Things To Be Thankful For

Things To Be Thankful For

Given the fact that today is Thanksgiving, consider this a holiday special blog post from yours truly here at Playboy Ranchin'.

Today's post is inspired by my gratitude that I have for those of you that tune in to read my daily posts, the many others that have helped me to get to where I am today, and those that inspire me to continue to work to be the best version of myself that I could possibly become.

I have realized through my short 28 years of life on the planet that there are many things to be thankful for and they deserve the recognition.

I am thankful for the 10,547 days of life that God so willingly bestowed upon me.

I am thankful for my family and friends that continue to support me.

I am thankful for my two dogs, Geno and Aurora.

I am thankful for my horse, Cooper.

It is interesting to think about the fact that none of us asked to be here.

We are all a living product of one extremely small probability.

When you boil down the odds, every single one of us has a better shot at hitting the lottery than we ever did at having a life in the first place.

This to me, is something to be thankful for.

While life in and of itself may seem like a nightmare at times, our day to day experiences, the people we have in our lives, the animals we bond with, and everything else in between are all things to be thankful for.

The fact that we are able to experience things and form coherent thought around the things we experience is nothing short of a miracle.

As humans, we are the only living species on the planet that has the ability to have conscious thoughts about our everyday lives.

Me sitting down writing this post is a conscious effort - I would love to see a monkey sit down and try and perform this task.

This is also something to be thankful for.

We as humans, have the ability to acquire knowledge and use it to our advantage for the benefit of ourselves, and for the benefit of others.

We have the ability to inspire one another to become better people in our personal lives and to society as a whole.

I take great satisfaction in knowing that I have the ability to help someone else in need, or help an animal in need.

I take even greater satisfaction in knowing that others are capable of doing the very same for me.

I have learned over the course of my life that nothing in life that is easy is worth having, and for this, I am thankful - thankful for understanding that hard work and consistency can take anyone to new heights.

It is hard to be thankful for things that come easy because oftentimes, the reward is short-lived.

The things that take hard consistent effort over a long enough time horizon makes the reward that much sweeter and this is something I think everyone should be thankful for.

Be thankful that the woman you love more than anything is standing by your side through everything good and bad in your life.

Be thankful that you have people around you that truly care about you and want to see you win in life because I can promise you that there aren't many.

Most importantly, be thankful for even having a chance at life and being able to wake up every single day with the ability to make it however you want.

I am not going to bore you all with a long post today because I believe that the message is clear.

Being thankful and showing gratitude towards the simple things in life can assure you live a long and fulfilling life.

Life is long but is worth every second that you spend your time with the people and things that you love the most, and for that, it is something we should be thankful for.

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