What Men See As Being Feminine

What Men See As Being Feminine

The other day, we wrote about the topic of objective masculinity and what men that are objectively masculine do, and how we think.

The reasoning behind writing about what is objectively masculine is because there are lost souls out there who still don't know what it means to be a man.

We talked about why it is important for a man to be stoic and have control over his emotions, be able to go through pain, be capable of doing the things that he doesn't want to do, and be a protector/provider in his home.

We also discussed about how men that are objectively masculine men view women, and how men that are masculine naturally seek out women that are objectively feminine.

Being as that there are women that tune in to our channel, a lot of what we talk about is for women to understand more about how men think, and what men are attracted to when it comes to women.

There are plenty of women out there that are searching for men that are objectively masculine, but don't know how to find them - much of our content are for you ladies.

As for men, the basis of what we discuss is to allow men that feel like they're lost, understand that they have duties that must be upheld, being as that we are men!

Men simply do not snap their fingers and become strong and stoic men that are driven by purpose - men have to work for this.

In fact, I have argued before that even women cannot simply snap their fingers and know their worth because a woman still needs to work at being objectively feminine for her to be taken seriously by a man.

Much of modern culture believes that women are born with their value because they are beautiful and this simply is not true.

A woman is seen as valuable to a man if she is highly exclusive from men, and thinks and behaves objectively as a feminine woman.

This is not to discredit women that work hard to make a living on their own, but being as that it is already a man's duty to be doing the same, this is not something that is on the forefront of a man's mind when choosing a woman he wants to share his life with.

Men see women that are natural caregivers as being feminine because this is a motherly trait that shows a man this woman is capable of raising children.

Biologically speaking, this is one of the most important qualities for a woman to possess because most men are looking for women that would make the ideal mother for their children.

The natural caregiver quality shows men that a woman is not selfish and she is capable of giving genuine unconditional love to another human.

When a woman is selfish and highly conceited, men do not see this as a woman that would make a valuable life partner because generally speaking, the more conceited a woman is, the more emotionally unstable she is.

The lack of emotional stability for a man is not something that he sees as being truly feminine.

All men know that women are emotional beings and it is a man's job to learn how to deal with his woman when she is in an emotional state, but there is a difference when a woman is being emotional, and when a woman is emotionally unstable.

The emotional instability will often cause chaos and sporadic behavior in a woman, and this is why men do not see this as a desirable trait.

Another thing that men see as being feminine is her level of exclusivity from men, and for men in today's day in age, this is one of the most important qualities for a woman to have because of how easily accessible the world is through the internet and social media.

When a woman remains highly exclusive from men, meaning she is not putting herself in a position to be accessible or exposed to men, men find this as a highly desirable and feminine trait.

The reason why men see this as feminine and desirable is because a woman that is not putting herself out there and making herself accessible, displays to a man that she has high level of self-respect and not just any man can have her.

A non-promiscuous woman is one of the most attractive women to men because of her high level of self-respect.

When a woman is not easily accessible, it means she respects her time, attention, and most importantly, her body.

When a woman is able to display an immense amount of self-respect, men understand that this woman is more capable of respecting him, as opposed to the promiscuous woman that puts herself out there to get attention from men.

Respect is the single most valued quality for men and is valued more than true love.

When a woman truly respects a man, she is also capable of true loyalty, and true love.

All three of these things are what men want the most of from a woman and men that are objectively masculine inherently know they are only going to get these things from an objectively feminine woman.

The last quality that men see as feminine is her authenticity.

To a man, a woman that is authentic and true to herself in her femininity is a quality that men find highly desirable in women.

This means that a woman lives in her truth and doesn't hide from her man.

A woman that is not afraid to express how she feels and is able to communicate how she feels without running away at the first sign of hardship.

When a woman is truly authentic to her femininity, she is one that will ride into battle with her man.

This is ultimately what objectively masculine are looking for in a woman and to a man, this is the kind of woman that is truly feminine.

Regardless of what modern society deems as "acceptable" behavior, these qualities are all things that live in a man's DNA when seeking and choosing a woman to share his life with.

It is important to note that sharing the same values in life is ultimately what attract people to one another.

When a man and a woman choose to commit to one another and share the same values, there is no limit as to what they are capable of achieving together.

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