The Ultimate Game

The Ultimate Game

There are many different analogies that one could use to describe the meaning of life.

To me, life is a game full of challenges, new levels, new characters, new skills, and new knowledge to further progress oursleves to the next level of the game.

Today, I was having a conversation with my business partner about what horses mean to me and what they can do for people.

Amidst our conversation, I was able to come to a powerful realization in that horses are one thing that can make anyone feel like they are a kid again, while also giving us a strong sense of maturity.

It’s no secret that everything about handling horses is a great amount of responsibility.

Whenever the livlihood of any living thing relies on us for sustainability, the responsibility that comes along with it is a great deal.

Amidst this realization, I began thinking about how someone could find something that excites them, but also has the ability to mature them into fulfilling a greater purpose in life.

To me, this is the ultimate game in life - finding what it is that excites us and can propel us down a path of leading a fulfilling life.

Finding one’s true purpose in life is the ultimate game worth playing.

As mentioned before, some people find their purpose early on in life, but for most, they naturally fall into the trap of societal influence.

One can’t help but wonder what the world would be like if everyone did what excited them and also humbled them at the same time.

It is the humbling experiences that inspire us to grow, but if we never put ourselves in a position to be humbled, our purpose will forever remain out of reach.

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