept with too many women.

Women that are feminine genuinely respect themselves and care about their bodies and are not looking at a man who is running train on women as being desirable.

A woman wants to know that the man she lays her head next to at night is thinking about her and not one of the 150 women he has slept with.

A truly feminine woman wants to feel desired by her man the same way she wants a man that she truly desires.

This is why objectively feminine women do not waste their time trying to sleep with men, or serial date a bunch of men because she understands that she wants to attract the man she truly desires, and that is going to desire her in return.

These are some of the turn-offs for objectively feminine women.

For promiscuous women, their turn-off buttons are slightly different and we are going to get into that now.

Women that are promiscuous oftentimes think in their mind they want a man that is objectively masculine, but often end up settling with a more passive, feminine male counterpart.

This is because women that are promiscuous do suffer from some form of class B mental disorder, whether it be narcissism or psychopathy, they naturally live in a more masculine frame of mind.

Women that are more masculine in nature, tend to attract more feminine men and for good reason, because feminine men will allow a promiscuous woman to be promiscuous.

When a promiscuous women meets a man that she actually likes and that man decides to commit to her, she is immediately turned off by him.

I know this sounds odd, but here is why.

When a woman is addicted to receiving attention from new men or seeking male validation, when a man decides to commit to her, in her mind, that man is no longer a man that is capable of validating her.

She is used to getting attention from new men, and the same man giving her attention eventually becomes repulsive to this kind of woman.

This is why promiscuous women tend to always leave one foot in the door, looking for attention from other men in some way, shape, or form.

This is why this kind of woman could be with a man that she likes, may even claim that she loves, but does not respect because she will still look for attention elsewhere, whether it is replying to another man's DM on social media, texting an ex-boyfriend or old hookup, or desiring other men she sees out in public etc.

This is oftentimes why you will see promiscuous women end up settling later in life, and it is typically with a more passive male counterpart.

The man this kind of women desires is long gone and she has been with enough men that have made big impacts on her that no new man is going to be able to walk into her life and be the man that she truly desires.

Promiscuous women are not typically attracted to passive men either (no woman really is), she will just end up settling for some form of security that man is able to provide her once she reaches a certain age.

As women get older and remain single, their so-called "biological clock" begins to tick and she is now in a state of feeling like she needs a man so that she can have a family and fulfill that need in her life.

When this happens, a woman will look for security and settle with that because it makes sense to her in that moment, regardless if she doesn't actually desire that man.

When a woman doesn't desire a man, she is not turned on by him.

When a woman truly desires a man, it doesn't matter if they are having a big fight, it doesn't matter what time of day, it doesn't matter where they are, she has an immense urge to always want to rip his clothes off.

If the woman does not desire the man she is with, she settled for that man and nothing he really does is seen as a turn-on.

This is why it is important for men to strive to achieve excellence, so that they can be seen as being more desirable.

As a man, we want to feel needed and we want to feel desired by the woman we choose to share our time with.

This is why objectively masculine men are highly selective with the kinds of women they choose to share their time with.

If a man knows he is not desired, he is going to lose attraction to his woman and this is when relationships and marriages begin to fail.

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