The Worst Thing That Men And Women Can Do

The Worst Thing That Men And Women Can Do

Self-awareness is a phrase that you will often hear people talk about in today's day in age.

People will often use self-awareness to describe themselves and why they are the way that they are, and why they think the way that they do.

While past events and one's thoughts are components to self-awareness, it is not considered to be true self-awareness.

True self-awareness is not only being aware of one's thoughts and past traumas, but most importantly, being aware of one's own behavior.

True self-awareness is being aware of your own behavior in real time.

So, when I hear people talk about their past traumas as to being why they are the way that they are, I am only able to partially agree because the reason why you are the way that you are is because of repeated behavior patterns.

Once you are able to establish your own behavior patterns, you are able to then open yourself up to the possibility of adopting new behavior patterns to learn new things.

For example, we have mentioned before that the definition of learning is being able to apply new behavior to the same preexisting condition to get different results, and the speed at which we are able to apply new behavior to learn new things defines intelligence.

Oftentimes, people will recall to some sort of past event or series of events that causes them to react a certain way, which will then spark a certain set of behavior patterns.

The key takeaway here is that it is not the event that has happened that makes you the way that you are, it is your behavior.

Once we establish set behavior patterns, they become a major part of our identity and how we choose to operate within the world.

What I have found is that behavior is a much easier problem to solve for than to try and solve for ridding yourself from past trauma.

When the set behavior pattern is recognized, it is much easier to solve for and change, than trying to solve for past trauma.

For example, we talk a lot on this channel about how detrimental it can be for women that choose to be promiscuous.

In fact, I would argue that a woman that chooses to be promiscuous is one of the worst things that she could deliberately do to herself.

The reason why this is one of the worst things that a woman could do is because the amount of psychological and emotional damage she will cause herself over a long enough period of time will be something she has to live for the rest of her life with.

In other words, when a woman becomes addicted to receiving attention from new men, she will have to live with the impulse every single day for the rest of her life.

Now, as we have said before, it is possible for a woman to overcome this addiction, but it is going to have to be a sincere conscious effort that she makes to herself every single day for the rest of her life to overcome the impulse of needing attention from new men.

A large portion of women that struggle finding men later on in life have promiscuous backgrounds and this is due to a lack of self-awareness of her own behavior patterns.

In simpler terms, it does not register in the promiscuous woman's mind that the reason she struggles to find men to take her seriously is because of her set behavior pattern of needing attention from new men.

This is why true self-awareness is so important to have because you need to be able to look at your own behavior and realize that the reason you do not have the things you want in life is because the things you are doing and have been doing are not working for you.

Being able to identify and change your own behavior patterns that do not work for you is the path of true personal development and self-mastery.

Now for the men...

The worst thing that a man can do in today's day in age is give promiscuous women attention.

That's right, gentlemen!

While women are to be held accountable for their own self-destructive behavior, men are the one's that contribute to the problem.

Men contribute to the problem by chasing their short term gratification and sexual desires, instead of having self-control.

This is why when it comes to having a hyper-sexualized society that we currently live in, both men and women are equally to blame.

It has been proven time and time again that when a man gives in to his short term gratification and becomes pleasure driven, he naturally becomes more depressed, less focused, and less purpose driven.

This is exactly how you gain control over a society - by using women to exploit men, make men weak so that they wont fight back, and convince women that men and women are the same so that we can no longer live together harmoniously.

If I were an enemy trying to gain control over a society, it is almost fool-proof to use women to get to men because women pose as a weakness to men in regards to sexual exploitation.

So when we see women posing half naked in bikinis online all day, making porn, and getting showered with attention from new men, it is effecting both men and women on the psychological level because it is women that are selling it, and men that are buying into it.

Take it from me, gentlemen because there was a point in time where I liked the women I saw online also.

It took me years to figure out that chasing those kinds of women did nothing but hit dead ends.

Eventually you will wake up and realize you want a real woman that is soft, feminine, conservative, supportive, and undeniably loyal and the only way you get a woman like that is by becoming a man.

You become a man by not giving attention to promiscuous women, focus on building yourself, and how you can provide value, instead of following your short term desires.

All-in-all, the absolute worst thing that men and women can do is follow their short-term desires.

Seeking attention is short term gratification, the same way giving attention for sexual exploitation is short term.

The more we can become aware of our own behaviors, change the way that we do things, and encourage each other to be better in order to live better, the more peace we will all find in the end.

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