Three Red Flags In Men

Three Red Flags In Men

Yesterday, we discussed three red flags that men should be able to pick up on when dating or entering into a new relationship with a woman.

Today, we are going to discuss three common red flags that men have that women should be made aware of when dating or entering into a new relationship.

There are many similarities in terms of red flags for toxic behavior in general, but there are some differences that I think women should be made aware of.

Part of the reason why there are a lot of women struggling to find a suitable partner is because they just don't understand men that well.

Hopefully, if you are a woman and you have been tuning in to reading our blog posts, that you have been able to gain a little bit more of an understanding when it comes to men, how we think, and how we behave.

Much like it is for men being able to establish behavior patterns in women, men are also highly predictable in their behavior patterns if you pay close enough attention.

As a woman, you should be able to identify when a man is serious about you, and when he is not.

I will agree that a majority of men out there do not have pure intentions when it comes to being in a committed relationship with a woman.

There are a lot of men that are afraid of commitment and this can be due to many things, usually from a lack of confidence.

In a world that revolves around one's ability to get attention, both men and women have become infinitely more accessible, but men have become weaker as a result.

Things like dating apps have given people a false sense of having options when in all reality, it is programming people to not have to deal with hardships of being in a relationship with another person, and it is contributing to the hyper-sexualized culture we find ourselves living in today.

Which brings me to red flag number one: men on dating apps.

I am aware that dating apps seems to be the new "cool" thing that people have been into for the better half of the last ten years, even more-so in recent years.

It seems like everyone is out there on dating apps, swiping on people's pictures to show "interest" and give people dopamine spikes for having conversations with new people.

While I am aware that some women may be on these apps for finding "true love", you must be aware of the fact that men on dating apps are not the husbands you are looking for.

Simply put, men on dating apps are insecure, lonely, and horny and that is the only reason why a man would ever choose to be on a dating app.

I have said before in recent blogs that the only time I was ever on a dating app was when I was horny and lonely - I had absolutely no intention of finding the love of my life on a dating app with those intentions.

Confident men looking for love are building themselves, not wasting their time on dating apps.

Most women today want a confident man to protect and provide for them, but are naive of the fact that men on dating apps are insecure.

The only reason men are on dating apps is because they are insecure - confident men don't have problems finding women.

Confident men aren't out there searching for love because love finds them.

Women are competing for the confident man's attention, so why would he waste his time on a dating app?

Most men and women do nothing but waste their time on dating apps and it is because of their lack of having pure intentions.

Which brings me to red flag number two: a man that wastes his time.

You can tell a lot about a man and a man's drive by the way he chooses to spend his free time.

If he is not at work, what is he doing in his free time?

Is he out at the local dive bar with his friends getting drunk every weekend?

Is he out at the nightclubs blowing money on alcohol and other women on the weekends with his boys?

Is he flying around the world picking up other women in his free time?

Or, is he spending his free time trying to learn new skills to better himself so that he can have an advantage over his competition?

Is he working towards his goals? Or does he not have any?

The point that I am trying to make is, how a man chooses to spend his free time will tell you everything you need to know.

Most women are attracted to a good family man that has good relationships with his family because it is a sign that he will hopefully take pride in supporting his future family one day.

These women would be 1000% correct because a man that is family-oriented and spends his free time making time for the ones he cares about the most, is a man that is capable of being reliable to his own future family.

Another thing that women should be hyper aware of when it comes to a man and his free time is his drive to be better and learn more shit.

If a man is truly focused on building himself, he is not going to be one that likes to waste time - he is not going to waste time getting fucked up on the weekends, going to the casino to gamble his life away, or waste his time trying to get laid on dating apps.

How a man chooses to spend his time is extremely important and this is something that women need to take notice of.

Piggy backing off of red flag number one - a man wasting his time on dating apps says enough about him because he clearly does not value his time otherwise he wouldn't be giving a bunch of random women on a phone screen a piece of his time.

When a man's time is truly valuable to him, he isn't going to waste it on things that do not serve his purpose.

If a man is out at the club wasting his time with his degenerate friends, then why would you expect this type of man to be the man that is going to come home and make time for you and your family together?

Which segway's into red flag number three: who a man chooses to be friends with.

The same way it is important for who a woman chooses to be friends with, it is extremely important to be aware of who a man decides to be friends with.

If a man is friends with a bunch of playboys that fly around the world to meet and party with new women, then you can guarantee his is a part of that group.

If a man is friends with men who have no drive to go places in life, then he will be a part of that group.

If a man is driven and surrounds himself with other men that want to see him win in life, then you can guarantee that he will be a part of that group.

You become a sum of the five people you spend the most time around.

If a man surrounds himself with five men that are content and have no drive, then he will be the sixth.

Who a man chooses to be friends with is also incredibly important from a relationship standpoint because as a woman, you are going to want his friends to be able to support you, as well as him.

I heard a quote yesterday by an online entrepreneur, Patrick Bet David that stuck with me: "if shit hits the fan between me and my woman, I want her friends to support me in that argument, the same way I would want my friends to support her in that argument."

This is why it is so important who a man and a woman decides to be friends with.

If you only surround yourself with lonely and desperate people, you will end up lonely and desperate by extension.

If all of your friends are unhappy in their marriages and relationships, you will end up miserable and unhappy in your relationship, or you will just stay single.

Most people are never going to have your true best interests at heart and hold you accountable for bad behavior.

If shit hits the fan and a man's friends are encouraging him to leave her and get go fuck other chicks when you are the one woman that has been able to actually cater to his needs, he needs new friends!

The same way that if I am with a woman and shit hits the fan, then her friends aren't encouraging her to move on and do something stupid if I am the one who can actually cater to her needs.

If you surround yourselves with people who encourage bad behavior, they are never going to want to see you win and see you have something better than them.

As a woman, you want a man who has friends that are ready to go to battle with him, die with him, and support you as much as they support him.

It is extremely important for a woman to be able to become aware of these kinds of things, especially from the very beginning.

You can get a lot of information about a person by paying close attention to these things in this post.

Ladies, you want a man that is committed to everything he does, not just a man that is committed to things that are convenient for him.

I guarantee that if you start paying closer attention to the things outlined in this post, you will have a lot more answers about men than you have experienced before in past encounters.

If a man is truly interested in you, you will know.

He will make an effort to reach out and check up on you periodically until there is an established foundation between the two of you.

Much like we discussed yesterday with interest and being hot and cold, a man will display many of the same similarities that women show when being inconsistent in their interest towards you in the very beginning.

Become hyper aware of these things and I promise you will have a different outlook when it comes to dating men.

This also doesn't go without mentioning that you should still be working every single day to build yourself into a strong, confident woman - not an independent woman... A strong and confident woman.

Because only then will you begin to attract men that are focused on building themselves and building a genuine future for themselves who want to have a family to protect and provide for, and who will show up for you and cater to your needs.

If you are not taking the necessary steps to build yourself into a strong and confident woman, then you must accept that you are never going to attract the man you are looking for.

Even if you do end up finding a good man, you will not know how to be with him if you do not do the work that is necessary to become undeniably loyal, authentic, and nurturing.

Men are always watching and if you are struggling to find what you are looking for, it means that you are in dire need for a change - a change in your behavior, a change in your mindset, and a change in character.

I believe anyone is capable of finding the person they are truly looking for, but you must be willing to do the work to attract and be accepting of it.

Start with identifying these red flags and start valuing your time instead of wasting it on men that aren't going to help you get to where you need to be in life.

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