When It's Time To Step Away

When It's Time To Step Away

Here, at the Playboy Ranchin' channel, we talk a lot about the traditional masculine/feminine roles, how both men and women should act, how people can make themselves better, etc.

There is one thing that I think needs to be discussed, and that is knowing when to walk away. Knowing when it's time to walk away from that job, that miserable relationship, friends that no longer support you, and a life that doesn't suit your spirit.

I think it is relatively simple - when you are on a trajectory for a certain life path, you begin to grow in other areas of your life. Your mindset changes, the way you think changes, the things you believe in change, and the way that you operate within the world changes.

What I have come to find out is that there are people that understand where you are going, and people that don't.

The people that don't understand your newly-found life path, will never understand. It is a matter of them being too comfortable in their own misery, then to see someone they were once close to succeed. It always leaves a sour taste in their mouth because they see you living outside of the societal norm. They see you doing things they couldn't picture themselves doing. They see you elevating through the different levels of consciousness.

I have talked before about the human mind being programmed by everything people consume, and lacking the ability to think critically.

The programmed minds think things are what they are just because - no reasoning, no proof, just because... Maybe because he or she said so? Maybe because the system we live in tells everyone to go to school, get a degree, get a job, so that everyone can pay taxes the rest of their lives? Instead of finding your actual purpose, working hard towards something, and living a life of achievement.

The point that I am making is, the programmed minds are never truly going to understand what self-mastery is and what it entails. To them, things are the way that they are - they think and feel things because someone else told them that this is just how it has to be with zero proof, zero evidence, and zero critical thought.

Knowing when to walk away from people that no longer suit you is incredibly important when choosing the path of self-mastery.

Being able to identify the people that do and don't have your genuine best interests at heart is critical to your ability to grow. This goes for friends you may have been close to for awhile, the person you are dating, and even family in some cases.

How do you know if someone has your best interests at heart? Well, I believe this part is simple - if you tell people around you where you want to be in life and they tell you that you should aim for anything less than what you want, they don't actually support you.

It's like telling someone with high standards that they should date someone less attractive or of less value because people that are more attractive, come with more problems. While this may be true in some cases in today's world, having someone tell you to lower your standards so that you can be on their level, is the worst piece of advice someone could possibly give. You simply haven't done the work that needs to be done to date or find the person that fits your standards.

You must fulfill your own standards if you wish to be with someone that fits within your standards. If you feel like there is no-one out there that fits your standards, then you have work to do on yourself before that person reveals themselves.

You need to walk away from people that genuinely don't want to see you win. The thing about it is, the people that want to see you win, are always going to tell you like it is. They will hold you accountable because they want to see you win. They will tell you to your face when you are fucking up and when you are doing what you are supposed to. These are people that are only aiming to be on that same trajectory as you to self-mastery.

It is very important to be able to identify people on the same life trajectory, and people that stay comfortable where they are at. You cannot learn from someone that they themselves, have no desire for improvement - you can only learn from people above you, smarter than you, or people on the same life trajectory.

You must be able to identify what genuine intentions are and what are not when it comes to selecting the people that you may need to walk away from.

As a man, you must know when it is time to walk away from a woman that no longer suits your spirit and brings you peace. If she only expressed interest in you for a couple of months, or now wants to pick arguments with you for no reason after years of dating, while it might be hard, it is time to move on and protect your peace - this same rule applies for women as well.

As I have said many times before, everything is about having an equal exchange of value for the people in your life. If you are the only one making an effort, then you have all the information you need to step away and continue on your journey to self-mastery.

There is only one way to go when it comes to living a good life, and that is forward. Everyone inherently knows this and this is why having a purpose in life is so important.

You must want to achieve things and work to become better than you were the day before.

If you're a woman and you wish to find a man that can be your protector and provider because you're tired of city boys fucking you over, then you need to be able to identify all of the things you have done wrong (because you have done many things wrong otherwise, you wouldn't be in the same repetitive cycle), and work on making yourself better than you were the day before, with more clear focus as to what you wish to achieve.

When it comes to people, self-mastery attracts self-mastery. You will continue to end up in the same vicious cycle with the same idiots as you were before if you cannot take self-accountability and work on improving the things you need to improve in.

I just want to make clear that if you have genuine goals in life, these are things that you never step away from.

You never step away from things that make you stronger - only step away from things that make you weaker and disturb your peace.

I have learned that failure it just a part of life. It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you must continue with the mission. If you know where you need to go and you work everyday to get there, the reward will will always be more worth it in the end.

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