Why The World Needs Good Men

Why The World Needs Good Men

The current existence of our society in the Western world is in a place of disarray.

With internal conflicts rising, wealth gaps increasing, and a culture that is fueled by ego and consumerism, the current state of society is at a weak point.

Western society has been pushing a narrative that has increasingly made men look and feel weak, while trying to make women feel like they are the ones in charge.

While it may be controversial, I think it is fair to agree that Hollywood and mainstream media has done a good job in portraying a false reality of how the world really works.

Hollywood has been portraying male weakness for years through movies and sitcoms.

Very rarely is a man ever portrayed on screen as a dominant male figure, that lives in his true masculine energy.

Most men are portrayed as being weak, goofy, and soft, while women are the one's that are portrayed as being in charge and being the more masculine one of the household.

If you think that I am lying, go back and watch any sitcom over the last twenty years and we can pick up this conversation.

The point is, there is a system in place that has been programming our minds and pushing this narrative for quite some time now.

With social media being so influential in today's culture, it is no surprise that the system is able to continue to push this narrative and progressively make men weaker, while putting women up on a pedestal.

I believe that a big reason as to why everything seems like such a mess is because this worldview of men being weak and women being more entitled and independent is something that has been happening as of most recent.

Throughout all of human history, men have been men and women have been women.

The only reason we have made it this far as a species are by men being men, and women being women.

Men are the backbone to the slave force.

Men are the ones that get sent away to fight wars and build houses for people to live in.

It is men that are the revolutionaries.

By weakening men, the system is able to prevail in its antics and pushing false narratives and worldviews to maintain control of its people.

If all men woke up tomorrow and decided to start acting like men again, there would be a revolution because men working together for something larger than themselves is a force that cannot be stopped - governments and world leaders know this.

If men decided to be men again, there would be no OnlyFans, women wouldn't be so entitled, and they would actually be treated with respect.

To me, it isn't fair that women have to pay for the cost of a man's mistakes.

Yes, women must still take accountability for their actions, but it doesn't go without mentioning that women were not biologically designed to withstand stress the same way that men are.

As stated above, men are designed to fight wars, build houses, pave roads, fight fires, etc. because we are biologically designed to handle the stress that comes along with it.

Women on the other hand, have other stresses they are biologically designed for like keeping children alive.

A woman that goes through a bunch of trauma in her life, especially if it caused by men, never truly gets to live in her true feminine.

It is unfortunate if a woman cannot live in her true feminine because I know inherently, it is what all women want.

But, women today are faced with different challenges and are surrounded by nothing but weak men that continue to fuel the ongoing challenges that we continue to face.

It is harder for a woman that has been through trauma to be able to find a good man and submit to him. This is mostly because when a woman has been through trauma with men, she craves the toxicity of those kinds of men just because it keeps things interesting for her - it is all familiar to her.

When a woman has only had toxic men, she thinks she wants a "nice guy", until she eventually grows bored because of the lack of excitement.

This is where the phrase, "nice guys finish last" initially comes from.

While I have experienced this first-hand many times in my life, it doesn't go without mentioning that I personally do not believe that nice guys will finish last.

I believe that men who act like men and are gentlemen that treat women with kindness and respect will always end up finishing first, not last.

Men who plan for the future will prevail over the bad boys who just want what they want when they want it - it just takes time, experience, and drive to get a man there.

Many times, nice guys will find themselves in situations with women that are not good for them.

Men need to experience the shitty relationships, learn from those experiences, and understand what boundaries are and how to navigate future relationships.

This doesn't mean you become a prick when dealing with women - a man should ALWAYS treat a woman with respect, regardless if she doesn't treat you with respect.

Learning from bad experiences will teach a man what it takes to walk away from women that aren't worth his time.

A good man that is committed to his mission will understand when a woman is and isn't worth his time.

A man that is committed, and not just committed to things that are convenient for him but committed to all things that he does, is a strong man who will often find more of his strength as he continues to age.

Life is long which is why I believe that men that are driven and plan for the future, will eventually win in the end.

The world needs good men for a reason because good men are productive to society.

Good men know that their woman is a priority and they will do anything to protect her, provide for her, and build a family with her.

Good men do not pay for OnlyFans or entertain female promiscuity, they solve problems so that they can remain leaders of their household and be a positive and reliable force for their wives and families.

Life is a long journey and how a man chooses to live out their journey will determine if he is capable of providing genuine value to others or not.

I believe a man should always strive for excellence and be a difference maker for his family and for society.

I believe that good men can be the change and lead the way to show women that there are still good men out there that are reliable.

It starts with a mission, a drive to get him there, and an undeniable work ethic to be the man that makes things happen.

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