Why Men Need to Protect Women

Why Men Need to Protect Women

Tracing back through millions of years through human evolution, men have always been the the war fighters, the hunter/gatherers, and the protectors of their tribes.

The reasoning for this is simple - men are replaceable in ways that women are not.

For example, if you have a tribe of men go off to war and only one of them comes back alive, there is still a chance for that man to procreate and sustain life.

One could also look at it in the context of one tribe coming and killing all of the men in another tribe, sparing the women, and the women becoming part of the new tribe.

Men always have been and always will be replaceable.

Women on the other hand, are not replaceable because of their ability to create and sustain life.

This is why when we talk about the traditional masculine and feminine role, we are alluding to the fact that there are biological traits embedded in our DNA to work together for a greater purpose - to create and sustain life.

Life is a beautiful thing and I believe we often take life for granted because in all reality, the probability for life to even be possible is incredibly low.

The probability of you just being live and being a conscious being here on earth is a phenomenon in and of itself.

There is a tremendous amount of cosmic events that needed to take place for life on earth to even be possible, most of which are not even fully understood.

Given the fact that life is a precious commodity, we inherently know that protecting it is a part of the human experience, especially as men.

If we are to look at it in the most objective lens possible, we can see it as women being responsible for creating and sustaining life, and men being responsible for protecting it.

Obviously both men and women are needed to create life, and there are responsibilities in which we are both to uphold to ensure the life we create is capable of eventually doing the same thing at a certain point in their lives.

Female life always has been and always will be more important than that of the male counterpart.

For instance, if a group of men are killed in a tragic event, most people wouldn't even know that it happened.

However, if a group of women were killed in the same tragic event, there is a deep sense of remorse that we all inherently feel.

I am aware that this may come off as a rather biased opinion, because in all reality, all life is important.

With that being said, there is a deep sense of empathy that we all have for female life.

As men, we inherently know that it is our job to protect female life at all costs because without women, there is no chance of procreation.

Men are disposable in ways that women are not, and this is something that we all need to come to grips with.

There is a reason why it is predominately men that fight wars and choose careers in life that put them in eminent danger - we do these things so that women don't have to.

I want to make it clear once again that I am not saying that women are not capable of doing these things, but there is a reason why we mostly see men in dangerous and stressful situations.

When we look at modern day ideologies such as feminism that push for men and women to be equal or "the same", it is clear when you look at our nature objectively that this is not the case.

Men and women will never be the same by any stretch simply because of the fact that men are disposable in ways that women are not.

We are absolutely equal in terms of our rights as humans because one is not greater than the other.

Men and women co-evolved together and we are equally to blame for the successes and failures of societies.

God created Eve from Adam because He said that no man should ever be alone - He created woman as an extension of man so that we could work together and continue to create life.

In modern Western culture, it is safe to say that the traditional masculine and feminine roles have fallen by the wayside.

The argument of equality has become more important than our responsibilities to work with one another.

People looking for others to blame as to why we are not the same has become more important than being able to provide genuine value to one another.

Pointing the finger at men or pointing the finger at women as if one or the other is the problem when it couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth is that we are all to blame for the successes and failures of society because as mentioned above, we co-evolved together.

If you are a man and feel like you have been cheated by women repeatedly because of X, Y, and Z, women are not the problem - you are!

If you are a woman and feel like you have been cheated by men repeatedly because of X, Y, and Z, men are not the problem - you are!

There are problems on both sides of this equation that contribute to the fact that we no longer strive to live harmoniously.

Instead, we are pinned against one another in constant competition with eachother, which honestly just separates us further.

We no longer live for the truth or even seek for the truth, we just conform to the natural biases of society and look for reasons to blame as to why we do not have the things we want in life.

Men and women are always going to need and rely on eachother for the benefit of future generations.

As men, if we expect women to follow our lead, then it is in fact our duty to strive to become leaders.

This means that we are willing to put ourselves in harms way and be able to face adversity to better serve those that rely on us.

No-one ever said it was going to be easy and if it is easy, you are not making it hard enough on yourself.

If you want to be a true protector of a woman, then you must be willing to put yourself in situations that are objectively difficult.

Men are biologically designed to handle stress in ways that modern western culture isn't even aware of.

The ability to handle this stress and face adversity will better increase your capabilities to protect the ones you love and rely on you.

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