What Is Hypergamy?

What Is Hypergamy?

It is no secret as to what the message is here at Playboy Ranchin' - we are here to help people build more self and situational awareness, as well as help men and women develop the tools they need to be better, stronger versions of themselves.

While much of my content may be seen as controversial, I believe they are conversations that need to be had.

I know there are many people lost out there, without a purpose, without a spouse, without any confidence, and just want something to make them feel good.

One thing I can promise you is if you have been paying attention and tuning in to my blogs daily, there are some tid bits of information I think you may find of use if applied correctly.

A lot of what we talk about here are the traditional masculine and feminine roles in relationships and in society.

I understand that this all may be seen as a topic of controversy, but I can assure you that I am not here to beat anyone up, just to help people make sense of things by sharing a different perspective.

I believe a lot of the reason why people struggle finding a purpose or finding a partner is because of their lack of self-awareness, and modern societal pressures that essentially promote poor behavior.

While the world is changing every single day, human behavior will always remain the same.

I believe that when it comes to relationships or searching for a partner, old fashioned traditional values will always work - our behavior never changes.

So while the world may be changing with the rapid advancements in technology and the lacking of basic human morality, the good ole fashioned method of men being men and women being women will always work.

Men being men and women being women is the one mental framework that has worked the longest since the beginning of time and is the only reason we have been able to evolve to where we stand today.

The reason why so many people are unhappy, lack purpose, struggle to find spouse's or romantic partners is because they have completely forgotten what it is like to live in a world where men are men and women are women.

Which leads me into the topic of today's post, which is about hypergamy.

Before we dive into hypergamy, let's first define what it is: hypergamy is the action of marrying or forming a relationship with someone of higher social status, or educational background.

In simple terms, hypergamy is when you decide to be with someone that has more strengths than you in more ways than one, whether it be finances, education, physical conformation etc.

Hypergamy is typically a desired quality of women - in other words, women are one's that typically decide to date men that are bigger than them, stronger than them, smarter than them, make more money than them, have more status than them etc.

Women choose to date up in terms of social hierarchy because it is in a females DNA to seek out the best possible candidate for survival.

What is interesting in modern day hypergamous relationships is that you do not see many of them.

Sure, there are plenty of women out there only seeking to be with high status men with lots of money and a lot of that is fueled by ego by today's standards.

The reality of it is, most women want the traditional hypergamous relationship with a man and are often incapable of attaining it due to modern societal norms.

What this means is most women want to be with a man that is a strong and capable protector and provider, but are incapable of attracting that kind of man because of modern ideology of it being ideal for women to act more like men, and men act more like women.

More women today are taught that it is okay to be strong and independent, it is okay to be promiscuous and put yourself out there because it makes you "confident", when all of this is really doing is promoting poor behavior and develop crippling insecurities.

On the flip side, men are being taught by society that it is "okay" to be emotional and be in your feelings because everyone out there cares about you and your mental health when in reality, it is the complete opposite - no-one cares about how we feel and the only way society deems us as valuable men is through our contributions to society.

If men spent more time being in their feelings than being productive to society, then nothing would ever get done.

Bridges would not be built, roads would not be paved, wars would not be fought, and there would be no houses for people to live in if men sat there and spent their time being in their feelings.

Yes, it is okay for men to feel things, but this is exactly why men need confidence, a purpose, and a group of people that truly want to see him win in life.

Women are less capable of attaining a truly hypergamous relationship when things like promiscuity are worshiped, and men fail to act like men.

This often falls into the trap of women wanting want they can't have - they want the strong and capable man, but do not have the tools to attract and be with that kind of man.

Now, this isn't all women because there are plenty of strong, confident women that aren't taking their clothes off for attention that are fully capable of attracting that kind of man and these are the kinds of women that do attract these kinds of men.

It is often the promiscuous women that are incapable of attaining a hypergamous relationship because of their addiction to attention and validation from other men.

This is why promiscuous women often attract insecure men because it is insecure men that will allow their promiscuous behavior.

We can't look at hypergamy as a form of hierarchical status over a woman.

Instead, we need to view hypergamy as fuel for men to become stronger and more capable men so that they can attract a good woman.

Women are always going to be searching for the man that is able to protect them and provide for them because it is in their DNA.

A woman should allow her man to lead her if he deems himself worthy of her trust, loyalty, and respect.

I believe most single women today want to be led by a strong and capable man, but have no idea how to be led - this is simply from men not being and acting like men and women not being and acting like women.

This also doesn't go without mentioning that if you are a single woman that wants to be led by a man, then you need to stop operating in your masculine frame and begin operating in your feminine frame.

No man is going to walk into your life and solve all of your problems for you, offer you hypergamy, and lead you if you are not already in your true feminine.

Promiscuous behavior and the addiction to constantly seeking validation from new men is never going to land you a truly hypergamous relationship.

Men, this is your calling that you need to become men that are capable of leading a woman so that she can depend on you.

As a man, you should want to be bigger, stronger, smarter, and make more money so that you can be capable of making good decisions and protecting and providing for your woman.

To be able to obtain a truly hypergmous relationship, like everything else, is going to take work from both parties and a constant strive to be better for yourselves, and for others.

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