True Freedom

True Freedom

What does freedom look like to you?

Does freedom look like a lifetime of financial security?

Does freedom look like having a house with property in the country and a family of your own?

Does it look like galloping through an open field horseback?

True freedom is phenomenon that is purely subjective in the sense that is differs for everyone.

Sure, one could define freedom as being able to do whatever you want whenever you want with whoever you want, but what that looks like differs from person to person.

If your freedom looks like sailing on yachts and flying around on private jets, then I would agree with you that you have found your sense of freedom.

However if you choose to define freedom as being able to take care of your family and be at peace living a normal life, then I would also agree that you have found your sense of freedom.

An element of true freedom is that it needs to inspire peace in one’s life.

Freedom is rooted in our purpose - giving us a sense of meaning and feelings of fulfillment.

Freedom allows us to not have to worry about the things we cannot control in life.

Not being sucked into the vortex of groupthink is a sense of freedom as this inspires one to think for themselves and discover their own truth.

In today’s culture, many people associate freedom with that of being financially successful.

While being financially sound plays a role in one’s ability to achieve financial freedom, there is a deeper purpose behind true personal freedom.

If there is no meaning to our work and there is no meaning behind who we are as people, then the amount of money we make is useless.

For this reason, true freedom is rooted in one’s purpose in life - to serve a greater good.

Whether that greater good is to serve and protect your family and the one’s you love or to serve others by solving problems and providing genuine value, it is a matter of having meaning behind who we are and the things we do.

If you can lay your head on the pillow at night and be at peace knowing that you get to wake up and continue the work you put in day in and day out, then you can confidently say that you have found your purpose and your path to freedom and fulfillment.

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