Valued Commodities Vs. Valued Assets

Valued Commodities Vs. Valued Assets

It is no secret that we cannot survive as a species without commodities.

Commodities are entities of great value that can be used - time, copper, steal, and agricultural resources to name a few.

Assets on the other hand, differ from commodities in that assets are entities that appreciate over time.

In other words, something that is seen or used as an asset is something in which is going to grow and provide an exponential amount of value to someone or something over an extended period of time.

As humans, we cannot live without commodities or assets.

The question then becomes: what is seen as being more valuable? Commodities or assets?

While both commodities and assets serve their purpose in the lives of humans, I believe it truly is a matter of perspective.

When I think of something as being a valuable asset, I think of something that is going to help me grow and appreciate over a long period of time.

When I think of something as being a valuable commodity, I see it as something that is going to serve a purpose right here, right now.

Let's take time for example - we know that our time and attention are our most valuable commodities, and how we choose to spend our time right now is going to impact our future in some way, shape, or form.

However, time can also be seen as an asset assuming one knows how valuable their time really is and who and what is worthy of it.

Water works the same way - we know that the human body is made up of 75% water, so it is without question that we need water to survive.

If you are severely dehydrated, that is your own body telling you that you need water right now or your body will shut down for good.

So we can see why commodities are needed in that regard.

Commodities are also used to create assets!

Take a high rise condominium for example - a high rise condominium is made up entirely of commodities but the building itself is considered an asset because of its use and value over an extended period of time.

Or you can look at agricultural resources growing on farm land where the resources themselves are the commodities being grown on the farm land, while the land itself is the asset in which the resources are grown.

We can see how assets and commodities are intertwined, but the question in which is perceived as more valuable has yet to be answered.

Personally, I believe the answer lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Being as that we live in consumer culture, I would argue that most would value commodities over assets.

Assets take time, preparation, and persistence to obtain, while most commodities can be consumed right here, right now.

When we consider assets vs. commodities in people is when the argument begins to get interesting.

Take certain features that someone might have that you find attractive - maybe they're smart, good looking, funny, charismatic etc. these are all commodities in which sparks interest on the surface level.

However, we all know that the more time we spend with someone, the more we being to peel back the layers of who they truly are as a person.

It isn't until we begin to understand what someone is really like until we actually know if they are an asset to us or not.

In other words, things may look great on the surface, but just because something looks good on the surface does not mean they are capable of providing us with any real value.

What makes someone capable of providing us with any genuine value is their intention behind wanting to be with us or wanting our attention and vice versa.

It has been said that women are born with their value because of their beauty.

While I do agree that this is partially true, it is not the whole truth, because yes, female beauty is one of the most valued commodities on the planet, that does not mean that a woman is valuable because she is beautiful.

It is true that women are born with sexual exclusivity and their ability to remain sexually exclusive makes women more valuable to men.

But just because a woman is beautiful does not make her valuable and does not mean that she has anything to offer a man.

What makes a woman valuable to a man is her ability to be and act like a woman.

The more feminine a woman is, the more attractive she is to men.

Beautiful women in today's day-in-age have it the easiest and the hardest at the same time.

If a woman is beautiful, the world is her oyster - she can have whatever she wants whenever she wants and will always have the most men competing for her attention.

With that being said, beautiful women also have it the hardest in that they are usually the ones that are getting taken advantage of by men the most.

When men see a beautiful woman, it is in our natural instinct to find her attractive and want to mate with her - this is our biological proclivity and is something that is encoded into our DNA.

While female beauty may be the most valued commodity on the planet, it does not make a woman a valuable asset.

What makes a woman a valuable asset to a man is going to depend on what she brings to the table.

Does she know how to nurture and take care of a home?

Can she predict a man's needs before he needs them?

Is she capable of giving unwavering support to her man's thoughts and dreams?

Is she capable of respect and loyalty?

Is she capable of making a good mother?

Is she willing to sacrifice her short term wants and desires for the long term reward of being in a committed relationship and building a family?

Or, is she just some hot piece of ass that is along for the free crap that her man is capable of providing for her socially or financially?

Does she make everything about her?

Does she still text her exes and other men behind closed doors?

Does she think that because she's beautiful that she deserves more than anyone else?

There is a huge difference between what makes a woman a valued commodity versus a valuable asset.

If a woman is incapable of sacrificing her short term wants and desires, she will not have anything of genuine substance to offer a man.

There is more to being a valuable woman than being beautiful or being able to cook and clean.

A man that follows in God's footsteps is looking for a woman that is able to provide for him more than just on the surface level.

Someone's look will always be surface level because looks will always fade and this is exactly why female beauty will always be a valued commodity and not a valued asset.

Female beauty is valued only in short term encounters while a woman's true feminine nature is what makes her a valuable asset long term in the eyes of a man.

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