What Is Your Purpose?

What Is Your Purpose?

Everyone needs to have a purpose in life.

Having a purpose is the only thing that gives life meaning.

As a man, having a purpose is what contributes to his ability to be useful, being able to build strength, and be capable men.

A purpose is what gets a man out of bed every morning to make himself better each day than he was the day before.

To be honest, it doesn't even matter what a man's purpose is as long as he has one.

His purpose could be to be a blue collar man, have a loyal wife, build a family with her, and work like a dog everyday so that he can protect his wife and his family.

A man's purpose could be to re-invent the wheel and be a billionaire, or even become Mr. Olympia in bodybuilding.

The reality of it is, a man having a purpose is what makes him a man of focus and commitment, and these are two traits that a man needs to have in order to be useful.

A man that is focused is a man has the ability to get things done.

A man that is committed to things is a man that gets things done well.

If a man can commit to something and stay focused on whatever it is he is committing to, the sky is the limit in terms of what that man can accomplish.

We are designed to work and be useful to society.

If we are able to tap into a deeper level of focus and commit to everything we do and everything that we say we are going to do, then we become more valuable men by extension.

The world needs men to be useful, not sit at home and play video games and jerk off to porn.

If a man cannot be useful to himself, he is never going to be useful to his family or to society.

Everything starts with building yourself first!

Committing to becoming just 1% better every single day will give you a 365% return on investment by the end of the year.

There are very few things on the planet that will give you that high of an ROI.

If you know anything about compound interest, you would understand that over a long enough period of time, that small little 1% win everyday will translate into a much larger win over time - that 365% yearly return on investment compounds every year, until you reach year ten and have a 3650% ROI.

This is why it is so important for people to actually have a purpose and work towards their purpose everyday.

If you work towards your purpose, you become more valuable and more useful by extension.

If you do absolutely nothing and expect everyone else to solve your problems for you, you learn nothing and you lose more value as time goes on.

You lose more of yourself the longer you wait to put work in to become a person of actual value.

If you are a man and your purpose is to be a strong and capable man, a protector and provider, have a loyal wife, and a beautiful family, then why would you waste any time on anything other than what you need to have those things?

Why would you waste your time jerking off to porn and drooling over girls on the internet who don't give two shits about you?

Why would you waste your time eating like a piece of shit when you know you are never going to get physically strong by doing so?

As a woman, if your purpose is to be a mother and be a wife, why would you waste your time on dating apps or posing naked online?

I truly believe that every woman's purpose is to be a mother.

I know not every woman has aspirations of having a family and having children, but I also think these women end up regretting that decision later on in life - this is just my opinion.

The reality of it is, women were biologically made to procreate and it is in every single woman's DNA to be a nurturer and caregiver.

Some women decide to never be a natural caregiver and that is fine because that is their choice.

But I believe every woman inherently wants to be a mother and have a strong man to protect them and provide for them.

If you are a woman and you believe your purpose is to be a wife and be a mother, then you have to focus on things that make you a good wife and a good mother.

I see way too many women claiming that they just want a good husband to protect them and give them children, meanwhile they just want attention from all men.

This is where accountability comes into play - the same way men need to be held accountable for being unproductive and jerking off to porn, women need to be held accountable for their consistent bad behavior of craving attention from men.

If you truly want to be a wife, stop craving attention from men and focus on the things that truly make you a woman and capable of being a wife.

If your purpose is to be a mother, stop posting half ass naked online for the world to see because your kids are eventually going to see that one day.

As a mother, would you want your children following in your footsteps of bad behavior? Or dating others with the same bad behavior?

If the answer is "no", then you have your answer that your priorities are out of line.

Good men that do have a purpose and are driven to make something of themselves, are not looking at women naked online as a wife, I promise you...

Purpose-driven men want a woman that is also focused on her purpose in life because this is how people build together.

If a woman is just waiting for a man to come solve all of her problems for her, she is settling for security.

If a man thinks that all he needs is a woman around him but can still fuck off and do nothing to make himself strong and capable, then he is settling for security.

People that settle often end up losing sight of their purpose and this is how people end up never living a truly fulfilling life.

This is why women that claim to want a husband will end up settling for whatever they can get, while women that want to be wives get what they want.

Everything is a matter of perspective and focus - focus on having a purpose and working towards that purpose everyday.

It starts with making yourself confident and making yourself valuable first, that way you can bring value to others and be accepting of something genuine in return.

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