Why Women Love Cowboys

Why Women Love Cowboys

One thing that is inherently true when it comes to women is that women have respect for manly men.

While we live in a society of entitlement where money and materialism is valued more than genuine values, women will still fall for the masculine man that embodies a true protector and provider.

What I mean by this is, women inherently have it programmed into their DNA to seek out a natural protector to make her feel safe. While in today's society money is seen as the primary source of protection, it still doesn't do justice to a man that is physically capable of protecting her.

This is partially why I preach for men to get into good physical shape because not only does it build your own confidence, but it naturally will make you more attractive to women.

Women are naturally drawn to a man that has broad shoulders and a small waist, the same way men are naturally drawn to women with an hour-glass figure - it is a biological response that has lived through tens of thousands of years of evolution.

Being as that I have had experience in the male entertainment scene, I have seen first-hand that women will still choose a man that embodies a real man.

There is a reason why women fantasize about masculine men like police officers, military guys, construction workers, and of course cowboys...

Truly masculine men have been protecting women since the beginning of time - building shelter, warding off predators, fighting wars, etc. to keep women and their children safe.

It is biologically programmed in a woman to seek out and be attracted to these kinds of men. This is partially why you will hear many women preach about how much they love being with a modern day blue collar man because while he might not be flying her around the world on private jets, he works hard, he is consistent, and he shows up for his family every single day.

So while society may be trying to convince women that the professional athlete, or the billionaire entrepreneur are what they need to be protected and provided for, most of these types of men still don't embody real men.

Women don't dream about being swept off of their feet by an accountant or an entrepreneur - they dream about a man riding in on a white horse to ride off into the sunset with.

The truth is, most men with money end up buying their lifestyle, buying their women, and buying their way out of trouble.

While I may not be a billionaire entrepreneur, I have met many women with highly successful husbands who are lonely. Why? Because all their husband does is work and make money while he pays little-to-no attention to her.

Sure, she can have whatever she wants when she wants it - she can go wherever she wants when she wants to - she can have the "dream life". But the reality of it is, if her man can't be a real man and show up for her and make her feel wanted everyday, she will end up lonely and depressed.

Eventually, the money, the clothes, the trips, all of it just becomes a regular part of life when it is all you have. Most end up numb and desensitized to the money and materialism because they have been programmed to only value the short-term gratification.

What men need to realize is that women are attention seekers. If she is not getting the attention she needs from you because all you do is work and fuck around with other women because you genuinely feel like you deserve it, she will eventually seek out a man that will give her the attention she is looking for. Most of the time, it is a real man she wants that attention from.

The problem with the way society is today is that most women have been programmed to think they deserve more than they are worth. This is because of rich men and poor men.

The rich man convinces her she can have the dream life by buying her things, taking her places, and doing things for her the common man has no chance of being able to provide, but then throws her to the side when he is done with her and wants to buy the next young and beautiful woman.

The poor man at home gawking all over the girls Instagram photos, paying for her OnlyFans, and fantasizing about what he sees on a phone screen, ends up creating the same end result as the rich man that buys her - she becomes entitled and thinks she is worth more than she has to offer.

This is why I preach about being able to value simple things with genuine substance in life if you are ever going to be able to value things with monetary value.

This is why women value and respect masculine men.

Truly masculine, high-value men do what they have to do regardless of how they feel for the benefit of everyone else - not just for himself. These selfless values are what make a good man, a man of value.

If you think I am lying or that I am full of shit, go fix something broken around your house. A woman will get more turned on by her man being an actual man than buying her a Birkin bag ever will.

The truth is, she can go replace that Birkin bag if she has the money and the means of doing so, but she can't replace a truly masculine man.

The masculine man will protect her and provide for her because that is his commitment to her and to himself.

The masculine man will be consistent in making her feel wanted everyday.

The masculine man will work on building that trust with her, instead of trying to buy it from her.

At the end of the day, women love cowboys because cowboys know what it's like to have to work hard - they know what it is like to have to build and earn respect - they know the value of consistency - and they know what true patience is.

When it comes to working with animals, a man must have a certain sense of calm about him. The difference between being calm and not being calm is the difference between life or death every single day.

Women will always respect and value the man that is calm, patient, and works hard to be the man that she needs him to be.

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1 comment

100 to everything. I’d like to add- the same effect happens when a man is in a uniform 🤤


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