What Are Good Friends?

What Are Good Friends?

When it comes to attracting good people into your life, it starts with your friends.

Your friends, whether you are a man or a woman, will say a lot about you and who you are as a person.

When a person has good quality friends, it is a good judgement of character.

When a person is surrounded by shitty friends, it is a poor judgement of character.

One thing I have found is that it is hard to find true good friends and this is often why I have kept my circle so small my entire life.

I have found that the more people that know more about me, the more it opens the door for disloyalty and sellout.

With me, I do not tolerate disloyalty to any degree, whether it be someone who was once a friend, or a woman that I am in a relationship with.

Once disloyalty has made itself present, I immediately remove myself from the situation because I have officially learned that I cannot trust that person.

I have experienced this with women many times before in my life and oddly enough, the women that I have always liked all had shitty friends.

Before we get into the differences between good friends and shitty friends, let's first define what a friend even is.

A friend is a person you know that you bond with to some degree - a person that you have shared experiences with or have the ability to share experiences with etc.

I have written before about the difference between having real friends and having people you are friendly with - I call these acquaintances.

To me, a real friend is someone who has your back no matter what, while an acquaintance is someone that maybe you can meet out for a beer and share a few stories with.

This then begs the question, what is a real or a good friend?

A real friend is someone who is ready to ride into battle with you.

A real friend is someone that you can share the deepest parts of your soul with and know there is no judgement.

A real friend is someone that will hold you accountable for when you are fucking up.

A real friend is most often the one that tells you the things that you don't want to hear.

A real friend will always respect you behind closed doors because they understand the meaning of true loyalty.

A real friend wants to see you win in life and will always keep you in check when you are doing something you shouldn't be doing.

A real friend respects you to their core and is ready to ride with you and die for you at any minute of any given day.

You see, there are very few people that most people will meet in their lives that would be able to truly live up to this list of qualities that it takes to be a true friend.

There are many people out there who have a lot of "friends" when hardly any of them truly have their back or want to see them win in life.

What I have found is that the more people you allow to know more about you, the more you open up the door for betrayal and disloyalty.

To some people, loyalty does not matter to them and they surround themselves with people who only tell them everything that they want to hear.

To me, people who just tell you everything you want to hear are shitty friends.

Friends that tell you everything you want to hear are cool with you just being able to settle in life, instead of seeing you win.

Friends that don't hold you accountable when you are fucking up are shitty friends.

Friends that encourage degenerate behavior are shitty friends who don't want to see you win.

Friends that get jealous of you are shitty friends.

Friends who don't understand the true meaning of loyalty are shitty friends and will turn their backs on you the minute they see an opportunity to save themselves.

You can see where I am going with this...

The point is, who a person chooses to be friends with matters because who they choose to be friends with says a lot about them and who they are as people.

You know what they say, you become what you surround yourself with - so, if you are surrounding yourself with shitty people that don't hold you accountable and they only tell you everything that you want to hear, you will never be truly fulfilled or find the things you are looking for in life.

Whereas, if you are one that ONLY surrounds yourself with people that want to see you win and people that hold you accountable and tell you the things you often don't want to hear, then you will be able to level up and find the strength to have what you are looking for in life.

All anyone truly needs in life is one person that truly believes in them and believes in their mission - most people would be lucky to find this one person.

When it comes to being a man, his friends will tell you everything about him.

If he surrounds himself with people that are comfortable, he himself will become comfortable.

If he surrounds himself with degenerates, he himself will follow the path of degeneracy.

If he surrounds himself with loyal men who are ready to go to battle for one another and help each other win, then you can guarantee that he is a man that is loyal and ready to go to battle to get the things he wants in life.

One thing that I think a lot of people get wrong, especially women, is who they choose to be friends with.

What a lot of women don't realize is that who she chooses to be friends with matters A LOT to a man.

If a woman surrounds herself with people that are desperate and unhappy in their lives, then they will never want to see that woman actually win, regardless of what they try and tell each other to "lift" each other up.

When a woman surrounds herself with women who are disloyal or unhappy in their relationships, she will follow along in that same path.

The thing is, I understand that women can be mean to each other, get jealous of one another, and misery will ALWAYS love company.

So, who a woman chooses to be friends with matters a lot because she will become a result of the people she spends the most time around.

For the record, women also give horrible dating advice and this is mostly because they don't truly understand men and how men think.

I am giving you an insider right now as to how men actually think and you can almost guarantee that a good man is not going to choose a woman that is friends with a bunch of women that are unhappy in their relationships or single and desperate.

There is a reason for this - if a woman surrounds herself with women who are unhappy in their relationships, or they are single and desperate, these types of women are never going to want to truly see her win.

These types of women are always going to give her shitty advice because they don't understand men, and they are always going to tell her what she wants to hear because they do not want to see her win.

This can only mean one thing, if a woman surrounds herself with others who don't want to see her win, then you can guarantee they won't want to see me win either.

The only people I want surrounding me are people who want to see me win and if the woman I am with is surrounded by people that are miserable or a bunch of dudes who just want to fuck her, then they are NEVER going to want to see me win because they don't want to see her win.

Ladies, this is how men think.

You can sit here and think all you want that a man not liking you being friends with a bunch of dudes makes him insecure but the reality of it is, most men are smart enough to realize that the only reason why a man would ever choose to be friends with a woman is for a shot to eventually get into her pants - this is not about being insecure, this is about men having ulterior motives and poor intentions.

If you are a woman and you feel like you can't be friends with women because they are mean and jealous, it just means your priorities are out of line because the reality of it is, you don't need to have a shit ton of friends to be fulfilled!

You only need one friend that truly has your back, holds you accountable, tells you the things that you don't want to hear, and one that truly believes in you.

If you think being friends with men is the answer, you are lying to yourself because while men don't get as jealous as women, most men aren't going to have your best interests at heart either.

Who you choose to be friends with matters!

Don't be someone who only surrounds yourself with people that want to bring you down to their level.

Men, don't surround yourselves with men that act like degenerates if you want to live a truly fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

If you and your degenerate friends just want to chase a bag at the expense of your dignity, that is on you.

Ladies, don't surround yourselves with other women who are disloyal and desperate because you will oftentimes find yourself living the same path.

When you act disloyal and desperate, you will attract others that are disloyal and desperate because that is how energy works, and you can almost guarantee that they will never truly have the right things to say to you.

Choose the people that don't want to see you act like a degenerate, hold you accountable, and want to see you actually win if you ever plan on finding and living the life you have always wanted.

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