Why Body Count Matters

Why Body Count Matters

Today is going to be one of those uncomfortable conversations that I have become so very fond of.

We have touched on today's topic briefly in past posts, but today I want to talk specifically about the importance of having a low body count for both men and women.

There is clinical research being done on the effects of those who have multiple sexual partners throughout the course of their lives.

While body count can be seen as being different between men and women, there are qualities in which effects both the same.

We know about the qualities and characteristics of those who participate in many one night stands in their lifetime - particularly narcissism, psychopathy, machiavellianism, and sadism.

All of these character traits are derived solely from seeking pleasure, particularly when it comes to having sex.

Having a high body count as a man will damage his ability to seek affection and want to settle down and commit to just one woman.

There are also studies that have shown that men that participate in pleasure seeking sex over a long enough period of time, often end up alone or divorced later on down the road.

There is also science that states that men can "flip the switch off" for a lack of a better term, when he is ready to finally settle down due to the lack of emotional connection when having pleasure driven sex.

The way that I see it, there is truth to both of these statements because what people often tend to not take into account is that you become what you practice.

If you practice having emotionless sex over a period of time, not only do you become a narcissist and a psychopath by default, but you also destroy your confidence.

Sure, there are plenty of men that get tons of women that think they walk on water, but this is no different than the super hot Instagram model that posts pictures in bikinis for likes and attention - it is insecurity masked as confidence.

A man's confidence is built through commitment and self-control - control over his impulses and his simplest desires, and commitment to everything he does, including a woman.

The problem with many men that chase women and chase pleasure driven sex, is that their narcissistic tendencies will make them appear to be confident and competent to women.

This is also why women naturally gravitate towards men in the top 1% financially because men that make a lot of money appear to have some higher level of competence to a woman, more-so then your average male.

As a man who has never had a problem attracting women or getting a woman's attention, it is safe to say that when I see a man wasting his time sleeping with as many women as he possibly can, or just sleeping with women because he thinks he walks on water, then the only thing I could imagine is them living a sad existence that lacks fulfillment.

The true mark of a man is not how many women he has slept with, it is his ability to choose the right woman and do everything in his power to protect her and build a family with her.

It is important for a man to be able to make that commitment to a woman because not only is it a commitment to her, but a commitment to himself.

Anyone who thinks that a woman truly desires a man that has done nothing but sleep with exceptionally easy women, would be lying to themselves.

The man that a woman wants to rest her head next to at night is a man that she knows is hers, not a man thinking about what his life was like when he was boning a bunch of chicks.

Granted, for some women, they truly do not care how many women a man has been with, but it is also safe to say that these are women that typically end up settling, or they themselves also had a promiscuous past.

Valuable women are not out there searching for men that exploit women for their own pleasure - they are looking for men.

So what exactly do I mean by a "real woman"?

When I refer to a valuable woman, I am referring to a woman that is feminine and traditional in her values because to me, this is a valuable woman.

To many men out there, pure authentic, feminine, traditional women are what we see as being a valuable woman because they value themselves as being women, and they value and respect men.

When you see a woman today posting half naked online for attention or OnlyFans, she does not value being a woman and she most definitely does not respect men.

The Instagram model posting bikini photos for likes and attention does not appreciate or respect men because she is exploiting them for temporary gain.

The way men view authentic traditional women are women that have low body counts, and understands how men think and how men operate.

When a woman has a low body count, this means that she respects herself, she respects her body, and she respects her time and attention when it comes to men - something that men value very highly in a woman.

When a woman has a high body count, it is often associated with a high level of insecurity, an addiction to seeking validation from new men, and crippling emotional damage.

The act of sex is sacred and for a woman, it is one of the most personal and sacred acts for her to share her energy and connection with.

When a woman has given all of her energy to dozens, sometimes even hundreds of men, every single one of those men has taken from her.

This is what creates what society knows as "emotional damage" because every time a woman has sex with a man she does not intend to marry, she damages her ability to pair bond with one man and only one man.

Similar to how it works with men, except it is wildly amplified for a woman because women are emotional beings.

When a woman is able to partake in emotionless sex, she is closing herself off from being able to feel anything of genuine substance from a man.

When it comes to promiscuous women, they more often then not end up dating men with extremely low self-esteem because of their own actions.

Men take very great interest in a woman's past for this reason.

Men know that if a woman has had a promiscuous past, she more than likely is damaged emotionally, and is more likely to cheat as recent studies show.

What I particularly find interesting about women with higher body counts is that they often don't feel the need to share with anyone how many men they have slept with.

Some highly promiscuous women will share, which is expected, but most women who have slept with more men than they care to admit, wont actually want to admit it.

There are also studies that show that women who engage in pleasure driven sex are far more likely to end up regretting it later on in life, especially when it comes time to settle down and find a man.

Even women know that them sleeping with a bunch of men and craving attention from men is inherently wrong, but they do it anyway until they decide they finally want to settle down and realize that men do not want to take them seriously.

This is why short term gratification will always have long term effects if you fail to think things through and lack self-respect and self-accountability.

I have said this before and I still stand by my statement that a woman's past will always come back to haunt her unless she is able to relieve herself from it.

Meaning, if a woman has had a promiscuous past and she is addicted to seeking male validation, I do believe she is capable in overcoming her impulse to seek attention through more productive behaviors, such as embarking on a spiritual journey.

Basically I am saying that if you are a promiscuous woman and you are struggling to find a man that you want so badly, then you need to find God.

I sincerely mean this in the most respectful way possible.

I realize it is easy for people to read words on a screen and just assume that I am an asshole, but I genuinely do not mind having uncomfortable conversations.

The point of this platform is to share controversial topics and help everyone acquire a new perspective, and also understand how men and women really think.

Women are emotional feelers and men are logical thinkers.

We are always going to be different, we are always going to see the world differently, and we are always going to react to things differently.

Leaving all feelings and emotions at the door, I hope we can all continue to have these conversations, share new perspectives, and work together to make decisions that actually benefit us and suit our human spirit.

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