Men are simple creatures.
It takes very little to please us.
Whether it is something as simple as getting excited over smoke from a fire or the smell of freshly cut wood, the simplicity in which we find joy in life is something we have biologically wired into us.
Some may ask why this is...
I have thought about this for awhile and I think the answer is quite simple: when we are tasked with difficult duties on a daily basis and forced to solve complex problems, we find joy in the most simple things that life has to offer.
We don't need super cars, expensive yachts, or a ton of beautiful women on our shoulder to make us happy or fulfilled in life.
While these things are perks to a certain echelon of status, they still have nothing on the more simple pleasures in life.
With that being said, I don't think men can appreciate the simple things in life if they have nothing driving them to be better.
We find pleasure in accomplishing difficult tasks and if we have nothing of genuine substance to pursue on a daily basis, we falter to our most simple wants and desires, which, by extension, makes us more difficult to please.
In other words, the more that a man partakes in fulfilling his hedonistic desires, the harder it is going to be to please him.
Whether it is sex, money, drugs, partying, etc. the more that a man partakes in pleasure seeking, the harder it is going to be for him to find fulfillment.
A man that is addicted to having a lot of sex or masturbating is going to be much harder to please sexually from any one woman.
Just like a man that is addicted to partying or gambling probably isn't going to find much fulfillment in the smell of a fresh piece of wood.
It is only when a man is focused, knows what he wants, and is disciplined in achieving his long term goals that he is able to find peace in the simple things life has to offer.
This does not go without mentioning that men are also extremely easy to please in relationships.
If a man has been working all day and he is able to come home to a freshly cooked meal made by his woman, the appreciation he has for her is going to be bar none higher than any hedonistic desire he might have.
Because it is one less thing that he has to think about!
When a woman is able to make her man's life easier, the man naturally feels respected and appreciated.
If a man has to come home to a quarrelsome or nagging woman, then he is not going to feel appreciated and it becomes one more problem that he has to deal with.
This is why if a man can come home to a peaceful home after dealing with stress at work and accomplishing difficult tasks all day, the happier he is going to be.
A man doesn't want to be dealing with problems all day and come home to more problems.
For the ladies out there, trust me, if a man is focused on pursuing something bigger - the more difficult you make his life, the less of a chance you will have of sticking around...
If a man worthy of respect does not feel respected by his woman or in the confinements of his own home, the less incentive he has of keeping you around.
If a man has to worry you're out in the streets talking to men, texting your exes, or making him look stupid, the less likely you are to stick around.
If you are a woman and you know what men actually want and how men think, the better your chances are for having a partner you can build with.
Part of the problem women have in dating in the modern age is not understanding men well enough.
In simple terms, most women today, at least in Western culture, have absolutely no idea what men actually want or how to please men.
Most women understand how to attract men and that is a result of how available a woman makes herself.
For instance, a woman knows that if she is beautiful and looks a certain way that she will be able to attract men, however, looks alone are not enough to keep a man.
Looks will always fade and if you have nothing of genuine substance to offer that man, then he has no incentive to keep you around.
Men do not need or want you to be a glammed up barbie doll doing flips and tricks in the bedroom!
Men want respect, appreciation, and support in his endeavors when it comes to sharing his life with a woman.
Ladies, if you provide a man with these three things and understand what they mean fully, you will be the kind of woman no man wants to lose.
Being hot and cooking him meals every once in awhile will never be enough to keep a man interested because truth be told, he can get that from any woman.
However, if you are capable of respecting him fully, trusting in him and his ability to make sound decisions for the benefit of you and your family, appreciate him, and give him the support that he needs to succeed in life, then you will have everything that you need to have a man that will give you the world.
Men that only appreciate you for your looks or what you're able to provide for them sexually will only ever appreciate you for that, which does nothing for us long term.
Men only value beauty in the short term because there will always be younger and more beautiful women.
When the looks eventually fade, which they 1000% WILL, then all you are left with is what you bring to the table.
If you can understand these things about men, then you will realize just how simple it is to please a man and you will be more successful in your personal relationships.
If a man that expresses interest in you makes outlandish demands of you such as sexual acts or you looking like a glammed up barbie doll 24/7, then he has no real interest in you or what you have to offer.
Real men are most turned on by their woman being and acting like a woman.
We are most turned on when you are lounging around the house in sweats, preparing our food, and making sure everything at home is in order.
Of course we appreciate when our woman is capable of putting herself together, but we will always appreciate natural beauty over fabricated nonsense.
If you are a woman out there that wants to be a wife, understand these things about men.
You are either a wife before you meet a man or you're not.
If you do not lead with your soft feminine energy, then no man is ever going to have any incentive of pursuing you further.
If we cannot see what you are capable of bringing to the table right off the rip, then there is no reason of pursuing you any further.
If men are only pursuing you for your looks, then you can expect that is all they will ever value you for, which will continue the never ending cycle of short term relationships.
Long term is a complimentary game.
Man and woman must compliment one another and work to pursue something greater in life.
It is extremely easy for any woman out there to attract men, just make yourself available - get on the dating apps, post the promiscuous photos online, respond to all of the DMs and you will have men "competing" for your attention.
However, if you wish to keep a man, understand that he is going to expect things from you and will only entertain you if he feels like you have something to bring to the table.
If you make our lives easier, we will never want to lose you.
If you show us respect, especially behind closed doors when we are not around, we will never want to lose you.
If you display your ability to be soft, caring, and nurturing, then we are never going to want to lose you.
Men are extremely easy to please, but you must also realize that not all men act like men.
Emotionally unstable men will never appreciate what you bring to the table if you actually do have something to offer.
Be smart, be diligent, understand how men think, work, and operate, don't make yourself easily available, and never stop working to become your best self because only then will a man be able to see and appreciate the value in you.