Things You Don’t Know

Things You Don’t Know

Having a vision and a purpose is half of the battle.

The other half is plan and execution.

Everybody loves to dream, myself included, but without any designated action, dreams will always stay dreams.

Making a plan and executing the plan requires a different mindset than that of the dreamer.

The executioner is that in which someone chooses to make their dreams a reality.

When it comes to making a plan and developing a path of execution, it is important to take into account that there are things in life that you don’t know.

Think about it, people who dream of success or having their dream life and don’t do anything to pursue it, choose not to pursue it because they simply don’t know - don’t know where to start, don’t know where to look, and don’t know what they need to know to make their dreams a reality.

Curiosity is the bridge between a vision and execution towards a certain path.

It is curiosity that sparks someone’s insterest in learning something they didn’t know previously.

Curiosity is what unveils the path to your success, whatever success looks like to you.

Without curiosity, the things that we don’t know will always be left unknown.

However, if we choose to harness our own curiosity, we can use it as fuel towards a life of creation.

It is our job and our duty to go out into the world to learn new things and try and make sense of our own reality.

If we fail to explore our own curiosity, then the things we don’t know will always shield our path towards the life we want to be living.

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