When To Call It Quits

When To Call It Quits

Knowing when to throw in the towel can be a daunting task.

Think about anytime you have had to call it quits on something or someone, whether past or present.

How did it make you feel?

Did you feel like you should have just stuck it out with where you were at?

Or was it for everyone's benefit?

I have a hard time conceptualizing the thought of quitting on something.

To me, it doesn't matter whether it is with a woman I am talking to, or in my professional life, the thought of just giving up on something doesn't sit well with me.

I prefer to perceive quitting as an opportunity to re-strategize and come up with something better because clearly what I was doing wasn't working.

It is a matter of analyzing all of your possible moves and choosing which one makes the most sense and aligns with your character, as well as your values and goals in life.

The only time it is appropriate to truly throw in the towel and quit is if you have a bad habit that is detrimental to your mental or physical health and well-being, something that could be damaging to someone else, or something that deliberately traps you in a hole of your own self-misery.

Even then, we could argue that it isn't necessarily a matter of quitting bad habits, but exchanging them for more productive habits that are better suited for your long term well-being.

Like I said, it is a matter of re-strategizing and picking the best possible move that aligns with your life's mission.

Maybe work isn't going your way and you aren't happy working at your job.

For the record, this is completely normal as most people don't actually enjoy working.

But let's say you aren't happy at your job and you're thinking about quitting - you would be a fool to quit your job without an exit strategy!

If you haven't thought about what you would be doing if you didn't work where you were currently working and already actively pursuing it, you would deliberately digging yourself into a hole.

Ask me how I know this...

This is something that I have learned personally with not being happy where I was at and it ended up burying me financially - I did NOT make the best possible move and it is safe to say that I learned my lesson with making unclear decisions.

Maybe you are unhappy in your current relationship or the person you are talking to is no longer expressing interest in you.

Our relationships can be slightly more complicated because we have other people's feelings that we need to factor into the equation.

First you need to ask yourself what this person is able to bring you that no other person is able to give to you.

Do they bring you peace?

Do they bring you emotional stability?

What is it that this person has that you truly don't think you can find in someone else?

Before you throw in the towel, you need to re-strategize and figure out what the root cause of your problems are, and what the root cause of your problems with the other person are.

You are not innocent, so don't sit there and tell yourself that you are because it is guaranteed that you must be held accountable for the reason as to why things are not working out in your favor.

Did you try talking it out with this person?

Did they disregard everything you brought to the table?

If this is the case, then maybe the best possible move for you is to remove yourself from the situation.

If it is no longer serving your mission or your purpose in life, then why bother wasting anymore of your time with someone who doesn't respect it?

Again, this isn't a matter of quitting, rather it is a matter of strategy.

Relationships with other people do make things more difficult because you have to factor in emotions.

Now, I am not saying to disregard emotions altogether, but you also have to realize what makes sense and what doesn't.

You must be able to realize that there are things that you did wrong and these are conversations you will need to have with yourself.

If someone isn't respecting your time or your effort, then you must be able to show yourself respect by removing yourself so that no real damage is done.

If having tough conversations with the other person doesn't work, then you have your answer and you must be willing to respect both parties peace, and proceed with your mission.

This is why I do not believe in quitting, especially as a man.

Everything that we do should be done with a purpose.

It is a matter of recognizing what is for you, and what isn't.

If you remain true to yourself, and remain true to God, the answers will reveal themselves to you with more clarity.

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