Why Men Need Space

Why Men Need Space

The title of this blog may sound deceiving but I promise you, it's not.

I realize that women do read my blog posts and a part of what I normally write about is to help men understand women better, but also help women understand men better.

This is one of those posts that are to help women understand men better.

When it comes to being a man, 95% of our lives is relatively stressful, especially if you are a man that is committed to things.

The reason why life is stressful as a man is because a majority of what our lives revolve around is work. With that being said, men are hardwired to withstand the continuous stress of working long days, everyday.

There are some men out there that work 60-80 hour weeks working a blue collar job and putting their minds and bodies under continuous stress over long periods of time.

There was a time when I was pulling 60 hour weeks working on the ranch between ranching and training horses.

The thing with hard labor work is there is never not something that needs to be done.

You will very rarely, if ever find a man working a hard labor job sitting around making phone calls.

The thing I find interesting about men with labor jobs is that they perform some of the hardest and most beneficial work to society and still get paid less than the loser sitting in an office doing fuck all with his thumb up his ass.

Men who truly work hard have to be committed - whether it is hard labor, sales, running a business, etc.

There are long hours that must be spent in order for a man that is committed to become efficient and good at what he does.

How men deal with the stress is half of the battle.

There are days when a man can just shrug it off and there are others when a man simply just needs time to think and sort out his thoughts.

Modern day society tells men that it is okay for men to be in their feelings and express their feelings - even modern day women say that it is "okay" for a man to cry and express his feelings when in all reality, it is an immediate turnoff for a woman if her man that is supposed to be protecting her breaks down and cries because he had a "rough" day.

Men were built to withstand the stress that life has to offer and how a man deals with that level of stress is going to determine how strong and capable he is as a man.

Men were not designed to sit at home and cry about their feelings, we are designed to be warriors and to go out and be productive in society.

Think about what it would have been like being a man caught up in his feelings while being hunted by a tiger back in the early years of humans... there is a 100% chance of that man being eaten.

While we might not live in the same period of time, there are inherent biological traits that live within our DNA.

What most people need to remember is that while the world is changing, it has changed drastically in an incredibly short period of time. It took hundreds of thousands of years of men being men to get where we are today, for 20 years of the internet to turn men into acting more like women.

When you look at things on a grand scale, you realize just how long it took us to get where we are today.

Now, it seems like the world is changing everyday and people all get caught up in consumer culture - people becoming what they consume, instead of becoming who they are supposed to become.

Men weren't meant to be weak and lack confidence - we are biologically programmed to be warriors and be strong, productive members of society.

As men, we still have good days and bad days, but how we handle the bad days will determine how valuable we really are to the people around us.

Sometimes as a man, our bad days suck and we just need time alone to sort things out mentally - it is nothing personal, it is just how it is.

While the logical thing for a woman would be to think that her purpose of being with him is to make it through their hard times together and you would be absolutely right about that. What I am saying is that there will be days when a man feels the need to sort things out on his own.

There are things we do as men that preserve our masculinity and taking some alone time to sit down and think is one of them.

I know for me personally, I need my alone time and this is one thing that the woman I end up with must understand.

I am a deep thinker and part of the reason is because I have spent so much time alone in my life and have only sat and thought about things.

I find peace in having alone time to sort out my thoughts and figure out what else I need to do to keep myself moving forward.

This doesn't mean that a man is shutting you out, it means he has things that need to be resolved and he doesn't feel the need to drag you into the middle of.

I believe that a man should deal with the stress of life so that a woman doesn't have to, especially if she is a mother.

Sure, there will be different things that women have to deal with that will create stress for them, but as a whole, I believe it is a mans responsibility to be working the long hours to protect and provide for his wife and family.

We do live in a world where finances is a major part of survival and the truth is, most men do not make enough money to support a family by themselves - including myself because ranching and working with animals is no walk in the park mentally, physically, or financially. There are plenty of mountains left to climb to get where I am going to be, but I am confident that I will get there.

Whether inflation and the cost of living going up is done deliberately or not, is an entirely different conversation.

But I do believe as man there has to be some sort of goal and plan as to how to solve this problem.

I have personally felt the struggle of working long weeks, pulling labor and trying to run a business simultaneously for shit pay. You have no time for anything and can't even enjoy the fruits of your labor because all you do is work to try and support.

This is why I feel it is so important for a man to have a purpose and be able to think clearly about how he wants to progress in life.

You will have to go through shit and maybe even take a couple of steps back to continue to move forward, but a mans purpose is what will drive him to keep moving forward regardless of the shit he is in.

The power of thought is extremely magnetic if one is clear about their thoughts and intentions - I have experienced this in many areas of my life before and this is why I am confident in what I am capable of achieving.

While everything may not come overnight, it is important to have a clear picture of what one wishes to achieve and start working towards it. Maybe it takes longer than you expected or it doesn't, only God knows the answer.

None of us were meant to be slaves to the system, we are all a byproduct of the same same energy force - God.

Men need to have alone time to be able to think about things and what they can do to make the next leap forward because the last thing anyone truly wants to do is be stuck in the same merry-go-round while life just continues to fly by.

I have said it before and I will say it again: a good woman will be the ultimate source of strength for her man.

The more a woman can understand how her man thinks, the better off she will be in being able to get the most out of him. It is a matter of working together, not against each other.

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