Traditional Family Values

Traditional Family Values

The traditional family is something that most people inherently yearn for.

A man and a woman, bonded together by love, with a family of their own is something that we all inherently want.

Being as that we are a social species, we desire connections to other humans and we desire the idea of procreation and passing down to the following generation.

Some people do not desire the traditional family model, and that is okay because how one chooses to live their lives is just that, a choice.

When we take a look as to how modern society operates, at least in Western culture, it is obvious that the traditional family model has become further out of reach of the average person.

In days of old, it was normal for a man to be the protector and provider of his family, while maintaining the leadership role of his household.

It was normal back then for the wife and mother to stay at home to raise and care for the children.

Looking at how men and women operate in Western culture today, it is almost as if one is in competition with the other.

The traditional masculine and feminine roles have been sacrificed at the hands of instant gratification.

Through platforms like social media, the desire for immediate attention and gratification, on top of the consistent push of outside narratives is what depicts peoples reality in real time.

Outside narratives and social acceptance is one of the leading driving factors of how men and women operate within Western society, and how they operate with one another.

In simple terms, people see what is considered to be "socially acceptable" as their blueprint for how to live their lives.

It is socially acceptable for men to sit at home and consume things like online pronography at the expense of their mental and emotional stability.

It is socially acceptable for women to sell themselves, their bodies, and their morals for immediate gratification in the forms of money and attention.

On top of that, the idea of men and women being the "same" is an ideology that has been pushed down through generations of social acceptance.

Men being taught that it is "okay" to be emotional and vulnerable, especially in the presence of women.

Women being taught that they do not have to depend on men and that their careers are more important than being a wife and having a family.

This might sound a little bit extreme, but let me explain further.

The rise of modern ideologies such as feminism and the push for men and women to be the "same" is something that has put women in a position to feel like they have to compete with men.

I am not saying that women are not capable of handling the same duties or doing the same things that men are, but when we look at how society was built, we realize that men are at the forefront of creating everything around us.

It is predominately men that are responsible for building the houses we live in, paving the roads we drive on, making the cars we drive in, and even creating the internet which is something that almost every single one of us utilizes on a daily basis.

We realize that is is mostly men that are responsible for putting their lives on the line to fight wars, fight fires, and protect against crime via law enforcement.

We realize that it is mostly men that are in positions of power, whether it be in business or world governments.

Again, this is not to say that women are not capable of doing these things, because they are, but looking at it from an objective point of view, we see that men are mostly responsible for creating the world we live in today.

When a woman is taught not to depend on men, it naturally puts them in a position to feel like they have to compete against men, especially in the world of professionalism, and this is why we see more women that are driven towards their careers and making a living of their own instead of depending on a man to provide for them.

One would ask, including myself, as to why a woman would ever want to compete with a man?

From my point of view, it seems almost natural that as being a man, my job is to protect and provide, not compete with a woman.

This division we see between men and women in Western culture creates internal conflict.

We see other forms of internal conflict through things like politics between the left wing and right wing, race division between blacks and whites, and sexuality division between gays and straights.

All of this serves as a distraction because when people are distracted from the actual mission and purpose of life, we tend to argue with others about what we believe to be true instead of going out and being productive to society.

In Ray Dalio's book, The Changing World Order, he illustrates the rise and falls of every major empire throughout human history, and how the rise and fall of an empire works in cycles.

He points out that one of the leading causes of the fall of every major empire in human history is due to internal conflict.

When times are bad, people tend to make them worse until they get better.

This is why the old adage never fails to explain this concept: good times create weak people, weak people create hard times, hard times create strong people.

This always woks cyclically because in times of hardship, it forces people to learn how to be leaders to help collectively get us up out of the slump, and this takes time.

In Dalio's book, he illustrates the rise of China's current empire in comparison to the decline of the United States empire and the differences between how our societies are governed.

While this post isn't meant to be political by any means, it is important to note that in countries like China, they operate off of the model of family first, because strong families and strong core family values create strong societies.

When people are taught strong traditional family values, they are able to operate within a society to prosper and create times of innovation and growth.

When there is internal conflict within a society and people are not taught to value strong core traditional family values, you get a weak culture that does not inspire any forms of creativity or innovation for growth.

It is no secret that in Western culture, the traditional family no longer exists.

There are more single parent households than any recorded period of human history.

When we look at it from an economic standpoint, the decisions of our economic decision makers have made it almost impossible for just one person to be able to provide for a family.

So what happens next?

Now both men and women are forced to have dual income households, while their children are being raised by other people that may not have have strong core values - this is why people (especially young children) are so easily influenced.

When both parents are absent trying to provide for a family, the children are spending most of their time in places like school and daycare being taught how to be civilized people from outside of the family.

The days of men being able to protect and provide for their family while the wife and mother stays home to raise the family is almost impossible by today's standards given our current economic situation.

This is why the focus of this channel is to inspire people to overcome this obstacle because the reality is, we have no control over what our economic decision makers decide to do, but we do have control of how we can deal with it.

We can control figuring out different ways to make more money so that our women do not have to go out and work if they do not want to.

We are currently in a very interesting time in human history and as I stated above, things have to always get worse before they get better.

With that being said, I do believe that more leaders are going to continue to rise up from the shadows and inspire others to take control of their lives so that we can live in harmony, promote peace and prosperity, inspire innovation and creativity, and continue to pass on strong core values to future generations so that they can go out into the world and continue our work.

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