Why Men Love Classy Women

Why Men Love Classy Women

There is something to be said about a woman that knows how to pull herself together and carry herself with a strong form of professionalism.

When a woman does the work on herself mentally, physically, and emotionally, it shows in how she chooses to carry herself.

If a woman has a great body and isn't showing it off all over social media or in public, this is the kind of thing that drives men crazy!

If a woman is put together and not marketing herself to the world, men are naturally going to want to know what she is hiding.

As I have stated in previous blogs, it is a woman's exclusivity and her ability to not be accessible to other men that makes her attractive.

Sure, there are plenty of beautiful women out there that are models and look great in bikini's, but the reality of it is that men don't want what other men can have, especially when it is easily accessible.

Now, I am not saying that women marketing themselves are "easy", but you have to be able to look at it from a man's perspective - if it takes nothing but a comment or a DM on your Instagram to get your attention, your attention is readily available to anyone.

Men have always liked the woman that isn't commenting or replying to men online, that isn't out shaking their ass at the club on the weekends, and isn't out on dating apps trying to find a husband.

Men like the women that take care of themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally because she will reflect that in her behavior.

Women with confidence are not out purposely getting attention from men.

If anything, women that are confident are mostly trying to avoid men.

If a beautiful woman is out in public and she has a great figure and she isn't over-revealing herself, she is going to have more men wanting to get to know her and get her attention.

If it is not easy to get this kind of woman's attention, then men will naturally work to get her attention.

Whereas, if you have a beautiful woman with a great figure wearing something revealing out in public, she might turn more heads, but she is going to attract only men that want her for one thing.

This is why I am always talking about attracting what you put out.

If you do nothing but post bikini pictures or market yourself out in public, you are only going to attract men that want you for what you are offering.

You might be a great person, but the reality of it is you are attracting men that only want you for the energy you are putting out.

This is why when women are promiscuous and addicted to attention, they often only attract shitty toxic men that don't really care to get to know the real them.

With that being said, if a woman craves that kind of attention, she is only going to know what being with toxic men is like and she will be turned off by good men.

Every once in awhile, a woman that is addicted to attention will attract a good man who will make an impact on her, but she lacks genuine desire for him.

When a woman lacks genuine desire for her man, she is either going to settle with him and still look for that attention from other men, or their time together will not last very long.

As a man who has dated women like this, I can personally tell you that if a woman is truly addicted to seeking male validation, whether it is through modeling on Instagram, having male friends, still talking to exes and past partners etc. there is absolutely nothing that a man can do to change this because it is so deep rooted in who she is.

She has to be the one to change this and work on herself if she is ever going to be accepting of something genuine from a man.

This is also why men love classy women.

When a woman is reserved, she is authentic by extension and authenticity is the one value that men genuinely crave.

A woman's physical beauty is one thing, but her ability to be truly authentic and her truest self is another.

Authenticity is what sets the stage for building a connection.

If a woman is constantly putting on a front because she is so used to having to try and impress men, she is never going to have the ability of being authentic.

In fact, I have found that when a woman has solely had to put on a front to impress other men and seek validation from men, her ability to be her truest self is completely foreign to her.

When a woman is not used to being emotionally vulnerable, she will naturally pull away at her first sign of weakness.

When a woman is authentic, she naturally accepts that she will be emotionally vulnerable at times and will be able to communicate that with her partner.

You see, I have found that most women want a man that is emotionally available, but if a woman has done nothing but try and close herself off emotionally from men, her ability to naturally open up will cause her to pull away or still go get attention from other men because that is what she is used to.

This is why it is so important for women in today's culture to be able to recognize that putting the work in on themselves is the only way she is going to be able to be accepting of something genuine from a man that she actually wants.

Every woman wants the loyal man who is a protector and provider, but if you have not done the work necessary to be accepting of that, that man will always remain foreign to you.

When a woman is reserved and exclusive from men, she understands this.

A classy woman understands that her body and her emotional intelligence is worth protecting and that only a man that is truly capable of protecting her is going to be able to have her.

This is what men find attractive, ladies.

Your ability to be highly exclusive from men is what drives men wild and is what makes men want to actually get to know you.

If you are marketing yourself and your body online, or in public, you are only going to attract the kinds of men that want you for that - it is this simple.

If you are easily accessible to other men, you are naturally driving away good men from ever wanting to get to know you and be with you.

If you are not easily accessible by men, you will become highly selective with what man is worthy of your time and attention.

What makes women highly attractive is how she selects men worthy of her time.

If a woman is classy and reserved, men are naturally going to have to work to get her attention and being as that I am a man, this is something worth working for.

Whereas, if a woman is marketing herself online or in public, she is only putting herself out there to get attention and her attention becomes less valuable.

This is the basic principle of inflation that we discussed in previous blogs, the more attention she seeks, the less valuable her time and attention becomes - whereas, the less attention she seeks, the more valuable her time and attention becomes.

I think it is incredibly important for women today to be able to understand this.

What society has deemed "acceptable" is nothing short of degenerate behavior.

Putting yourself out there to get attention from men is only going to keep pushing good men away from you, regardless of what you tell yourself.

This is why I said that men have essentially contributed to building a society of narcissistic women because women often feel they no longer have to hold themselves accountable for their own bad behavior.

As a man who has seen it all first-hand, I try and take a neutral position when it comes to these topics - I try to see both sides from a male and female perspective.

But I am also a man and I know how men think and I know how childish little boys think.

Childish little boys are okay with a woman that markets herself online, or in public.

The reality of it is, if a woman chooses to settle with a man that puts up with her bad behavior, she will naturally lose respect for him.

She might "love" him, but she will not respect him.

Women do not respect men that allow them to get away with bad behavior, period.

If she meets a man and he is cool with her posting revealing photos of herself online, messaging other men, texting all of her "guy friends", going on vacations with her friends etc. she is never going to respect that man because he has no boundaries.

She may claim to love him, but she will never respect him - she may still be entertaining someone she shouldn't be entertaining behind closed doors because it is what she is used to, whether it be a text message, replying to some guys DM etc.

The reality of it is, classy women that are not marketing themselves realize their time is worth something more than just sex or getting attention.

Classy women are not out there trying to get attention and these are women that understand true loyalty when it comes down to it.

They understand respect because they respect themselves and this is something that men take HIGH notice of.

I am not saying this to beat women up, but to allow women to understand how men think.

If a woman is highly reserved and exclusive from men and not promoting herself, men are going to see that she has respect for herself because that is how she carries herself and if a woman has self-respect, she is then capable of respecting her man.

Whereas, when a woman is addicted to seeking male attention, she typically lacks respect for herself because she does not value her own time, and she is willing to give it to anyone that will give her the attention, which by extension makes her less likely to respect her man in a relationship.

Ladies, how you carry yourselves matters!

If you are out marketing yourself online, on dating apps, or out at the club, you have to understand that good men are not looking at you for what you bring to the table.

Men love classy women because of their ability to not be accessible by other men, while still taking care of themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally.

This is not to bring women down, but to make them aware of what they are attracting based off of their actions.

I am not the type to sugar coat anything for anyone because unlike most people in your life that aren't holding you accountable for your bad behavior, I will hold you accountable because I want to see everyone here win in life.

I want all of you ladies to be able to find the man you actually want instead of just settling for what you can get.

Think of this as tough love from a big brother because while what I write about may sound personal, I can assure you it is not coming from a bad place and I can always help you find a solution.

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