Why You Should Search For Truth

Why You Should Search For Truth

The other day, I sat down and watched a three and a half hour long podcast with Jordan Peterson and Chris Williamson.

If you do not not who either of these people are, I strongly suggest you look them up and watch some of their content - they are two intellectuals, Jordan Peterson being a clinical psychologist and college professor, and Chris Williamson as a self-educated mastermind and high level podcast host.

This particular podcast was exceptionally interesting because these two men covered a lot of the problems that people face in the world today and go in-depth about the psychology as to why people feel the way that they do and do the things that they do.

They covered everything from modern day relationships, to the importance of telling the truth, to biblical references that describe very well how people think and behave.

One thing that stuck out to me in this particular podcast was Peterson's take on people who lie and fail to live in their truth.

He described the effects of people lying to others to make up a story about who they are and their own lies shielding them from the truth, while damaging their own intuition.

Peterson described lying as "programming yourself falsely and then automatically seeing what isn't there."

I found this quote to be interesting because I am in 100% agreement with Peterson on this take because it is something that I have also taken notice of with certain people in my lifetime.

When people fail to live in truth, lying becomes second nature and before they know it, their whole life ends up being a lie.

The lies that you tell other people become your reality because speaking something causes the brain to look for the realism in what you are saying.

In other words, the brain doesn't know the difference between what is real and what isn't, it only knows what you feed it.

This is why political extremists are so heavily one-sided in their beliefs and often refuse any other point of view that does not align with their own.

When lying becomes your truth, it becomes who you are.

I have met many pathological liars in my life and lying just becomes second nature to these kinds of people - they simply have no truth as to who they really are and they naturally lie to themselves and others to fit this mold as to who they think they are and what they want others to think that they are.

This is why I do not believe in shouting affirmations to yourself to make yourself believe that you are better than you really are.

Affirmations need to be followed up by massive action because if you shout affirmations and take no action, then you are lying to yourself.

Not only will lying to yourself skew your own personal reality and program your brain to look for things that aren't really there, you will lie to others by default.

This is why the best thing that anyone can do is search for and live by truth.

When you search for truth instead of lying to yourself, you begin to see the world from an entirely different perspective.

When you begin to start searching for the answers as to why you haven't found the love of your life and stop lying to yourself, you will begin to finally understand why you haven't found what you are looking for.

The difference between people that live in truth and people that don't, is that people that live in truth can easily distinguish the liars.

As somebody who has personally had thousands of interactions with people from all over the world, I can speak from my own personal experience that I have an incredibly keen intuition as to when I am in the presence of someone who has no truth.

This does not go without mentioning that I have also lied to people before, as an entertainer and in my own personal life.

The difference is, I never made lying a practice - it isn't something that I would do unless I felt like I had to.

For example, if I saw a random person on the street when I was street hustling in Las Vegas, I would ask where they were from and proceed to tell them that I am from the same place, followed by some witty remark.

This is not something that I am proud of and is also why I felt like I needed to get out of entertainment.

By living a life that wasn't suited for me, I was lying to myself to try and convince myself that it is what I wanted at the time and I lied to others as a result.

This is also why I decided to leave Las Vegas and get out of entertainment - I was tired of living a life that wasn't true to who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming.

What I do for a living now is my truth.

Me putting words on this screen everyday is my truth.

If you meet me in person, I will give you nothing but my truth because my truth is all I have to give.

It is truly fulfilling when you live in your truth and don't have to lie about who you are to someone else to make yourself look better than you really are.

This doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to make mistakes because trust me, we all make them.

But living in your truth will allow you to get right back onto the path of fulfillment.

People who lie are naive of the truth and often end up creating their own roadblocks along their path.

People who lie take no accountability for their actions and will sit and wonder why they do not have the things that they want in life.

Gentlemen, if you think you are going to get a girlfriend when you do nothing but sit at home and play video games and eat bags of potato chips, you are lying to yourself.

Ladies, if you think you are going to get the man of your dreams by telling yourself you have everything in the world to offer and you're giving your time and attention away to handfuls of men, then you are lying you yourselves.

Living in your truth takes practice but you have to want to search for it first.

You have to want to understand the deeper meaning behind things if you truly want to see the world and operate within it with more clarity.

If you lie to yourself, all you are going to do is attract more people who lie and before you know it, you have no clear depiction of reality.

What is true, is true.

Do not sit here and try and convince yourself that your life isn't the way you want it to be for any other reason other then you.

As a man, do not sit there and surround yourself with shitty men that do nothing but lie - whether they lie to their business partner, or their woman at home.

As a woman, do not sit there and surround yourself with insecure women that do nothing but lie to themselves and lie to others.

Remember, if they lie to others, they will most definitely lie to you.

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