Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Oftentimes you will hear women today ask "where are all of the good men at?"

The truth is, they are everywhere and often go unnoticed - the guy at your local grocery store, or the owner of a local auto body shop etc.

The world we live in today has essentially been programmed to seek out immediate gratification.

Most women today look at two factors when it comes to getting a man's attention: his looks, or his level of social status.

While this may sound shallow at a first glance, the desire to seek out the best possible option in terms of protection and survival is something that is deeply rooted in a females DNA.

This is something that is biologically hardwired in a females mating strategy.

So while there are those who believe that looks do not matter, they matter a lot more than one would actually think because the physical attraction a woman has for a man is what creates the initial desire to get his attention.

The same way men are programmed to seek out the best possible option in terms of passing along their genes to their offspring, a similar principle applies to women in terms of seeking out protection for survival.

The "good guys" often go unnoticed for this reason.

Maybe the guy at your local grocery market isn't the most physically attractive, or maybe your local auto body shop owner isn't walking into work everyday wearing a three piece Armani suit, but this doesn't mean they are genuine men that are capable of providing the support a woman is looking for.

The way that I see it, most men and women today do not actually know what they want in terms of seeking a partner.

Most people think they want one thing, but truly desire someone completely different.

It is natural for a man to think he wants a loyal and supportive wife that respects him and still googly eye over the supermodel on social media.

The same way it is natural for a woman to think that she wants a man that is always available and emotionally secure, but still seek out the bad boy that is handsome and rich.

Part of this is in part due to our own patterns of behavior.

It is natural to say that we want one thing but only pursue things that are familiar to us.

So when a woman says that she wants a nice guy that is supportive and always available, it doesn't necessarily mean that is what she is attracted to.

As humans, we always want what we can't have, and this principle holds true even when seeking out a potential life partner.

So what does this mean for the nice guys?

What does this mean for the men that are always emotionally available?

For starters, it is important for men to understand that women biologically programmed to seek out the best potential option for survival and safety.

It is common for most nice guys to be more invested in their woman than they are in pursuing their own life's purpose.

While it may sound good in theory that you are always available and deeply invested into a woman, women tend to not find those qualities attractive in men.

Women are attracted to a man's level of ambition and his drive to pursue because a man's drive indicates that he is capable of making decisions and figuring out a better way of life for himself and those that rely on him.

It is a game of respect at the end of the day.

If you are the type of man that is always available and more invested into your woman than you are in pursuing a greater purpose, a woman will naturally try and exploit your weaknesses.

Women inherently know they can get away with things when it comes to the nice guys and their level of respect for him begins to dwindle over time, and rightfully so.

If a man lacks the ability to lead because of his lack of focus on greater purpose, then he is naturally less respected by women in general.

A woman doesn't want and/or need a man that is obsessed with her, regardless of how good that may sound in theory.

Women are ultimately looking for a good man that is capable of leading her to a life of safety and fulfillment.

This doesn't mean that a man shouldn't care about his woman at all, it simply means that a man must have meaning to his life and choosing the woman that best fits his pursuit of greater purpose.

If a man is driven towards something greater and capable of leading, not only will a woman respect him more, but she will be more willing to do the things that women do best - love and support.

If a man is driven to seeking a life of fulfillment, then it is his duty to make sure that he provides the woman he chooses to be a part of it with the best life possible.

Nice guys do have some favorable qualities, for example, a man's level of emotional intelligence is something that women particularly favor.

You could be the most rich and handsome guy in the world, if you are not emotionally available at all to deal with your woman's needs, she will eventually lose respect for you.

All-in-all, it is a matter of balancing being a good man with respectable nice guy qualities.

A good man will always out-compete the nice guy in the world of dating.

Finding the balance of being polite and emotionally intelligent with the drive of being able to lead and fulfill a greater purpose is the work needed to find the right woman that is loyal and supportive of your mission.

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