The Thrill Of The Hunt

The Thrill Of The Hunt

A man's primal instincts have the ability to drive him to achieve great things..

By locking in to a target and focusing on the desired outcome, a man has the ability to go to the death to get the thing that he truly wants.

This is how humans have evolved for tens of thousands of years, by men being able to hunt for food, and protect their families and tribes.

The hunt is a primal instinct that men have that is deeply rooted into our DNA and this is because it is something that we have relied on for survival for so long.

The thrill of the hunt is exactly why men naturally have it in our DNA to conquest and conquer.

Evolutionarily speaking, men are hardwired to conquer and take what they want for themselves, whether it is a woman, another man's tribe, money, fame, status, etc.

As men, we are designed to take what we want to protect ourselves and carry on our lineage with the best possible choice of a mate.

Since the beginning of human existence, men have always sought out the best possible choice of a woman to give him the best genetic offspring to carry on his lineage and legacy.

Women have naturally always sought out the man that is the best possible choice at protecting her and providing for her because the stronger the man, the better chance at survival for a woman.

This is why men are inherently attracted to female beauty, and women are inherently attracted to security.

By today's standards and living in an attention driven economy, primal instincts have been magnified and manipulated on a MASSIVE scale.

People inherently know that the way you manipulate a man is by exploiting female beauty because female beauty is something men will fight to the death over.

With things like social media, it has made it extremely easy to exploit female beauty for the benefit of short term gratification, which has created a society full of narcissists and psychopaths.

Women are more easily accessible today than in any period of human history, and men are falling for the trap of being sucked in and manipulated due to a lack of self-control.

With women being so easily accessible, all it takes to get her attention is a DM on social media from a blue check mark, and she's out to dinner with him that night.

Or, a woman is deliberately putting herself out there by making a dating app profile specifically to get attention from men - all it takes is a swipe on a phone screen to get her attention.

Not to mention, when it comes to dating apps, she is also talking to a handful of other men, which is the entire reason why dating apps were created, to give people a false sense of having options.

It takes absolutely zero effort for a man to get a woman's attention when women are exposed to tons of men.

When a woman is getting showered with attention from men 24/7, it is too easy for a man to grab her attention and take her out on a date, especially with the use of modern technology.

Men no longer have to seek out a woman and court her - all a man needs to do is swipe right or slide in a DM to get her attention and take her out.

Where truly masculine men get their desire from a woman is from the thrill of the hunt.

It is having to actually work to earn a woman's time and attention to see if she is a potential candidate for being a woman he chooses to eventually date that gives a man the desire for that woman.

A man is always going to enjoy the thrill of the hunt a lot more than he is going to enjoy the thrill of the chase.

This is why masculine men inherently seek out feminine women that keep themselves exclusive from other men.

This means that men are naturally more attracted to the woman that is not deliberately putting herself out there to get attention from other men.

When a woman is exposed heavily to other men, or remains too easy to access and get her attention, there is zero to no fulfillment in this for a man.

Simply put, a man didn't have to do anything to get this woman's attention - all he had to do was open up an app, swipe right, and take her out to dinner that same night.

There is no hunt for a man when everything is right in front of him, and is being exposed to other men.

One of the biggest turn-offs for a man is when a woman is exposing herself to other men.

She could be the most beautiful woman in the world, as soon as she chooses to expose herself to other men, men see her as being less valuable.

A woman's value is preserved through her exclusivity from other men, and when she is deliberately putting herself in a position to be approached by men, men see this as less valuable because he simply did not have to work for it, it is just there.

The reason why gold is so valuable is because there is a finite amount of it - this means that if everyone had gold it would be less valuable.

This same principle works for a woman and how she chooses to give her attention to men.

Women that choose not to expose themselves to men are the women that men are naturally seeking out the most because these are the women men have to hunt for.

These are women that do not promote their bikini photos on Instagram, or wear revealing clothing out in public, or serial date on dating apps, etc.

These are the women that men are always on the hunt for.

I know by today's standards, it may seem like if you do not put yourself out there, then you are never going to find the person you're looking for.

The reality is, if you are truly a feminine woman, an objectively masculine man is always going to seek you out and will eventually find you.

This is in our nature as men and to be honest, this is how energy truly works.

You attract what you put out into the universe.

If you are a desperate woman, never ending your search for the right man, you will be searching for the rest of your life because that is the energy you are putting out into the world and you are only going to get the same in return until you can get over that feeling of being desperate.

When a woman is desperate, she ends up settling for a man for security, but will always come up short of being with the man she truly desires - or she will end up single.

A woman that is desperate is deliberately putting herself into a position to be exposed to a bunch of men, and as I have stated previously, men do not see this as desirable.

A man might give this kind of woman attention in the short term to fulfill his primal urges, especially if she is a beautiful woman, but if a man is truly masculine, he is only going to hunt for a woman that is objectively feminine.

The thrill of the hunt is a primal instinct for men to search for what they want and will fight to the death to have what they are searching for.

When it comes to finding a woman, the thrill of the hunt and having to work to get a woman's attention is truly what creates desire for that man to court her.

If a woman is exposing herself and making herself accessible, she is expecting men to have to chase her and "let the best man win" for a lack of better term.

A woman that makes herself accessible to a bunch of men will never find the man that she desires because masculine men are hunting, not chasing.

This is important for both men and women to understand.

It is important for men to understand because if you are a man that is giving attention to women that are deliberately putting themselves in positions to receive attention from men, then you must accept the consequences that come with trying to be with a woman with that kind of behavior.

It is important for women to understand this because there are a lot of single women out there that have no idea how to find a desirable man, and they typically lack the self-awareness and self-accountability to make the change that they need to make to attract the kind of man that they truly want.

It is in a man's DNA to find and seek the woman he wants to be with.

Men want to feel like they earned the woman that they choose to be with and this is why if it comes too easy, he will never respect it.

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