The Worst Thing You Can Do

The Worst Thing You Can Do

Oftentimes, people find themselves in repetitive cycles and wonder why they continue to end up in the same situations over and over again.

While it may be hard for people to come to grips with the fact that they are at fault for ending up in bad situations, it is often associated with a lack of confidence.

A major problem that I see today is people having a lost sense of "self-confidence."

We have discussed before in previous blogs about what confidence is and how one can obtain genuine self-confidence, so I will spare you all with the repetitive phrases.

One thing I think most people get wrong is not being their truest authentic selves, especially in relationships.

It takes work to remain authentic to who you are in the modern world that we live in today.

Everyone is consumed by social media - neither men or women have any genuine value to provide one another, and people are lost thinking they deserve more than they are worth.

Genuine authenticity remains to be all but a sacred value at this point in time because almost no-one is truly authentic.

Everyone follows the herd, doing the same things that everyone else is doing for the same reasons, while thinking they add value that is different from everyone else's.

The truth is, it is hard to be authentic when people out there are being glorified for providing absolutely zero value.

Things like sex and promiscuity are being glorified and put on a pedestal for doing nothing but make men weak and women entitled.

There is absolutely zero authenticity in promiscuity and zero value in people that are promiscuous.

You may think in your mind that you have value to offer even if you are promiscuous but the reality of it is, promiscuity attracts weak individuals that are short-term pleasure seekers.

People of actual value think about their lives and the value they bring over the long-term, not just for getting attention or getting a quick and easy paycheck.

The point of today's post is to discuss the worst things that people can do in relation to their frame-of-mind.

If one wishes to attract things of genuine substance, they must be willing to focus and work on things of genuine substance and value.

If you are a woman and are looking for a good man, the absolute WORST thing you could do is post revealing pictures of yourself on the internet. The reasoning for this is simple: real men want nothing to do with promiscuous women, period.

What people need to understand is that everything comes with a price when you do stupid things with stupid people.

While women must still also work at being able to add genuine value to men, their value is preserved through their exclusivity from men.

A woman that keeps herself conservative from men is the woman that all men truly want.

If a woman has been with a bunch of men in her past, she then closes herself off from being able to accept a genuine connection with a man because women were designed to be with only one man.

The worst thing a woman could do is be promiscuous for the simple fact that she completely diminishes her value as a woman by doing so.

Women don't typically understand this fact until they are older and realize their ability to have a genuine connection with a man has been shot to hell.

Real men aren't going to respect a woman that doesn't respect herself or her body.

The only thing a woman can do in this situation is be able to hold herself accountable for her past if she ever plans on having respect for herself in the future because it is the only way a man worth anything is going to be able to respect her.

She must be able to tell her man about her past if he is ever going to truly respect her.

The worst thing a woman could do is hide her past and have her man find out about it later because men are more interested in a woman's past the same way women are more interested in a man's future. This is why men love authentic women!

Many times, women will feel ashamed of their past as a result of being promiscuous but that truly isn't something you should hide from a man.

Men don't like finding things out about their woman, period.

Men want the authentic woman that isn't afraid of being vulnerable and can be her truest self, but it all starts with her holding herself accountable and letting go of her insecurities if she plans on being serious with a man.

Now, for men...

The absolute worst thing a man could ever do is chase a woman!

The reason why I say this is because there are too many men in today's day-in-age that spend all of their time gawking over women online or chasing women that serve them absolutely no purpose or value and they in-turn, lose their own value as a result.

A man's value is built on hard work and having a purpose.

A man needs something to drive him to do something greater than himself and if all he is doing is wasting his time by being distracted by people or things, he will lose that drive and lose any sort of value he could have provided to someone else.

Men need to have something that gets them out of bed everyday to go out and be productive to society in some way, shape, or form.

Men that are distracted, often have no self-control, no self-discipline, and no self-worth.

A man with no self-control is a lifeless man.

A man that lacks the ability to commit to things is a lifeless man.

A man that only seeks pleasure and short-term gratification is a soulless man.

Women truly are the greatest things about life as a man and it is incredibly important that he chooses the right one to share his life with because it is either going to make him, or it is going to break him.

This is why chasing women is the surest road to losing your value as a man because if you were doing the things that make you a good strong man, they will end up chasing you.

Men need to stop putting promiscuous women up on a pedestal and start acting like men again if we are ever going to expect women to go back to acting like women.

You will always have control over your own thoughts and actions.

It is your job to make sure that you fill your thoughts with genuine abundance and have your actions reflect things of genuine substance if you wish to live a full life.

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