What Men Should Know About Women

What Men Should Know About Women

Yesterday's post, we discussed the various things that men find attractive, how we think, and what women could do to attract a man worth having.

Today, we are going to take the opposite route and discuss what women find attractive, how they think, and what men can do when pursuing a woman that could be a potential fit for them.

While I am not a female and I do not fully understand how women think, I have had enough experience with enough women and have a baseline understanding of psychology to help me formulate an opinion - not facts, just opinions.

People today seem to believe that women are these complicated mystical creatures that are overly-emotional and never know what they want. While there is truth to this statement, I believe women are more simple than we like to give them credit for.

I have said before that all a woman truly wants is to feel good, feel wanted, and feel heard.

While it is true that women by today's standards are more complicated than women in the traditional sense, I believe they all inherently want the same things - they all want a strong man that is a loyal protector and a provider, a good father, and a better husband.

That is why it is a man's job to focus at being a man, being strong, and becoming stoic and driven for a cause larger than himself.

There are women out there that don't want the same things as most women.

For instance, there are some women out there that don't want to have kids or a family.

There are some women out there that would rather be the more independent one in the relationship and settle for a passive type of man.

What I am saying is that most women inherently want a man that is good at being a man so that she can feel safe and know that her and her family are in good hands.

Women today are more complicated in the sense that they have been through more emotional trauma with more men than they have in any period of human history.

If you understand how trauma effects the brain, you can understand more of how someone is the way that they are and do the things that they do.

The problem women face today is they have been let down by too many men.

Women today collectively are more promiscuous, have had more male partners, have experienced more emotional trauma, and have become more defensive as a result.

What both men and women must understand is that the more male partners a woman has been with, the less valuable she naturally becomes.

I am not saying this to be mean, I am saying this because it is the truth.

We have talked many times about female promiscuity but oftentimes, many don't think about the ramifications of their actions in the future.

Women that have been with more men experience more emotional trauma, become more defensive, and become more independent from men - this in-turn, drives down a woman's value.

The effects of a woman's past will always come back to haunt her if she has not taken the necessary steps to relieve herself from her past and this is something men must understand about women.

This is why a woman's past is so important to men because a woman is often a reflection of her past unless she has done the work of attaining self-mastery.

Only through self-mastery can anyone, whether a man or a woman, be able to mature and be able to offer something of genuine value to other people.

This is main reason why men and women are different - because women are more interested in where a man is going in life, the same way a man is more interested in where a woman has been in hers.

This is something men also need to understand about women - they are extremely interested to know where you see yourself going in life.

Women want to know that you are one that is going to be capable of protecting them and providing for them - this is an inherent instinct in a woman, it is in her DNA to be curious about a man's future.

Women are highly attracted to confident men that have a genuine purpose in life and are driven to make things happen - again, this is biological programming for a woman to seek out a capable man to carry on the lineage.

While women today are more complicated than women in the traditional sense, they all still want to feel wanted and protected at the end of the day.

The problem that a lot of men face with women today is they are oftentimes battling her past because she herself has not been able to leave her past in the past.

I have been through this with women of all ages, which is why I always say that age is just a number because someone is either mature and knows how to handle their shit or they don't.

Oftentimes, the older she is, the more trauma she's been through, the harder it is for her to snap back to reality to be open and accepting of a good man.

At the same time, men also cannot blame women for being defensive because it is men that have caused her to feel the way that she does.

There are exceptions of course, but in general, I believe that most women women today have been let down by men and the more men she has been let down by, the less value she has as a woman.

It is unfortunate that a woman would ever have to feel defensive towards a man because a man is supposed to protect her...

If a man cannot protect her physically, emotionally, and spiritually, what good is he as a man?

The more a woman has been let down by men, the more she is naturally going to seek male approval - this is a subconscious response to rejection.

Women are naturally attention seekers, but it is in their DNA to seek out the attention from one male and produce with him - this is from a biological standpoint, of course.

Today, you will see more women seeking the approval from more men in the forms of promiscuity, being easily accessible to men, showing off their bodies online or in public, constantly worrying about their looks, and valuing things of monetary value or short-term pleasure.

You can almost guarantee that the more men a woman is seeking attention from, the more men she has been let down by.

I have experience in this area and what I have found is that there seems to be a direct correlation with women that seek out attention from more men, have been let down by more men. This is something men need to understand about women.

The only way men can fix the problem is by doing and acting like men - be stoic, be driven, and have boundaries when entering relationships with women.

If more men act like men, it will naturally make women act more like women.

If a woman gets rejected by enough good men instead of being rejected by shitty men, she will begin to realize it is her attitude that needs to change, not her body and fake lips.

In my opinion, women are very easy to understand, even if they are emotional beings.

If you can understand that a woman wants to feel good and feel protected, then it is your duty as a man to make her feel wanted every single day.

If you do not make your woman feel wanted everyday, she will eventually end up seeking that attention out from another man.

Some men may take the time to make his woman feel wanted everyday and she still seeks that attention from other men - this is why as a man, you establish boundaries from the very beginning. There are no exceptions to treading boundary lines.

As a man, you must stay focused on your mission and have boundaries set in place. A woman will either respect you for being a man or she wont - if she doesn't, then you respectfully walk away and continue on with your mission.

Women are the best thing about life as a man and the more a man can just be a man and understand how women are and what they want, the easier it will be for him to find someone worth sharing his life with.

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