Why Bad Things Turn To Better Things

Why Bad Things Turn To Better Things

One of the greatest super powers that humans have the ability to harness is being able to make the best out of any situation.

As we all know when it comes to life, there are always going to be things that we cannot control.

We cannot control the weather, we cannot control the president of the United States, and we cannot control who God chooses to allow to come in and leave us in our lives.

The only thing that we can control is how we react to things.

It is important for people to be able to think with a clear mind and be able to form their own critical thought that shapes their reality.

The problem most people have today is that everyone is so easily influenced by the outside nonsense, that they have no control over what goes on inside their own minds.

This is the biggest problem people have today - being so influenced by outside culture and what everyone else is saying and doing, that they completely lack the ability to form their own critical thoughts and create their own reality.

Part of the reason why people feel shitty about certain things is because the world tells them they need to feel shitty about them.

Or, you can look at it as the world promoting things that go against our morals and our biological standards, and you naturally lose your mind to others purported belief system.

The worst thing anyone can do is try and justify their own thoughts and behaviors because it is socially acceptable.

Just because society tells men that it is "okay" to be emotionally weak and vulnerable, does that make it acceptable?

I would hope any logical person out there would understand why this is unacceptable behavior from men.

Just because society tells women its "okay" to be promiscuous and glorifies female sexuality, does that make it acceptable?

Again, I would hope any logical person out there would understand why women being promiscuous is incredibly damaging to their mental health, and would see it as unacceptable.

This is the difference between logic and emotion.

When you think logically about things, you understand that there are ramifications to decision making and all options must be analyzed.

Whereas, when you are emotional, you make decisions based off of how you feel in that moment and all logic goes right out the window.

There was no critical thought process, there was no analyzing the ramifications of your decision, it just seemed like it make sense to you in that moment until one day you realize it made absolutely no sense.

By the time most people eventually wake up and realize their own poor thoughts and behaviors are the reason they are not truly fulfilled in life, it is too late.

When it comes to making decisions in life, it is important to have a mixture between logic and emotion because you want to be able to analyze your situation, but also be excited about what the outcome could potentially be.

If you are only excited and no logic, then you lack critical thinking skills.

However, if you are too logical and not enough emotion, you could potentially miss out on great opportunities life throws at you for overthinking things.

You have to find balance between logic and emotion to be able to live life, but also know how to deal with things when they come up.

As we all know, hardships are a part of life and how we choose to deal with them is a very personal experience for us.

Hardships can often cause negative thoughts and negative behaviors.

To be fair, we are all human and we all have negative thoughts that creep in, but how we choose to react and deal with those thoughts is just that, a choice.

Some people are able to use those negative thoughts as fuel for success, but most will end up falling a victim.

For example, let's say you are going through a tough heartbreak and you are devastated over your relationship with the person you thought would be yours being no longer valid.

Most people will look at this situation, internalize it until it becomes an insecurity, and go right back to searching for the same thing in someone else - which is also how people end up in toxic repetitive cycles.

Then, there are the select few who decide that they never want to feel like that again and work on building themselves into someone that next person they decide to be with is never going to want to lose.

This is the exact same scenario and two completely different outcomes.

In the first example, there was no change in behavior because the said person failed to learn their lesson.

In the second example, there was a complete change in behavior which will eventually bring a completely different outcome.

This is something that is extremely important for men to understand, especially when it comes to dating.

For most men, they need to experience heartbreak a few times before the lesson truly begins to sink in.

For women and dating, it is slightly different.

In fact, I would argue that experience in dating for women is the complete opposite then it is for men.

Given that women are naturally more emotional than men, their experience of heartbreak is entirely different.

Heartbreak takes a completely different toll on a woman's emotions and the more a woman has experienced heartbreak, the more emotionally unstable she naturally becomes.

Women will oftentimes find themselves in toxic repetitive cycles of dating the wrong men because their decision making relies so heavily on their emotions.

Men can fall into this trap as well, which is why it is extremely important for men to learn how to control their emotions and learn to think logically.

The point of today's post is to show people that there is always something better to come out of every bad situation if you pay close enough attention.

If you are able to remain true to yourself and remain true to God, the next opportunity will be waiting for you.

It is a matter of being able to prepare yourself for when the better opportunity arrives and you know how to pursue it accordingly.

If you focus on shit, you get more shit.

If you focus on doing the same behaviors that aren't working, you get more of the same things that haven't been working.

However, if you focus on the things that better prepare you for the rest of your life, you find true fulfillment in the process.

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