What Society Thinks Men Like Vs. What Men Actually Like

What Society Thinks Men Like Vs. What Men Actually Like

We live in a period of time where most of Western culture's view of reality is skewed and it is skewed in such a way that it doesn't even play out into peoples favor.

What I mean by this is modern day ideologies and radical beliefs are designed to go completely against the human spirit.

There are extremists, there always have been extremists, and there will always be extremists as this is just a part of human nature - people simply like to take things to the extreme, whether it be their beliefs, or their behaviors.

Being an extremist in terms of being a professional at something can help work in your favor because it is a mindset that can allow you to focus all in on something and become extremely proficient at that thing.

However, on the flip side, if you practice extremism in terms of ideologies, it can help paint a very skewed picture of reality and will shut you off from being able to look at other perspectives.

You know what I am talking about because we see this everyday in politics - people on the far right and the far left at each others throats because they have nothing else better to do and are completely unwilling to share any sort of perspective outside of their own personal beliefs.

We see this a lot with modern day feminism as well and the belief that men and women are equal in all things across the board, and now it is okay for men to compete in female sports or women to compete in male sports because it is just a matter of waking up and making a choice as to what gender you wish to be for that day.

The problem with extreme ideologies such as feminism is that it drives men and women away from being able to work harmoniously with one another, and instead keeps us at competition with each other.

I will first start off by saying that I believe men and women have always been equal because it takes a man and a women to create and preserve life.

The whole idea of modern feminism is prominent here in the Western world and does not exist in other parts of the world, which makes you wonder why that is.

Here in the States, people push for "equality" in terms of voting, equal pay in the work place, equal rights in terms of their sexuality, and more.

What I find interesting is that I personally have no idea why a woman would ever want to compete with a man in the workplace or in the sexual marketplace.

Evolutionarily speaking, men are designed to go out and hunt, to protect and provide, and the woman is designed to bear and care for children.

Why a woman would want to have to deal with the level of stress that men have to deal with still doesn't make any sense to me.

With that being said, a woman should be able to work and do what she wants if it is what truly makes her happy.

I can't imagine a woman having to argue for equal pay in the workplace makes her happy.

However, when you see a woman with her own practice or a beauty salon, she is most likely more happy being able to make her own living doing what she loves and this is how I think it should be.

Dealing with the stress of having to deal with the same problems that men have to deal with doesn't sound like a fulfilling life as a woman in my opinion, but what do I know?

I am just a man...

A lot of modern day ideologies are formed to create a culture and it is a societal form of thinking instead of a personal form of thinking.

We become what we consume and consuming other peoples thoughts and behaviors become our own if we are not aware of how consumerism effects our thought processes.

This is why men and women are no longer living harmoniously with one another and are in constant competition with one another.

Between men acting more emotional and like women, and women now more promiscuous than ever and acting like men, it is a race to the bottom for both.

Men are not attracted to masculine, independent, and promiscuous women the way society likes to portray this idea that we do.

The same way women are not attracted to emotionally weak, and vulnerable soy boys that spend their time living in their feelings.

It is easy for a woman to sit there and say it's "okay" for a man to be in his feelings and be vulnerable because that is how women see the world, through a feelings-based reality.

But any man that has ever expressed true vulnerability around a woman knows that she is immediately turned off at the first sign of weakness.

Now, before I get off on a tangent, let's get back to the focus of today's post: the difference between what society thinks men value about women, and what men actually value in women.

Modern culture has this idea that men are highly attracted to single, independent women, that make their own money and have a career, but still want to have kids some day, and have the system raise their kids because both parents are off working on their careers.

I can tell you that as a man, this couldn't be further from the truth.

Because yes, while a woman that is driven for something bigger in life is an appreciative quality, men don't actually care as much about these kinds of things as society would like to think.

In simple terms, men are more-so focused on choosing a woman that is going to be the best possible candidate to build a family and an empire with.

If a woman is solely focused on building an empire of her own and the kids get raised by the system that continues to fail people every single day, then why would a man want to choose her?

Men genuinely value women that are soft, authentic, exceptionally loyal, and good candidates for bearing and caring for children.

If a man is in the position to provide for his woman (as he should), and his woman still wants to work and do what makes her happy, then by all means, I believe this is the best case scenario.

In this scenario, the woman is choosing to work because it brings whatever she does genuine fulfillment, instead of having to stress over building a career.

Another big discrepancy that modern culture likes to believe is that men are attracted to promiscuous women.

With social media and dating apps, women are more easily accessible than ever before in any period of human history.

Women get attention from men 24/7 for being beautiful and posting revealing photos of themselves on the internet.

Everything has become hypersexualized to the point where it has just become mainstream to go online and see women naked or half naked wherever you go.

Between online porn and models on Instagram, these have painted a view that men would rather be with these types of women and it simply isn't true.

Men would like to be with these types of women for short term gratification, but not for long term reward.

The reality is, men that have self-control are not taking particular interest in promiscuous women and women that are easily accessible to other men.

A man might show interest to this type of woman if he is chasing a short term pleasure spike, but in terms of a long term relationship, a man is actually searching for the complete opposite.

A man is more interested in a woman that is highly exclusive and not easily accessible to other men via online or in person.

If a woman has millions of followers, posts bikini pictures online, and replies to comments and DM's all day, a man knows he cannot trust this kind of woman.

This is not a knock on women that do this because if you are a woman that chooses to live your life like this, by all means it is your choice.

But from a man's perspective, the promiscuous woman that is easily accessible by other men is not the type of a woman a man can trust and men know this.

It is natural for the promiscuous woman to think that men more-so value their looks and their ability to be good in bed when that actually isn't true.

Believe it or not, men wanting a long term relationship are repulsed by a woman that over-sexualizes her looks and makes it public how much she enjoys sex.

Sex is a sacred bond between a man and a woman and a woman that has shared her body and continues to share her body with more men, whether it is online or in person, is not the candidate that a man is searching for when choosing a wife.

It is natural for men and women to enjoy sex as this is just a part of human nature.

But men know that a woman that values sex and brags about her abilities to perform in sex, has probably had too much sex with other men and therefore values sex more than she values love.

Again, this not a knock on women, but this is genuinely how men think.

Men looking for wives are not sitting there hoping his woman has had a lot of sexual experience and is putting herself out there to be seen by other men.

Men in fact, want the complete opposite - we are looking at women that value their exclusivity, their time, their bodies, their attention, and follow God.

Men are more interested in a woman's ability to be soft, authentic, supportive, exclusive, a good mother, and undeniably loyal - not her ability to get attention from other men and be good in bed.

Men want peace and respect from a soft, feminine woman, not headache and chaos from a masculine, independent woman that is in constant competition with him.

A truly feminine woman is what men are naturally drawn to.

Do not allow the mainstream to make you think that men value masculine women over a feminine woman because this simply is not true.

Men and women are meant to live harmoniously with one another - a man to protect and provide, and the woman to bear and care for children.

Women have the single most important job on the entire planet in creating life and it is a man's job to do everything in his power to protect the lives of the one's he loves at all costs.

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