Why Men Choose Loyalty

Why Men Choose Loyalty

It is no secret by now that one of the single most important decisions that a man can make in his life is who he chooses as a wife.

I have spoken about the topic of today's post in past blogs, but today, I want to focus simply as to why loyalty means so much to men, especially when choosing a woman that he intends to share his life with.

This isn't to say that loyalty isn't important to women, but to help provide context as to how men think when choosing a woman he wants to be serious with.

Men are extremely simple in nature and there are only a few things that men typically look for when choosing a woman - a woman that desires him, a woman that is loyal to him, a woman that is soft and feminine, and a woman that brings him peace.

These are the main qualities that men value in a woman and are what he takes into high consideration when choosing a woman he wants to spend his time with.

Desirability is important for a man because a man wants to feel wanted the same way that a woman does.

A man wants to know that his woman is only thinking about him and has passion for him and only him.

Genuine desire from a woman is also a way for a man to ensure that she is not the type that is going to pick petty arguments with him.

A woman that is soft and feminine is just that - soft, nurturing, authentic, and traditional in her values as a woman.

The idea of a woman that is independent, career driven, and highly promiscuous are all qualities that repulse men because these behaviors go against the soft, authentic, femininity that men value.

A woman that brings a man peace is a woman that is agreeable in nature, and is able to tend to a man's simplest of needs - having food ready when he's hungry, having a coffee ready for him in the morning, having his favorite shirt cleaned and ready to go for the next day.

These small acts are exactly what make men feel loved and cared for.

Now, for the topic of today's post - loyalty.

Specifically, why men choose loyalty and why loyalty is so important to men.

As stated above, loyalty is obviously important to a woman as well, but for the sake of today's topic of discussion, this is to help provide perspective as to what loyalty means to men.

When it comes to loyalty from a woman, a man is going to want to know that his woman is going to be there with him no matter what.

Put cheating aside - men want to know that if he lost everything tomorrow that his woman is still going to be there with him because she believes in him.

To a man, this is true loyalty.

On top of the fact that a man is going to want to know that there is absolutely no chance of his woman even as much look at another man, let alone give another man her time and attention.

By today's standards, this is publicly seen as a man being insecure.

For whatever reason, society believes that it is "okay" for a woman to remain accessible to other men, even if she is already with a man.

It is considered "acceptable" behavior for a woman to remain accessible to other men via online through posting promiscuous content, texting ex boyfriends, replying to DM's etc.

While society may consider this to be "acceptable", all of these kinds of behaviors are exactly what repulse men from wanting to take a woman like that seriously.

While some women and society would deem these men to be "insecure", the insecure man is the one that chooses to be with a woman with poor patterned behavior and allows her to get away with it.

Men want to be respected by their woman and this means remaining highly exclusive from other men.

When it comes to loyalty, a woman's body count is also going to play a factor.

If a woman has had a promiscuous past and is known for having casual sex with men, it highly increases the risk of infidelity in a relationship with a man.

When it comes to a woman obsessively seeking validation from men, the real chances of her being loyal to only one man dramatically decreases.

Men inherently know this and this is often why women who display promiscuous behavior, whether it is posting bikini photos online, selling her body or sex for money, having many sexual partners, or serial dating, will not have any desire towards taking a woman like this seriously over a long enough period of time.

This is also why men typically go for younger women because younger women have had less sexual experiences with other men.

Studies show that the lower a woman's body count is, the more likely she is to be loyal in a relationship to a man.

This means that she is not texting her ex, replying to men in her DM's, or making herself accessible behind closed doors when he is not around.

One thing that I want everyone to remember is that your actions behind closed doors define your character.

If you cannot tell your partner who you are talking to, when you are talking to them, and what you are talking to them about, then you inherently know you are talking to someone you shouldn't be talking to and is a poor judgement of character on your part.

These principles apply to both men and women, I just want to make that clear.

True, genuine, undeniable loyalty is exactly what a man wants from a woman - this means a woman that protects his peace at all times, especially behind closed doors.

I believe there are a lot of women out there today that simply lack knowledge in terms of understanding men, how we think, and how we operate.

With that being said, it is exactly why I am here!

One thing women need to understand is that there is a different set of skills associated between attracting a man, and keeping a man.

I relate this to training horses - there is a different set of skills required to train a horse with no training to starting them, and a completely different set of skills to go from starting them to finishing them.

Attracting men is simple and just about any woman knows exactly what they need to do to captivate a man's attention - all it takes is a picture in a bikini, some revealing clothing, or some makeup and a smile.

However, keeping a man is an entirely different set of skills that must be learned and it starts with actually understanding how men think and how we operate.

Men know that if you make yourself accessible to them, whether it is on dating apps, social media, or in public, they can easily get your attention.

Men also know that when a woman is private, not on dating apps, and not putting herself in a position to be exposed to men, that this is the kind of woman that he is going to go the extra mile for.

There is a direct correlation with women that are more exclusive being more loyal in relationships.

Simply put, women that are not making their time and attention easily accessible to other men tend to value their time and attention more than women who do make themselves easily accessible, and are less likely to give away their time and attention to any man that doesn't earn it.

This is why exclusivity is such an attraction for men because it shows men that the woman values her time and attention, and is more likely to be loyal.

To wrap this up, I would like to make something clear in that any man that wishes to have a woman that is truly loyal and not making them look stupid, must be willing to reciprocate it.

This means that if you are a man, your job is to be a loyal protector and provider for your woman, period.

If your woman is not able to adhere to your creeds, then you must be willing to move on and continue building yourself until you find a woman that does respect you and your peace.

Ladies, if you are reading this, this same principle applies to you - if you find yourselves with a man that does not respect you and does not respect the true meaning of loyalty, then you must be willing to walk away and continue building yourself into better woman than you were the day before.

Loyalty is a commitment and you are either someone that is ready to go to battle with someone else or you're not.

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