The Truth About Attractive Women

The Truth About Attractive Women

It is to no surprise that most men fantasize about being with beautiful women.

Beautiful women are everywhere now - all one has to do is simply open their Instagram and have their page flooded with extremely attractive women showing off every portion of their bodies.

What I have found is that seeing these beautiful women half naked online adds to the illusion. It adds to the illusion in the sense that it helps a man think about what it would be like being with that woman physically.

It is interesting that men have access to all of these beautiful women but even more-so that most men wouldn't stand a chance in competing for these types of women and yet they still give these women attention.

While weak men are primarily to blame for programming these women to feel and act the way that they do, the psychology behind it all is quite interesting.

I have dated plenty of beautiful women in my life and there are things that I think both men and women should be aware of because while women might be different in who they are as people, they all primarily work the same.

While the idea of dating a beautiful woman may sound good in theory, there are multiple factors one must take into account when it comes to dealing with highly desirable women.

First thing being is that you are not the only one who wants her...

I know, it sucks to know there's a high likelihood that the woman you fantasize about is talking to other men - which, is honestly a good thing because that will tell you right off the bat that she isn't worth your time if you have to compete for hers.

Beautiful women are used to having their egos stroked by men all the time because men look at them as being "valuable" the same way that you do for the same reasons.

The thing about it is most of these kinds of women have zero value to offer a man because they are constantly being distracted by weak men.

Highly attractive women are mostly exposed to two kinds of men: men that are considered "weird" or "creepy" that are generally more passive, and men that are the adulterous risk-taker type that are more aggressive.

She is used to men that would have zero shot with her commenting all her photos on Instagram or sending her DMs.

She is also used to the types of men that would go out of their way to cheat on their wives or girlfriends to get her attention and to be with her sexually.

Both of these types of men are weak in their own sense.

It is very rare that you see a beautiful women settling down with an average male.

The thing about it is, most beautiful women want the adventurous toxic male and they want him to treat her the way the average male would when this is a highly unrealistic expectation.

If you want the man with money, status, and clout who cheats on his wife to be with you, there will be repercussions.

Idealistically, women don't actually want the man that is guaranteed to cheat on her, but these types of women are mostly exposed to these types of men.

When they are constantly exposed to these kinds of men, they naturally end up building defenses around men thinking that "men ain't shit", or "I am better off being an independent woman who don't need a man" etc.

When an attractive woman has been through it with enough of these types of men, she begins to think that she is better off alone because all she wants is a man to treat her like a lady and with respect and she can't seem to find one.

The kicker here is that beautiful women who have only been around toxic men think they want a good man, but all they know is toxic men and naturally will resort back to chasing that toxicity.

Let's take a look at why this is...

When a beautiful woman gets attention non-stop because off her looks, she begins to associate getting attention with being beautiful.

Then, she starts getting paid for her looks and this is where things start getting interesting.

When a woman gets paid for her looks whether it is through modeling, stripping, meeting rich men that pay her allowances, or things like OnlyFans, she subconsciously becomes dependent on making a living based off of her looks.

When a woman's value is based off of something as fragile as her looks, she becomes more insecure by default, and she naturally attracts men of equal insecurity.

Oftentimes you will see beautiful women single later on in life because they have only dealt with men that wanted what they wanted from them and moved on.

This often creates a great deal of trauma for women.

They feel like men genuinely don't want them but constantly have men praising them for what? Their looks...

Take it from me, I have dated women that have been on the covers of every major magazine one can think of and it always ends the same - women who value their looks, are always going to value their looks more than someone else.

The older a woman gets, the more she feels the need to keep up with the younger generation.

She eventually resorts to surgery, cosmetics, beauty treatments, etc. instead of doing the things that make her a good woman.

This is something that I want to make clear, just because a woman might be a good person, it doesn't make her good at being a woman.

The same applies to men as well - just because a man might be nice or generous doesn't necessarily make him a good man.

Oftentimes, promiscuous women can be the most personable people, great conversationalists, beautiful from head-to-toe, and still have nothing of substance to offer a man.

This then begs the question as to how can these kinds of women find good men if they are not accepting of them?

As I mentioned above, beautiful women that have only dealt with insecure men eventually come to a crossroad in life because they want a real man but real men are unfamiliar to them.

Real men will not let them get away with the antics that got them all of the attention they subconsciously crave from men.

Real men will not allow their woman to post half naked online for the world to see or dance at the club just because it makes her a paycheck.

A woman is a reflection of her man and this is why real men are highly particular with who they choose to spend their time and their lives with.

You know what real men like? Women that wear clothes.

Men like women that are exclusive from other men.

The older I get, the more attractive I find women that believe in God and practice what is written in Scripture.

Scripture gives humans a blueprint as to how to live a fulfilling life, especially when it comes to relationships and how a man and a woman should act in commitment to each other.

What men need to realize is that when it comes to beautiful women, there are always going to be more problems.

If she cares too much about her looks, she is never going to truly care about you - her insecurities will win every time.

I am not saying this to be mean, I am saying this because it is the truth.

The truth is, I have seen what beautiful women who only value their looks and constantly seek male attention are like later in life - nothing ever changes.

Typically, when beautiful women crave male attention, they seek out friendships from men and oftentimes will keep contact with past partners.

This is the ultimate red flag for any man out there because a woman that has self-respect is smart enough to leave her past in the past so that she can move on with her future.

Pure intentions are everything when it comes to attracting things of genuine substance in life.

If a woman surrounds herself with a bunch of men because they are "friends" of hers, she is unaware that not every man out there has her true best interest at heart and are oftentimes only "friends" with her waiting for their shot to get in her pants.

What it boils down to is respect at the end of the day.

A woman needs to have respect for herself in order to be a good woman.

Oftentimes, you will find many beautiful women that lack this key component of self-respect and will continue to attract things that do not serve their spirit.

The only way a woman can break this cycle is by changing her behavior.

If she is in her 30s or 40s and still doing photo shoots or wearing revealing clothes in public, she is not changing her behavior and will continue to attract men with low self-esteem because she herself has low self-esteem.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If you continue to do the same shit over and over and expect something genuine to come out of it, you are lying to yourself.

Men need to man the fuck up and stop giving into the nonsense because there are beautiful women out there that want and are capable of something genuine and get completely overlooked.

The only way we grow is by changing our behavior for the better, otherwise we will continue to live the same life over and over again.

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