Why Men Have A Soft Side

Why Men Have A Soft Side

I know that a lot of what I talk about here on this platform is the concept of objective masculinity.

Men that are objectively masculine in the sense that they work to fulfill their role as a protector/provider, has confidence, mentally and physically strong, as well as having stoic command over their emotions.

We also talk a lot about how men, and people in general, need to operate in multiple different frames of mind depending on the circumstances.

For example, you aren't going to act like you do at home or out with your friends when you are in the office at work.

These multiple different frames of mind can serve as an illusion for having different personalities, all under the roof of just one self.

While men being objectively masculine is the goal, it is also important to note that men do in fact, have a soft feminine side as well.

Men have a soft feminine side the same way women have a strong masculine side.

What this should inspire one to think about is just how deeply we are immersed in these feelings.

For instance, there are plenty of women out there who portray more masculine qualities than feminine, but are under the assumption that if they meet the right man, it will allow them to fully behave in their feminine.

While this may be accurate in theory due to the plasticity of the human brain, most people are completely unaware of how this process actually works.

As I have stated many times before, no one person is ever going to be able to walk into your life and solve all of your problems for you - this is something that takes place entirely within yourself and your willingness to comply with the rules of undergoing major changes in life.

Before I get too far off topic, let's go back to the purpose of today's post: exploring the feminine side of men.

It is fair to assume that most men want and cherish the love of a woman in their life - this is something that we yearn for.

Men value the woman we can unfold and be our truest selves around.

Given the stress of having to maintain masculine frame in all areas of our lives, we want to be able to come home to the woman that truly allows us to turn our brains off and just be.

There is also an underlying desire for men to be pampered in some way, shape, or form.

What I mean is, we enjoy small little acts of service like having food ready on the table when we are hungry, a pot of coffee on when we are tired, oh and back massages, we all love those.

These small little acts are what make men truly feel loved and appreciated, because they bring out our soft side.

A lot of this stuff is emulated from men having relationships to their mothers.

The soft and nurturing side we have for women ultimately stems from having a woman birth us and care for us as children.

Deep down, every man yearns for that kind of validation from a partner.

It is infantile to think that men need to be a hard ass 24/7 because this whole idea of being a hard ass all day everyday is mostly rooted out of deep insecurity.

It is important to note that I am not advising men to be more feminine as this frame of mind can cause a man a whole new deal of problems that they will lack the ability to solve.

What I am saying is that men do have a soft, feminine, and loving side to them and this is something that men truly embrace.

When a man has had a stressful day and he can come home from work and turn his brain off around his woman, this is going to be the woman that he does not want to lose.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, women also have a strong masculine side to them as well.

A woman's ability to be confident and have a baseline of control over her emotions are valued masculine qualities that a woman can possess.

However, when a woman is only living in her masculine frame by being independent, defensive, or lacks complete control over her emotions, this can be a recipe for disaster.

It is a matter of being able to find the right balance between how to control one's masculine and feminine frame.

If a man is too feminine, he will live his life that is rooted deep in his own insecurities because of his lack of ability to solve problems and build confidence.

If a man is a hard ass 24/7 because he is convinced he has no weakness, then he too will live a life that is deeply rooted in his own insecurities.

Plus, other people will eventually never want to be around him because he is convinced that he is immortal.

It is a matter of being able to find balance between being objectively masculine, but still being able to show a soft side to the people that love you and care for you.

What is important for the ladies out there to understand is no, a man is not going to tell you everything he has going on because truth be told, there are some things we just need to deal with ourselves.

But as long as we know that you respect and support us, it gives us comfort in knowing that we can be more open to you.

While men and women show love differently, it is still important for men to understand that it is okay to have a soft side.

Eventually you are going to have kids one day, and this is where a man is going to show his soft side the most - around children.

Men want to be able to experience a deep connection with a woman because we are social animals and our ability to establish connections with other people matters on the primitive level.

The ability to establish a deep connection with someone else is truly what we all yearn for, but we also need to be made aware of ourselves and how we can be worthy of that type of connection.

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