Why The World Needs Blue Collar Men

Why The World Needs Blue Collar Men

Today's topic of conversation is about something that I think needs to be made clear to the masses, and that is showing appreciation to the hard working blue collar man.

We live in a world that is solely driven by attention, and who receives the most eyeballs on social media.

Between women posting themselves half naked online, or men driving around in fancy sports cars, it is easy for everyone to be distracted and forget about the simple things in life.

It is easy for people to forget about the men that helped build our societies into what they are today when people are solely focused on watching other men flying around in private jets picking up beautiful women.

Oftentimes, I feel as if the common blue collar man is overworked and underappreciated.

These are the kinds of men that show up and work 50-80 hour work weeks, putting their bodies on the line to build things such as houses, bridges, and paving roads for people to drive on.

The reality of it is, men built the world around us and are often forgot about because people would rather sit there and drool over someone else's unrealistic lifestyle.

The reason why I say "unrealistic" is because hardly anything on social media is authentic in the modern era - most things are sales pitches and marketing for their own personal gain.

To me, it makes no sense how we can have one day per year to celebrate veteran's that have served our country and to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives just so people can obsess over someone else's lifestyle.

To me, it makes no sense how men that work endlessly in building our societies receive absolutely no recognition at all!

What people often forget about blue collar men is that they are often some of the most humbled individuals you will ever meet.

These are the kinds of men that respect traditional values with having a wife, building a family with her, and doing everything that he can to protect them.

Blue collar men are the kinds of men that value their family time and their time with their loved one's.

Of course, there are arguments to be made from all sides because just like anyone, there are bad eggs, but all-in-all, it is the hard working family man that most people, especially women, want to be around in their lives.

I am of course biased because many of my friends are blue collar workers, including myself, but the reality of it is, we all think alike in terms of having traditional values as men.

We value things such as hard work, regardless if we are putting our bodies on the line.

We value things such as having a woman and ONLY one woman to love and build a family with.

We value things such as being a true protector and provider for the one's we love and care about the most.

In my experience, these are the kinds of men that many women dream about having - a strong, loyal, family-oriented man that values hard work, providing for her and their family, and protecting them at all costs.

I have been in the "playboy" scene before and it is a night and day difference in terms of values and morality.

There will always be biases and I am fully aware of that, but from my experience, it is rare to find a man that would rather seek attention from women and exploit them for short-term pleasure, actually value having one woman to love and build with.

There are many people out there that will say that a man needs to build himself into the strongest possible version of himself so that he is capable of finding a woman and being able to provide for her.

There are also men out there that will say that finding a woman that is with you at the bottom and stays with you through your way to the top is the kind of woman worth having and sacrificing for.

I find myself in the middle of these two statements because I believe it is a mixture of both.

I believe a man needs to be focused on building himself so that he is driven to become capable regardless if he has a woman or not and he will naturally attract the right woman, even if he hasn't made it to the top yet.

There is 1000% something to be said for a woman that accepts a man at his lowest and believes in him and his ability to be great.

These are the kinds of women that men truly want, especially blue collar men.

Women that exploit men for things such as status or money, oftentimes have nothing of genuine substance to offer a man.

This is oftentimes why you won't find many blue collar men with highly desirable women.

To be quite honest, blue collar men value highly desirable women to the extent that most men do in finding them attractive, but they are not often choosing these kinds of women to build families with.

Some may say it is for a lack of options, but I like to believe it has to do with values and attracting the kind of woman that truly suits him and his spirit.

I know there are plenty of blue collar men that end up with women that do not respect them.

There are some men that work night and day to come home to a woman that does not respect them, picks fights with them, embarrasses them in front of their friends, etc.

On the flip side, there are many men that work night and day and pay absolutely no attention to their woman, or tend to her needs.

Like I said, there are always arguments to be made but at the end of the day, I believe the men that have worked to build our society and continue to work to build our societies deserve the respect that they are often not given.

These kinds of men deserve the recognition for putting their lives on the line to build things that are useful for others.

Their work should never go unappreciated and I believe these kinds of men deserve respect.

These are the men that are purpose driven.

Their purpose may not be to make millions of dollars and drive around in fancy sports cars, but you best believe they are driven to protect and provide for their families and the one's they love.

It is a matter of thinking about what matters and what doesn't matter.

Is the man selling bullshit fitness plans online for $1 million a year more valuable than the man that built the house you live in?

Is the man exploiting women for short-term pleasure more valuable than the man that chooses to be with one woman to love and protect?

This is all just a matter of perspective at the end of the day.

There are plenty of blue collar men out there that lack self-respect and lack self-confidence, and the goal here at Playboy Ranchin' is to speak to these kinds of men to let them know that there are ways to build the confidence, gain self-respect, and have the things they truly want in life.

I am a man just like you - that would rather work with my hands and be useful than to sit behind a desk and make phone calls everyday and that is why I created this platform.

I would rather be able to come home to the same woman everyday then be out wasting my time chasing women and short-term pleasure.

Even if no-one else may seem to have your back, I do.

I will hold you accountable because I want you to be strong and I want you to be confident.

I also want you all to have the respect that you deserve because your hard work and contributions to society will never go unnoticed around here.

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