What Women Should Know About Men

What Women Should Know About Men

I believe a big reason as to why dating and relationships fail so miserably in the modern day Western world is because men have forgotten how to be men, and women don't have a single bit of a clue as to how men think or what men find attractive.

As society continues down the path of degeneracy, things like morals, standards, and overall quality of living continue to sink to the bottom of an abyss.

We live in a generation where people would rather satisfy the human ego, as opposed to satisfying the human spirit.

I have learned that the constant need for attention and approval from others does well for the ego, but not so well for the soul.

Becoming a problem solver is something that I believe is every man's duty - this is what makes men capable at doing hard things.

Men need to have the desire to be better, be stronger, and be smarter in any kind of situation. This is why I believe that part of being a man is the pursuit of knowledge because knowledge and the capacity to learn and adapt is a quality that makes men dependable.

Men today have forgotten what becoming a problem solver looks like. Instead, they would rather sit at home, drool over women they don't even know online, and become unhealthy and lazy.

Men today do more of contributing to the problems the Western world faces than they do actually solving them.

The only reason why women have things like OnlyFans is because of weak men contributing to the problems that society faces instead of solving them.

If men were to act like men again, things like OnlyFans wouldn't exist because women would have no-one to give them attention and make their money from, but they also wouldn't be let down by so many men.

I believe the only reason why a woman would feel promiscuous is because she has been let down by men in her past. Whether she never has a present father figure growing up, or has attracted many toxic male partners in her past means that she has never had a man treat her like a lady or treat her the way a man should.

A man is a protector and a provider, not a simp on the internet.

A man has boundaries, not someone who will let his woman get away with whatever she wants.

Modern day women have become entitled and independent from men because of men failing to be men.

This does not mean that a woman shouldn't take accountability for her actions, have morals, and have respect for herself, but most people are entirely unaware of why they are the way that they are and do the things that they do.

There are a lot of lonely and desperate people in the world today, especially women.

This post was created for women because there are women out there who want a good man and feel like they cannot find a good man. Aside from the fact a woman's actions and her past do play a large role in why she is unable to attain a good man, most women today have no idea how men think or how they operate.

I have written about similar subjects in the past, so this will be more of a refresher.

What women need to understand about men is that men have the ability to be entirely independent. Simply put, a man does not need you if he does not want you in his life.

This is why when modern day women claim to be "independent", they don't realize that true independence is a masculine trait - which is often a big turn-off for men because it is a masculine trait.

While I do think a man needs the right woman in his life to become his absolute best, he can survive without her.

Women must understand that because a man has the ability to be completely independent, all you can do is add to his life.

If you take away from his life or serve as a distraction, you will not be around for long.

The kind of woman that a man needs in his life is a true ride or die, someone that believes in his goals and his mission, and someone that will stand by him at his very lowest.

Men are quite simple in nature because we value things such as natural care-giving and self-respect.

If a woman has respect for herself, she will have the ability to respect him and that is all a man truly wants from a woman.

If a woman is selling her body online and showing off the one thing that men like to keep exclusive, that woman has no respect for herself or any man that she is with.

Self-respect is simple contextually but difficult practically. Simply put, people understand the concept of self-respect, but don't actually practice self-respect.

All a man wants is for his woman to respect him and make him feel like the man of the house, and allow him to lead.

If his woman hides things from him (particularly her past), starts pointless fights with him because she is "independent", or continues to sell her body and her soul online, you are not the woman that a man needs to have in his life.

If a woman is a natural care-giver and is able to predict her mans needs before he needs them - i.e. having food ready when he's hungry, a coffee ready when he's tired, or something as simple as having his favorite shirt cleaned.

The point is, good men are extremely simple to please because good men know what they truly have to offer.

If a man is telling you to get cosmetics and body work done, or some dumb shit like to not speak unless spoken to, you are dealing with a narcissistic sociopath.

What women need to know about men is that men are simple - men value respect, we value full exclusivity, and we value women that are naturally feminine.

Men do not value you based off of your looks or the amount of Instagram followers you have - men that do are weak men.

Women must understand that if you wish to continue to live a life of promiscuity, selling your body and soul online, then you are more fit for a passive man who will allow you to continue down your life path.

Men need a woman to act like a woman so that she can be herself, understand and support him and his mission, be a good mother to his children, and respect him as the man of the house.

This does not go without mentioning that a man needs a woman he can go to battle with.

A man and a woman that both can be them full selves around each other, know everything about each other, and value each other for who they are instead of what they have to offer is a couple that can last an eternity.

Men value authentic women and genuine connection, especially in today's world where most women are consumed in their fake desires and temporary pleasures.

Women must be able to understand what men truly want if they wish to attract a good man.

The only way you attract someone that can bring you endless amounts of value is if you yourself work on becoming a person that can offer endless amounts of value to someone else.

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