The Value of Integrity

The Value of Integrity

The value of integrity is an integral characteristic that is deeply embedded in our character and who we are as people.

Having genuine meaning behind your words as if it were principle is the core of integrity.

Becoming the kind of person that does what they say and says what they do is the kind of person that is genuinely capable of being respected.

In this case, it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman, having a sharp sense of integrity is crucial to having respectable character.

In short, nobody likes a liar and we all inherently know this.

We don't like when people lie to us, but we also can't fool ourselves and act like we haven't lied to cover our own ass or cover the ass of someone we are close to.

When we turn to others to confide in, we want the truth, and we want the truth from them because we value their integrity.

We know that if we go to this particular person, we can have someone challenge our thinking and help us want to understand the deeper meaning behind whatever truth we are searching for.

With that being said, integrity surpasses more than just being genuine words but genuine actions.

If someone says they are going to do something and they do it, some of us will find this admirable, while others will find reasons to be jealous or envious.

Feelings of jealousy or envy come from a lack of integrity in the sense that if we are insecure about our abilities to accomplish something, we naturally aren't going to want to see others achieve.

We see a lack of integrity in those who present us with fruitful or passive comments in our pursuits to find purpose.

The concept is simple, winners want to see others win, and losers want to see others lose.

Those who truly want to win value integrity and understand that their work has meaning.

Before we proceed any further, I want to touch on the concept of winning.

In today's day in age and through the use of social media, we see many financially successful people showing off their lavish lives and material possessions as a means of displaying their social status.

To the average consumer, it appears as though those who have more than us seem to be "winning" in life and this is how feelings of jealousy and envy begin to arise.

For me personally, winning is much more than life on a yacht or random trips to Dubai.

Winning comes from having a sense of purpose and having integrity behind your work.

Whether your purpose is to be a Fortune 500 CEO or your purpose is to be the worlds best electrician, integrity is the meaning behind your work, and this is the foundation of winning.

While it is true that those in the upper echelons know more about how the financial game is played than the average consumer, the false sense that somebody is winning because they have more than you is often misleading.

What truly matters when it comes to winning is being able to identify with your purpose and have meaning in your work.

If you say to me "I am going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime", then my reply will be nothing short of "Good! It's time to get to work".

If I check back with you in six months and you still haven't gone to the gym, then it would only be fair for me to assume that you do not value integrity.

By becoming a person of your word, you will build a sense of confidence in yourself.

The more you do what you say that you are going to do, the more confidence you will have in your abilities to accept new challenges and solve new problems.

The value of having a sharp sense of integrity will forever work in your favor.

Integrity is principle and will play a key role in defining who you are, and your character.

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