Why Is Playboy Ranchin' Single?

Why Is Playboy Ranchin' Single?

One thing that I find quite strange is peoples curiosity as to the status of my personal relationships.

I am often asked why I am single and while I do not believe it is anyone's business as to what goes on in my personal life, the answer is simple: because I choose to be.

I am aware there are some things that I do share about my personal life, hence the point of having a blog, but some things are personal and are often better left unsaid.

The reason why I am writing about this topic today is because this is the one question I am asked about the most.

People want to know why Playboy Ranchin' is single so without further ado, this one is for you.

I want to make something clear right off the bat, while I am the last person to ever make some dickhead comments about being handsome and good looking, I want people to know that I am fully aware of my appearance.

What people need to understand is that I have been in the position many times where I have been admired for my appearance.

I have gotten work based off of my appearance.

I have made it on the cover of at least 20+ romance novels based off of my appearance.

I performed live on stage and had women tell me every single night about my appearance.

The point that I am trying to make is that I am aware about how I look to other people.

I know I am not a bad looking dude but I have also never looked at myself as being above anyone else because of my appearance.

After-all, there is a reason why I am a scruffy cowboy that wears flannel and cowboy boots everywhere that I go instead of wearing some dumb shit like Louis Vuitton.

I am a scruffy cowboy, not some dickhead wearing designer shit.

I have built my body for absolutely no-one else's benefit other than my own. I walked into the gym eleven years ago with a goal in mind and have built my body and continue to build my body every single day, for this is a promise that I made to myself.

When I was competing in bodybuilding and everything was about my appearance, I realized this was an unhealthy and unstable state-of-mind and I shifted my focus to becoming stronger mentally and physically.

I have never gone into the gym with the intention of being more attractive to women - only to make myself stronger mentally and physically.

People think that because I look the way that I do that I can have any woman that I want, which is true! To be honest, I have never been in a position to where there has been a shortage of women - if anything, women have more-so come to me because entertaining women is what I did for a living at one time.

I have never once had a problem talking to women, flirting with women, or getting a woman's attention.

The reality of it is, I am aware that I have more options than the average everyday male and whoever I end up marrying, will have to understand that.

But one thing that I genuinely believe is that a man should be in a position to where he has unlimited options, but still chooses to be with one woman. I believe this is truly how you get the best out of a woman is her knowing that you choose her every single day.

It is one thing to be a man with unlimited options and act like a man with unlimited options, but it is another to be a man that has unlimited options and still chooses to be with one woman and one woman only.

To be honest, all I have ever wanted was to be able to come home to one woman and one woman only, even when I was performing at Chippendales and the options were endless.

So, when people ask why Playboy Ranchin' is single, the answer is simple in that it is a choice - I choose to be single and I choose very wisely with who I give attention to.

The reality of it is, I am not one that believes there are no good women left out there. I know there are plenty of good women out there that deserve good men.

If I wanted to settle down tomorrow, I very well could if it is something that I truly wanted but as I have said in a previous blog, to me, it is not about finding the woman that I want, but the one that I need.

What I want now is going to be different from the things I want twenty years from now and that same rule applies to everyone.

Right now, I want to be living on my ranch with a wife and kids - the thought of having this and visualizing my future kids learning how to ride horses with their dad is what fuels me to make it happen.

Twenty years from now, I am going to be thinking about wanting grand kids and probably wanting a vacation property somewhere.

The point that I am making is, we are going to want different things in life as we grow as people, but our needs will always remain the same.

What I need is a genuine connection with a woman that is a true ride or die and believes in me and my mission. This is something every man truly needs and I believe it is something that every woman truly needs.

Living in this modern day consumer culture, people are only focused on the things that they want for short-term gain and they forget about the things that they need like genuine human connection with a spouse.

I am aware women find me attractive and I am aware women like my ability to use my brain but just because a woman finds me attractive or thinks I am smart, isn't enough for me to go out of my way for someone.

I believe that the best thing I can do is continue to work at becoming the best version of myself, work towards building the life that I picture in my mind, and God will listen and present me with the right woman when the time is right.

This does not go without mentioning that genuine connections must be built with someone else. Real trust, loyalty, and respect are things that must be earned.

I am at a point in my life now where whoever I choose to give my time and attention to has to be worth my time and attention.

I will not sit here and waste anymore of my time with women who want to be chased, or want men to compete for their attention - I have been down that road enough to know it is a dead end.

I also will not sit here and waste my time trying to entertain a woman that doesn't want any part of me. If she is not genuinely interested in me and only me, then I will not waste my time.

I am focused on building my future and whoever I choose to be a part of my life will have to understand what my life is like, who I am, and where I am going.

I am extremely disciplined and I set high standards for myself. It is my duty to do everything that I can to live up to my own standards.

Whoever I choose to be a part of my life will have to live up to her own standards, as well as mine.

Time is my most valuable asset and who I choose to spend time with matters a great deal to me.

There is a reason why I do not waste my time on dating apps - I am not desperate to find someone, I am focused on my mission.

I will never be actively seeking a partner to share my life with - when the time is right, it is right.

You attract what you put out into the universe and I believe that with a mission and pure intentions, the universe will listen and grant you with the person that you need.

My mission is to continue to build myself into a strong man so that when I do meet the woman that I will share my life with, I am the man that she can always rely on.

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