Understanding Men

Understanding Men

Since we have began writing content for Playboy Ranchin', we have had the chance to sit down and talk to more people about the various topics we cover here on this platform.

People have read our stuff, shared their experiences, and even some have sought out guidance as to how they can fix their current situations.

While a majority of consumers of our content are women, there are some men out there that have reached out and shared their appreciation for the things that we talk about.

The entire goal behind our content is to provide you, the reader, with different perspectives about the various problems we face in our society today from the dating world, to simple life lessons so that you can think critically about the things we talk about and formulate your own understanding.

I would say our content is for both men and women to read because we talk in-depth about how both men and women think and there are things that people need to be made aware of about the other in terms of how we think.

While we have discussed a lot about the problems that a lot of women face today and how men have helped contribute to them, it is part of helping men understand how women think and behave, while also bringing awareness to women for the problems that they face and why they are facing them.

One of the biggest problems I think most people have in terms of relationships is that both men and women have no idea how the other thinks and behaves.

Both men and women are fairly simple once you are able to establish a baseline understanding of typical human behavior patterns.

But for the sake of this post, this is strictly dedicated to helping women understand men better - how we think, and how we operate.

One of the biggest problems women face in dating today is that women have no idea how men actually think - they don't know what we want.

The reality of it is, men are quite simple and the types of men you are attracting are a direct result of the energy you are casting out into the universe.

You see, I have found that there are a lot of women out there that will ask what men want, I will tell them, and they will respond with something along the lines of "well, I already do that for my man and I still get cheated on" etc.

The reality of it is, while most men today are lost in terms of finding their true purpose in life, the reason why many of these women think this way is because they are insecure in terms of what they bring to the table.

While there are many women out there that are natural nurturers, many women today come from past emotional trauma that has been caused by men somewhere in their lives.

The result of this trauma that many women today face is insecurity.

So when I hear a woman say she is doing all of these things for her man and she still attracts shitty men, to me the answer is simple in that she just hasn't fully dealt with her insecurities yet.

Because the reality is, you always attract what you put out and if you are attracting shitty men or men are attracting shitty women, it is a direct result of not dealing with your own insecurities - your priorities are out of line.

It isn't until a woman truly accepts herself and her past, changes her behavior, and gains confidence that she will then attract better men with more to offer.

Women often wonder why they can't find good men and the answer is relatively simple - most women have nothing to offer men of genuine value.

I am not saying this to be mean, I am saying it because it is the truth.

If you are looking for a man that is strong, confident, willing, capable, purpose-driven, and a good protector and provider, then you need to ask yourself what you actually bring to the table.

If you are looking for a man that is confident, do you think he is going to entertain a woman that isn't confident?

If a man has self-respect, is he going to entertain women that are easily accessible to other men, messaging other men, and trying to get their attention?

If a man is purpose-driven, do you really think he is going to care if you are capable of being independent and being able to handle things on your own?

The answer to these questions is quite simply, no.

Masculine men want truly feminine women.

Masculine men like women that are confident, authentic, natural caregivers, undeniably loyal, and exclusive from other men.

The thing is, men are very simple if you know how we think.

The problem a lot of women have is that they understand that they all want the type of man that I just described, but for many women that have dealt with past traumas from men, they aren't familiar with the type of man that I just described.

Oftentimes, women that have experienced a lot of past emotional trauma continue to attract the types of men that they are used to attracting, then they often question why they can't find good men because of everything they have to offer when the reality is, they don't have anything to offer the man they are looking for.

If you are insecure, why would you think you deserve a confident man?

If you are okay with being independent, why would you think a man would want to provide for you?

As I said, I am not saying this to be offensive, but to provide a perspective as to how men actually think when choosing the right woman to bring into his life.

Men are extremely simple once you get the gist of how we operate.

We love when our woman can make us look good.

We love when our woman makes us look good in front of our friends and in front of our peers.

If I am out in public with my woman, she is a reflection of me.

How she carries herself, what she decides to wear, how she walks, how she talks, is all a reflection of me as her man.

So, if I am out with a woman and she is holding herself professionally, other men are going to take notice and wonder what man she is there with.

Once other men see how professionally a woman carries herself out in public, they will immediately respect me more for choosing her to be my woman.

If I am out with a woman and she is wearing clothes that are extremely revealing, whether it is her butt cheeks hanging out of her gym shorts or an exposing shirt, other men are going to look at me and think "he let his woman go out dressed like that?"

While to women this may sound "insecure", it is about men respecting men at the end of the day.

Men want to be respected by their woman, by their friends, and by their peers.

If my woman is entertaining another man that she shouldn't be entertaining for whatever reason, regardless of the context, that man is officially going to lose respect for me knowing that I am her man and he was still able to get her attention.

The problem that most women face today is that they don't understand that this is literally how men think.

Everyone is consumed by what the outside considers to be "insecure" and "controlling" when at the end of the day, men just want to be respected.

If my woman and I are hanging around my friends and she starts nagging at me and picking fights with me in front of our friends, then she is making me look bad - my friends would lose respect for me for putting up with someone who blatantly disrespects me.

The point that I am trying to make is that men want their woman to make them look good because she is a reflection of him and how she carries herself will say a lot about him.

Who a man chooses to be his woman is one of the most important choices a man will ever make in his life.

If a man chooses a woman that is insecure and disrespects him, he will lose his drive by trying to keep someone else happy that can't even make herself happy.

If a man chooses a woman that is confident, has self-respect, holds herself accountable, is undeniably loyal and exclusive from other men, believes in her man and his dream, then he is choosing a woman that will be his ultimate source of strength.

The point that I am trying to make is that if women genuinely understood men, they would be able to alleviate many of the problems that they have.

Because while there are less good men today that lack purpose, lack self-respect, and lack self-control, the reason why you continue to attract these kinds of men is because it is what you are used to the most.

You attract what you put out.

If you want a confident man, then you yourself need to be confident - not confident by today's standards, but genuinely confident in who you are and what you bring to the table.

The problem that most people have when entering into new relationships is thinking "what can this person do for me?", instead of "what value can I add to this person?"

If you focus on bringing genuine value to someone else, you will begin to operate in such a manner that has something genuine to offer.

If you are set on being independent and hoping the right man will just show up one day, then your priorities are out of line and you need to get clear with what you are putting out there.

Men are always watching...

Confident men will never mind approaching you in public if you have something that he wants.


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