What is Accessibility?

What is Accessibility?

If you were to ask a man what two things he is looking for the the most when choosing a woman, he is going to tell you that he wants a woman that respects him and is loyal to him.

We have discussed in past blog posts the true meaning of loyalty and one's ability to be able to protect their partner's peace above all else.

Your partner doesn't have to be sleeping with other people for them to be considered being disloyal to you - all it takes is a for them to expose themselves to other people for attention for it to be considered cheating.

This is something that I believe a lot of people, especially in modern culture, don't quite understand.

Most will say they are loyal because they are not out sleeping with other people, meanwhile they are texting others behind their partners back, posting promiscuous content online, and replying to others in DM's on social media.

While the topic of today's blog isn't about loyalty, it is important to understand that just because you are not sleeping around with other people, doesn't make you loyal.

What makes somebody loyal is their ability to show up for you day after day, cater to your needs, and protect your peace behind your back.

Gentlemen, if you tell a woman you love her and go and text some girl you used to sleep with or text an ex because you "miss them", one - you're an idiot, and two - you don't understand true loyalty.

Ladies, if you tell a man that you love him and you continue to post pictures of yourself in bikini's and reply to men in your comments and DM's, you also do not understand true genuine loyalty.

Piggy backing off of the topic of yesterday's post where we talked about narcissists and psychopaths, oftentimes it is the people that display the kind of behavior we just described that end up falling victim to the narcissistic/psychopathic mindset.

If you tell someone that you love them and you go and text an ex or someone you used to talk to without your partner knowing, regardless of the circumstance, that is the narcissist/psychopathic mindset at large.

It is the narcissist that will justify these actions and keep it a secret because they do not consider it cheating, meanwhile it is a cry for attention through outsourcing short-term validation from someone else.

Aside from the recent research I have been doing on this particular subject, I also have experienced this many times before in my own personal life.

In my own experience, women that display narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies will justify texting their ex as "no longer having feelings", or something along those lines.

With men, it is much of the same - it is only a cry out for attention because the person you are with is not giving you the attention and validation you are looking for.

True genuine loyalty is a result of not only protecting your partners peace at all times, but not exposing yourself or making yourself accessible to others.

Which brings us to the topic of today's post in what exactly is accessibility.

Accessibility can be seen in hundreds of different forms in today's culture, particularly with social media and having an online presence.

Accessibility in a nutshell, is one's ability to put themselves in a position to captivate peoples attention and them acting on the attention they are receiving.

There are many similar ways in which men and women become accessible to other men and women, and there are different ways.

As we have discussed in previous blogs, when it comes to women, women are the gatekeepers.

Women are the marketers of themselves wherever they go or whatever they decide to post online because men are always watching - it is human nature for men to naturally seek out women.

How a woman chooses to put herself out there and carry herself in public or online, will determine how accessible she is to men.

When you see a beautiful woman that is wearing highly revealing clothing out in public, it is her own subconscious need for validation from men because she knows that men are naturally drawn sexually to the promiscuous woman.

While I am sure there are many women that disagree with this statement, it is fair to agree that sex for woman always sells, it always has sold throughout human history, and will continue to sell till the end of time.

So, regardless if you agree with this statement or not, sex always sells.

In fact, this is exactly why so many beautiful women today model bikinis and revealing looks on their social media and have platforms such as OnlyFans - they know that sex sells and that men are thirsty for what they have to show off so they take advantage of what they see as an opportunity.

While they may see it as an "opportunity", that "opportunity" has long-term consequences in terms of that woman being valued by men.

Men do not value things that are easily accessible - in fact, men value the complete opposite.

Men value things that are hard to find and hard to get because it is in a man's nature to take what he wants for himself.

If he takes 1000 beautiful women for himself because he can, he does not value those women because he did not have to work for it.

The same thing goes for men when it comes to getting a woman's attention in 2023.

With everyone being so easily accessible, whether it is through social media or dating apps, men are always going to value the woman that he had to work for more than a woman that is putting herself out there for men to approach her or message her.

This is also why I stated in a recent blog post that one of the most attractive things a woman could do in the modern era is have a private Instagram account because it limits her accessibility from other men.

Now, a woman can choose who follows her and who she doesn't want following her, commenting on her stuff, and messaging her.

A woman that limits her accessibility from men and is hard to get her attention is the woman that men value more over the woman with a million followers posting pictures in bikinis.

So how can a man become accessible to women?

Being as that I used to perform in male entertainment, I can tell you first hand that is also how a man chooses to carry himself that will determine how accessible he becomes to women.

When it comes to men, women are not approaching men the same way that men approach women.

This is the major difference when it comes to accessibility between men and women and this is why I say that women are the marketers and men are the salesmen.

While there are some men that get approached by women in public for being good looking or having some form of confidence, it is not to the same degree as to a woman being approached by a man in public for being attractive.

So a man has to make a conscious choice as to how he is going to be accessible to women.

In the modern era, men become accessible to women by having money and some form of status because these things are what captivate a woman's attention.

When a woman sees a man with money, she is more inclined to shoot her shot with that man and this is why they say that the top 1% of men get all of the women.

Women are naturally drawn to the man that displays a lifestyle of perceived monetary value because it subconsciously displays in a woman's mind that the man has some form of competence to be able to achieve that kind of lifestyle.

So a man with money instantly becomes more accessible to women if he chooses to put himself out there as such.

The truth about accessibility though is that being accessible does not make you loyal.

The more accessible a woman is, the more likely she is to cheat the same way the more accessible a man is, the more likely he is to cheat.

Just because you want to justify your actions through some dumb story that you tell yourself as to why you cannot be loyal, is a reflection of true character.

It is people that are truly loyal that reflect good character, good morals, and have pure intentions.

People that are easily accessible do so for their own short-term benefit and fail to realize the long-term consequences.

Everything is a choice and if you would rather reply to that famous guy in your DM's to get a week of pleasure, or be the guy that flies around the world to sleep with beautiful women, then that is your choice.

But one thing to always remember is that giving in to your short-term gratification at the expense of your long-term reward is never a good move and will always leave you with regret for not choosing to be with people that will give you true genuine loyalty.

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