Women Are Not Born With Their Value

Women Are Not Born With Their Value

Today, we see a lot of men in the masculine space that talk about the male/female narrative, and being high value men and women etc.

While there are certain viewpoints that I do agree with, I also believe there are many sources out there that do more degrading of women than solving the actual problem.

It is easy for a man to sit there and point out everything that a woman does wrong, the trajectory of femininity as a whole, and making pointless justifications as to why women deserve less for problems that men have caused.

It has been said by many that women are born with their value because under certain circumstances, the right man could come along and show her what some may deem to be "the dream life".

I believe it is true to an extent that women that are born with beauty, tend to have more options when it comes to men. With women being so easily accessible on social media, it easy for a young beautiful woman to have access to some of the top earning men on the planet.

Their lives could change overnight without having to do anything, meanwhile a man has to work hard over an extended period of time to get to a point to where he could become a top earner and have access to whatever woman he chooses.

As I said, this is fundamentally true by today's standards. With that being said, I think there is a large portion of this piece missing.

I simply don't believe women are born with their value just because they are born with beauty and have access to the top 1% of men. I believe women have to work to build their value the same way men do.

The entitlement culture has skewed the mindset of most in thinking that women have more to offer a man than they really do simply for being beautiful. We have said it before in previous blogs that women who have this life handed to them, tend to think they deserve it because one rich horny loser decided to fly her around the world for a month, get some ass, and then went on to do the same thing with God knows how many other women.

This entitlement mindset does not make a high value woman - it does not make a woman automatically have something to offer a man that he can't get from any other woman. At the same time, flying women all around the world because you can and you genuinely believe you deserve it, doesn't make you a high value man.

While it may seem controversial, a woman doesn't even determine her own value - men do. The same way society determines a man's value, men determine the value of women.

It is a man that decides if he wants to commit to a woman, put a ring on her finger, give her his last name, and build a family with her.

If a man decides to fly a woman around the world because she's hot and then finds 10 other women a week later to do the same thing with, that is him determining a woman's value in real time - saying that there is nothing that woman could do for him that he can't get from someone else.

This is an extremely important point to think about when it comes to thinking about what determines someone's actual value. This is why women become entitled and men become weaker.

Because yes, a man has to work hard over an extended period of time to get to a place where he has options, but just because a man has any option he wants and he chooses to explore those options, doesn't make him a high value man.

What determines whether someone is valuable or not is their ability to focus and work hard on things that bring genuine value to others.

Men and women have different roles in society, and in relationships. Becoming a person of high value is just that - your values and your ability to work towards things that bring value to others.

Men have to work extremely hard to become strong, confident, and capable men so that they can be the protector and provider for their wives and families.

Women on the other hand, need to work extremely hard at becoming the best possible version of themselves as a mother and caregiver if she is ever going to be able to provide any real value to a man.

This is why I said, just because a woman is pretty, does not make her valuable - she still needs to work and focus on the things that bring genuine value to a man, the same way a man needs to work hard to bring genuine value to a woman.

This is why focus is extremely important whether you are a man or a woman.

I believe that as a man, there is no greater honor than being a great husband to his wife and a great father to his children - this is a respectable man.

When I think of a high value man and a man that I respect, I think of a man that works hard to become better for the benefit of everyone else.

I respect a man that commits to one woman and one woman only. A man that does everything in his power to protect her, provide for her, and build a family with her so that his legacy may live on.

I personally do not find the modern day "playboys" to be respectable men. To me, it doesn't matter how much money a man has, if he is not trying to commit to only one woman and build a life with her, he is no real man.

A man that justifies why it is okay for him to cheat or why his woman should be able to share him because of his money, is no real man - he is a coward.

For women, it is important to note that just because you think in your own mind that you are a woman of value, only a man is going to be able to look at you and determine if you are a woman of actual value.

Again, this is why focus is extremely important, and directed focus towards the right things is extremely important.

Lessons learned are extremely important.

Self-respect and self-accountability are extremely important.

Having morals and self-respect goes a long way for a woman. Men respect women that respect themselves - this builds a woman's value tremendously.

The ability for a woman to say "no", instead of getting ran through by a bunch of men, makes her a respectable woman and a woman of value.

Focusing and working on being a woman of value will naturally attract the right man for the job. You are not born with the ability to be a woman of high value - it takes work.

Women cannot let society fool them and they damn sure cannot let men fool them because men and shiny new things can be deceiving.

Focusing and working towards the things you genuinely value in life, make you a high value man or woman because our values are what make us who we are.

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