Time And Attention

Time And Attention

Time is the single most important asset to any human being on the planet.

Everything about life revolves around time - it is etched into the fabric of reality.

Some may view time as a simple concept, but on a more scientific note, it is seen as another dimension of reality.

Scientists are able to formulate calculated probabilities about the universe based off of how objects move through space and time.

In the scientific sense, time is rather unclear to the everyday human.

In some ways, time seems linear, like it is only moving in one direction, but in the world of physics, time is warped by objects of mass in space.

For instance, it is said that time on earth moves slower than time in space because the planet earth itself is an object of mass.

Whether this is true or not, I could not tell you with any shred of accuracy because I have no idea what life is like outside of earth, but is still an interesting theory nonetheless.

Scientific talk aside, we as humans inherently know everything about our lives revolves around time.

We know that we are only going to experience life for an X amount of time because all living things on earth come to an end eventually.

In this sense, time moves linearly.

We are not getting any younger, we just grow older and our days of existence are numbered.

How we make use of our time will ultimately determine what our existence and experiences in life will mean.

This is where attention comes into the picture.

Attention is is a byproduct of how we choose to utilize our time and the things we choose to focus on become a major part of our reality.

As humans, we are consumers by nature - we take things that are given as a means of survival.

In more primitive times, having to hunt and search for food and shelter was a use case of our time and attention, which is ultimately how we were able to survive and evolve.

In the modern world, everything that we need is easily accessible and right at our fingertips at any minute of any given day.

Our biological need to hunt to survive becomes secondary to the likes of everything that we consume on a daily basis - social media, pornography, endless amounts of information via the internet etc.

In yesterday's post, we discussed the importance of men being able to create as a means of finding their purpose in life.

Creation is how someone can make the best use of their time.

Creation requires focus and attention towards a specific outcome or desire.

Consuming on the other hand, serves as the ultimate distraction - the more we consume, we the more distracted we naturally become.

Our desire to consume serves as the worst use case of our time because of the fact that it deliberately forces us to lose focus on working towards something of greater purpose.

Everything that we consume becomes disposable and can be replaced by the next greatest thing to further distract us from our life's mission.

In order to have a life worth living, we must be able to distinguish what is the most valuable use case of our time and attention.

It first starts with a strong focus on bettering ourselves every single day.

The pursuit of our own greatness naturally gives us the tools necessary for becoming a vessel of reliability.

In other words, people know that they can rely on us when we show up everyday to make ourselves better than we were the day before.

This does not go without mentioning that the people we choose to share our time and attention with also plays a factor in how our lives ultimately turn out.

If we are making the conscious pursuit of our own greatness and the people around us are stuck in consuming culture, then how can we ever expect to make it to new heights?

The only thing we can learn from people not on the same life pursuits is what not to do in order to achieve something.

In this sense, it would be a waste of time to give our attention to those who do not see or support our life's purpose.

These same principles also apply when choosing a life partner.

If we focus our time and attention on those who do not fully support or have our best interests at heart, then we are never going to truly find what we are looking for in a romantic relationship.

Everything in life stems from how we choose to utilize our time and attention.

Our own mental, physical, and emotional well-being comes from how we choose to utilize our time.

Our ability to find and live out our life's purpose comes from how we choose to utilize our time.

Time is etched into the fabric our our reality, and becoming conscious of how we can make best use of it will determine how fulfilling our lives will become.

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