The Red Pill Is A Scam

The Red Pill Is A Scam

Since we have began embarking on this journey together in trying to bring back traditional masculine/feminine values, I have seen a lot more content on my social media pages related to many of the different things that we talk about here at the Playboy Ranchin' channel.

While there are many people out there with different views and opinions on how they believe men and women work, or how relationships between men and women work, the overall goal is the same in that there are people out there that are driven to bring value to others some how, shape, or form using their platform.

This does not go without mentioning that I do respect anyone with an opinion because that is what makes America the greatest country in the world - our freedom of opinions.

While I may respect anyone with an opinion, there are many of them that I do not agree with, which is a good thing because this is what brings up good topics of conversation and opens the floor up for people to get different perspectives and be able to draw their own conclusions.

Inspiring one to think for themselves is the entire purpose here at Playboy Ranchin'.

I am not expecting you to agree with everything that I say and I am sure there are some of you that don't agree with anything that I say and that is fine, as long as you are taking these words, digesting them, and forming your own opinion so that maybe one day we can sit down and have a constructive conversation about these topics.

One thing I will say about a lot of the content that I now see online regarding men and women, relationships etc. is that there is a specific group of people that disturb my peace known as "The Red Pill" community.

As I stated above, I respect anyone with an opinion and anyone with a platform and a voice to be able to use their voice to help someone in need.

Today, we see a lot of young men with very little guidance from society and even in their own households on how to be men of purpose.

So, the fact that there is a space dedicated to help the younger generation of men to find their purpose and understand what having self-respect and respect for others actually means, instead of being a loser at home who is addicted to watching porn or looking at girls online is admirable.

With that being said, a lot of the content that I see being posted from this Red Pill community is far from being productive to society.

Some of their messages are clear, and some make compelling arguments as to how men and women work separately and work together, but the overall message they portray I find far from being productive for young men or for women.

I see a lot of men in this space sitting down with women and do nothing but bring them down, talk down to them, and try and make every logical argument they can think of as to why women are the problem in modern day society.

I see this far from being productive because while men and women are both to be held accountable for their actions, bringing one gender down to praise the other is far from solving the actual problem.

A large part of their message is to indoctrinate young men into believing that if you become rich and successful, you can have any girl you want, treat her however you want, and she will be loyal to you, take orders from you, make you sandwiches etc.

This is the part that gets me because for one, this is not at all how women work and it is obvious that many of these guys just haven't had enough experience actually trying to figure women out and two, money is only going to get you so far with women.

While there is truth that the more money a man has, the more access he has to highly desirable women, the entire point is being completely overlooked because as a man, it is not about having access to the most beautiful women in the world, it is about finding one woman that genuinely protects your spirit that you would be willing to give your life for.

Take it from me, a man that has never had a problem getting a woman's attention, even women that society would deem to be "highly desirable."

The whole idea of being rich so that you can tell women what to do is not at all the purpose that women were created for.

As a man, you should be a natural born leader of your household and yes, your woman should be able to respect you and follow your lead, but that comes from you and your ability to be a man.

The men in the Red Pill community inherently treat women like options and it shows because it is reflected all throughout their message, especially when they sit there and talk down to defenseless women they have on their platform.

As a man, it is obvious when you see another man getting fired up trying to get his point across to a woman he doesn't even know online is highly insecure.

Insecure because he wants to be heard and he thinks by talking down to a defenseless female will make him feel better at "being a man."

It's all bullshit and it is clear to me that it is all bullshit.

The reality is, while every man should be working to figure out a way to make more money so that he can provide for his woman and his family, becoming rich so that you can take your pick and have access to highly desirable women isn't being a man.

A woman is not going to be loyal to you just because you have millions of dollars in your bank account... Ask me how I know that!

In fact, no one even talks about what happens to the woman who has solely relied on shitty men like the dudes in these podcasts to pay her bills and buy her useless shit 20 years down the line.

Nobody talks about the fact that she will eventually wake up, realize none of her material shit matters, her man is still a piece of shit who has only treated her like an option, and then becomes lonely and desperate for attention.

So what is this kind of woman going to do? Go and seek out that attention from a man she is actually attracted to.

These guys in the Red Pill have done their homework, I will give them that, but it is also obvious they don't really know much about women and how women actually work.

Having a bunch of money won't make a woman loyal to you if you fail to live up to your duties as a man.

As soon as a man decides to treat a woman like she is an option, he has officially contributed to the problems that woman face today.

The reason why women have become so insecure, narcissistic, and independent from men is because MEN have created a society of narcissistic women.

So when I see these guys talking down to women, pointing out all of their flaws and why they must obey men in order for them to find a good man, is the complete opposite of solving the problem.

In fact, this approach ignores the problem entirely and exacerbates the problem even more.

If we want to solve the problem and have women act more like women instead of being narcissistic and independent, it starts with men being and acting like men!

We cannot sit here and expect women to follow our lead if men collectively cannot act like men.

We solve this problem by identifying what the problem is (weak men treating women like options), and work on a solution by first teaching young men how to be men, have self-respect, build confidence, and learn how to treat a woman like a lady and with respect.

The more men that make more money so that they can treat women as if they were options instead of treating them with respect is going to continue to create narcissistic women.

It does not matter whether you have hundreds of millions of dollars in your bank account or $20 in your bank account and paying to see a woman naked, as soon as you decide to treat a woman like an option, you have officially contributed to creating a society of entitled and narcissistic women.

The reason why women are insecure and independent from men in today's society is because a majority of them have been let down by shitty men that have made them feel that they were worth more than they have to offer.

Then they realize that men do not want them, they become insecure and independent, while still looking for a man to "take care" of her.

It is weak men that have created this problem, not women.

While I respect people's opinions, I do not respect anyone that wants to try and bring someone else down because they feel insecure about whoever hurt them in their lives.

That is truly what I see when I see these men in the Red Pill get fired up trying to bring other women down instead of offering a solution.

Real men offer solutions, not bring other people down because they feel shitty about themselves.

Do women need to be made aware of the problems they face in modern society? Yes!

Do women need to be held accountable for their actions? Absolutely, yes!

Does sitting here and telling a woman to make you a sandwich or not speak until spoken to make you a man? Absolutely not!

You see, if you were a good man and treated your woman like a lady, she would already know when you were hungry and you wouldn't have to sit there and tell her to do anything.

When a you treat a woman with respect and treat her like a lady, while holding up your end of the deal by being a man and protecting her, she will naturally cater to your needs because this is inherently in every woman's DNA.

Part of being a man is being able to commit to one woman and one woman only because not only is it a commitment to her, but a commitment to yourself.

As soon as you decide to treat a woman like she is just an option and she should just obey you, you have officially lost sight of what it means to be a man.

God created woman as an extension of man, not to serve man.

Men and women were meant to work together, not men having some sort of hierarchical status over women and commanding her to do things.

No man should ever have to command respect from a woman.

You ask for respect by having boundaries as a man.

If a woman truly respects you, she will respect your boundaries because she is confident in you and your ability at being a man.

This doesn't go without mentioning that if you are going to have boundaries as a man, then you must be willing to reciprocate that same level of standards and respect to your woman.

If a woman does not respect you or your boundaries, then you will know as a man to respectfully remove yourself from the relationship.

This is commitment, gentlemen!

A man that only commits to things that are convenient for him because he would rather seek pleasure and he has the money and "status" for doing so, will eventually have to pay for the consequences later in life.

A man that commits to all things that he does and the things he says he is going to do is a respectable man.

He is a man of commitment.

He is a man that is worthy of a woman's love.

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