What Makes A High Value Man

What Makes A High Value Man

Female beauty is the most valued commodity on the entire planet.

There have been periods of time where men have fought and died over the beauty of a woman.

Now, men have to compete via their finances to gain access to the top-tier level of female beauty.

Social media has changed the game drastically because everyone is so easily accessible. The pretty girl that you fantasize about is getting DM'd and flown all around the world by men that are better than you! As a man, this should piss you off the way it pisses me off. Piss you off so that you do something about it and figure out how the idiot with the yacht is with your girl.

And yes, I called him a idiot because I don't think being rich and partying with a bunch of young girls makes a top-tier male. Plus, I genuinely don't believe that just because someone has something that I don't, that I can't figure out a way to have what he has. I have proven to myself over and over again that when I set my mind to something, I can figure out a way to make it happen.

So, yes - the idiot who thinks he's better than me will one day stand absolutely no chance against me. I will fly on his yacht, take his girl, eat his food, and swim back to shore just because.

All jokes aside, it is important to note what actually makes a high value man because this is a subject you hear a lot of people talking about today.

I believe that what makes a man a high value man is exactly what it sounds like, his values. While I believe that finances do play a part, the things that drive a man to be the best version of himself and to be a true protector and provider for the one's he loves and rely on him, makes him a high value man. A man's ability to commit to anything that he does and live out his purpose, makes him a high value man.

While having money is the modern way to play the game in the world today, I would argue that money alone, won't save you - whether you're a man or a woman.

To me, the man that pays super models to fly around the world with him, is no different than the loser at home, paying $20 a month to jerk off to her OnlyFans because the end result is exactly the same - you're both paying to see her naked, she grows an ego thinking she deserves more than she's worth, and you're still left lonely.

A man's ability to woo women doesn't make him a good man, regardless of how much money he has.

A man's ability to commit to one woman and promise to protect her, provide for her, and make sure she has the best life that she can possibly have, is a good man.

Social media has demoralized society and it has given everyone a false reality and what they deem to be "success" or "high value".

Female promiscuity gets attention, it creates a "lifestyle", but it isn't respected - why? Because it's easy! Women naturally get attention as it is - it is biological programming for men to seek out women, and women who are promiscuous, get more attention. People, whether you're a man or a woman, aren't respected for doing things that are easy - we are respected for doing things that are hard.

Being a man is hard, just like a woman being a mother is hard. Men and women that work hard at these things, gain respect from others.

So, while promiscuity might open doors, create opportunities to make money or meet rich men, you can't truly label that as success, and your chances of finding genuine happiness diminishes in real time - I have seen this first-hand.

I personally will never judge someone for how they choose to live their life. I am guilty of things, just like anyone else - everything is a choice. I recognize my faults for things that I have done in my life and I work everyday to become better, and become stronger. I say things how they are and how I see them.

Men only like female promiscuity for a short-term gain because nothing easy is worth having.

Working hard and fulfilling your life's purpose whether male or female, is the desired outcome - why waste the time?

Why waste time being promiscuous for short-term gain?

Why waste the time trying to fly supermodels around the world when you should be pursing the woman that brings you genuine peace?

The attention economy we live in almost makes it impossible for the average male to succeed in society. The average male doesn't get noticed by anyone. The pretty girl on Instagram isn't answering his DM's - why should she?

With that being said, I would argue that none of that even matters. Simply put, who gives a shit how pretty you think she is online? What matters, is becoming a strong and confident man so that you are prepared and ready to pursue the right woman.

When a man does what he is supposed to do, he will naturally attract the right people into his life, including the right woman.

I believe that when two souls who are meant to be together meet, there is a pivotal energy shift. There is a feeling that you can't really explain other than you know there is something about that person that genuinely feels right.

Maybe I sound like I am talking out of my ass, or maybe I am intuitive and pay attention to people's energy. Either way, I can recall on two separate occasions in my life where I looked at a woman and knew there was something about them that I felt like I needed.

It wasn't like seeing an attractive woman and saying "oh yeah, shes hot. I'm going to go talk to her". No... this was "that is mine, how can I make her mine?" And yes, this happened to me twice...

The first time it happened, I ended up meeting a beautiful soul who truly raised the bar for me in terms of what I look for and value in a woman.

The second time it happened, it didn't go entirely how I had planned it in my head - it wasn't like the first time. In fact, it back fired on me in a way. Looking back on it, I am glad it happened the way that it did because I realize now that I still had growing room - everyone does, and I just wasn't who I needed to be at that time. While I still have goals that I am working towards every single day to accomplish, I am a different man now than I was then.

It is like I always say, if you work hard for something and you genuinely believe it is possible, the universe is very giving to manifesting dreams into a reality. Even if it is for the person you want to be with - work at becoming the best version of yourself and there is no reason why you can't manifest the right person.

Life takes detours all of the time and I believe that if you stay true to your purpose and practice what it takes to become a man of value, then you will know when the right people appear.

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