What Men Really Want

What Men Really Want

I am aware that a majority of what I write about may sound all very similar and monotonous, but for good reason.

I believe that the more I can continue to put words onto a page and have people tune in to read what I have to say, the more the message will eventually begin to sink in.

I have found throughout the years of self-education that reading words on a page tends to make the reader think more about what the author is saying.

Simply put, the more you read, the more more personal the connection is to the thoughts of whoever wrote the thing that you are reading. To me, it is a different connection than just watching a video or a vlog.

People can stage performances on videos and vlogs and this feels a little bit less personal in my point of view.

The major point of my content is to make both men and women feel more confident in themselves and understand more about how both men and women think.

I believe the more both men and women can understand how each other think, the better off they will be when trying to understand their partner when being in a committed relationship.

I have spoken before about how simple both men and women can be - in fact, I believe most living species on the planet are relatively simple to understand. Every species has survival mechanisms that allow them to live within an ecosystem and evolve in time.

On a fundamental level, humans are easy to understand but they have the ability to make things complicated. We have the ability to take one simple thing, add a bunch of layers to it to make it more complex, and then struggle to understand it further. I also believe this is just how humans are hardwired as we continue to evolve with the times.

The rapid advancement in technology has been able to make just about anything more complicated even though everyone and everything may seem so easily accessible.

I think one of the biggest purposes in life is to try and understand more about it.

It is an interesting paradox in that the more we know or the more we think that we know about something, the more we don't know - to me, this is what makes life worth living.

The purpose of this blog post is to help men understand what it should feel like to be a man and also allow women to understand more about men and what a man truly wants from a woman.

Men are extremely simple creatures, and by men, I mean real men...

Real men are not hard to please. Simple acts of service are enough to keep a man truly satisfied.

What does this mean?

If a woman knows when her man is hungry and has food ready for him, this is enough to make a man happy.

If a woman knows her man is tired and has a cup of coffee ready for him, this is enough to make a man happy.

If a man is stressed out at work, a simple "you got this honey, I believe in you" will be enough to make a man happy.

The point that I am trying to make is that if a man is good at being a man, he is doing everything he can for the benefit of everyone else around him and this is why men truly are simple creatures.

The problem today is that most people have been programmed to only value short-term pleasure and gratification.

There are women out there that do all of these things for their man and it still doesn't seem like it is enough to keep him satisfied - this is where women have to genuinely question if they are with a man of genuine substance that wants the best for both of them or not.

If a man is completely self-absorbed, he wont have anything of genuine substance to offer a woman and the same ranks true for women that are completely self-absorbed.

A lot of times, people who are self-absorbed genuinely believe in their own minds that they have more to offer than they really do and that is all a result of being self-absorbed.

A man that is self-absorbed is no real man in my opinion.

Having this "I am a king" mindset genuinely drives me up a fucking wall because I don't believe life as a man is about that at all.

I believe life as a man is about having the mindset of a warrior and living everyday as such.

Putting your life on the line and becoming the best version of yourself for the benefit of everyone around you is what it means to be a man.

Becoming the best version of yourself just so that you can take from others, doesn't make you a man.

All a real man truly wants from a woman is to have someone that supports him and believes in him and his dream.

Belief is the single most important thing for a man when it comes to choosing the right woman.

Belief and love from a woman are some of the most powerful forces in the universe and if you think I am lying, just ask any woman that has pushed another human out of her.

This is why it is so important for a man to have a purpose in life and be driven for something greater than himself. Only then will the belief and love of the right woman be able to give him his ultimate source of strength.

This is personally not something that I have experienced before in terms of being with a woman who believes in me and believes in my dream. My dreams haven't been as clear to me in the past as they are to me today at this point in my life.

Being as that I have spoken to both men and women who have been together with someone for long periods of time, it is a common theme in that the genuine love and support of a woman is what makes a man want to keep going and strive for more.

One of my best friends parents have been together for over 30 years. The father is a former Marine who was a front line troop in the infamous Desert Storm War in Iraq.

Both of his parents got married after 3 months of knowing each other, he gets shipped off to war and she was there waiting for him when he returned.

This man still can't sleep at night after all of these years from the things he has seen in his life but one thing that has always remained is that his wife has been there with him from the beginning and will be there with him until the end.

They have since built a beautiful family with two incredibly respectable children and it is truly humbling just to be in their presence. They make everyone that steps foot into their house feel like family and this is something of genuine value and substance.

This is the ultimate dream as a man.

He doesn't need to have billions of dollars in his bank account, he needs a woman that supports him, believes in him, and holds him accountable for being a man.

Anytime you hear a woman say that her man "needs to have money", just know these types of women have truly nothing to offer a real man.

A woman that will stand by her man when he gets shipped off to war is a real woman that has everything in the world to offer a man.

The entire reason why men and women were made for each other is to work together, build a family together, and create a legacy to carry on and pass down to the next generation.

Understand that as a man, it is our duty to be the lead of the household and be able to protect the ones we love with our lives.

It requires a lot of hard work and consistency to become a man of genuine value and substance, but all a man truly needs is a woman that believes in him.

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