What Men Find Attractive

What Men Find Attractive

What a man looks for in a woman is a common question that I am asked.

While I do believe that men are some of the most simple creatures on the planet, modern day culture has skewed a lot of the perception of how men and women should act. As a result, people's values, morals, and priorities have changed, making it more difficult for men and women to act out their roles.

In the world of social media, both men and women are easily influenced by the outside world.

While it may seem controversial, I believe social media has genuinely made human's weaker, especially men.

Social media can make life easier, but it can also make life more difficult at the same time. I relate this to Newton's Third Law in that every action has an equal and opposite reaction - every positive has an equal and opposite potential negative.

Social media is convenient - it has allowed people to grow businesses and make a good living with very little work or effort. In the same vein, living in an attention economy can completely devalue you as a person if you do not know how to handle receiving attention.

Receiving attention from the outside world plays an interesting role in the human psyche.

For most, receiving attention breeds entitlement - thinking you deserve things because other people have made you feel like you do. The reason I bring this up is because I have experienced what its like getting attention through live entertainment. As I have said before, getting attention just paints a picture of what other people think about you in their minds for the value you provide for them in that moment, without providing any real value for being who you are.

Social media has allowed men to put women up on a pedestal for doing absolutely nothing but be attractive and serve as a distraction - after-all, female beauty is the most valued commodity on the entire planet. As a result, men become weaker, women grow ego's, and everyone's values and priorities change in real time.

This pivotal shift in human culture has made me think long and deeply about what I find attractive in a woman and what I personally value about the masculine and feminine roles.

I have more traditional views of how a man should treat a woman and how a woman should treat a man. To me, the traditional masculine and feminine role is what makes the most sense because it is the one model that has worked the longest through the millions of years of human evolution - the man protects and provides for his woman and family, and the woman being the natural caregiver to her man and children.

As a man, what I find attractive is personal exclusivity from his woman. A woman's ability to stay exclusive  and only give her attention to her man is a highly valued quality. In today's world, living in an attention economy, exclusivity is an extremely valuable quality for a woman to possess.

Another quality I find attractive is professionalism. A woman that carries herself professionally in public is a direct representation of her man and how respectable he is as a man.

The third most valued quality is her natural ability of being a caregiver. This may seem self-explanatory, but is easily one of the most important qualities. As a man, we need to be able to choose the best possible fit as the mother for our children. If a man is doing his job and working every single day to fulfill his duties as a man, then the mother of his children should be well taken care of so that she can fulfill her duty as a mother.

To me, I do not believe there is any sort of extensive list for what it takes for a woman to be a good woman if a man is doing his job at being a good man.

Allowing the man to lead because you are confident in him and his capabilities is a beautiful thing - every man should strive to be the kind of man that a woman can confide in and feel safe with.

The world is changing, but the masculine and feminine roles don't have to. To me, this is one of those "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" qualities of life.

In today's world, women are becoming more independent and more self-driven, which are masculine qualities. Being that I was raised by a single mother who has worked exceptionally hard her entire life, I have much respect for women that work hard and can make something of themselves. With that being said, women possessing more masculine qualities are less valued by men who genuinely want to be good men.

The idea of being a "strong, independent woman who don't need no man" is a result of men failing to live up to their full potential - for that, I apologize on behalf of all men.

I have said it before and I will continue to say until the day they bury me 6 feet deep, that one attracts what they put out into the universe. If a man truly focuses and works on becoming a good man in everything he does in life, he will attract a good woman that protects his spirit. The same goes for women that focus on becoming the best possible woman they can become - they will naturally attract the man that will protect her with his life and provide for her a life that she deserves.

Where focus goes, energy flows...

If your goal is to be an independent woman and to bait men into subscribing to your OnlyFans, then you must accept the low quality of men that you attract.

For men, if you aren't working everyday at becoming the strongest possible version of yourself in all areas of your life, then you must accept the quality of women that you attract.

At the end of the day, I believe all women inherently want to be protected and provided for, and rightfully so. Women have the most important job on the entire planet in creating life and it is our duty as men to protect it at all costs.

Men have to be confident enough to stand up and decide to throw themselves into the fire so that their woman doesn't have to. She needs to protect his spirit and be his peace so that they can build a beautiful life together and instill good qualities in their offspring.

I am thankful for my personal experiences because I have had enough time to think about everything in great detail and what I consider to be high valued qualities that both men and women should be able to provide for one another.

As I continue to build myself into the strongest possible version of myself, I sit here awaiting the day that I can build a beautiful family of my own and pass these lessons onto my future children.

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This is very insightful from a man’s perspective. I could write a novel on this sub just but have one follow up question for you: do you feel the “happily ever afters” in movies, books, fairytales have created unrealistic expectations for love and what is attractive?


As a man you check off all the boxes of what real men should strive to be . You set the standard for better in a society where men abuse and use women and women allow themselves to be seen as an object instead of a genuine woman. There are women out there that dream about a man who can provide not just financially but also emotionally, physically and spiritually. Keep it up being the one who strives for greatness and expects nothing less . You are going to have the life you have always wanted . With your horses , your beautiful family and a cup of cafe bustelo to start your mornings . I only wish you the best and know that you have a huge impact on anyone’s life you are in . You are such a beautiful person and have a heart of gold and are going to be blessed more than you could ever dream of just don’t stop believing and working . I hope you find you me peace and joy in life because you deserve every little bit of it .


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