The Price Of Sacrifice

The Price Of Sacrifice

Everything in life worth having is going to take hard work and consistent effort.

When it comes to achieving goals, I want you to think about what your life would look like with the desired outcome.

Would the desired outcome be able to solve all of your problems for you?

Would living your dream life truly make you happy?

When you sit down and ask yourself these questions, it is obvious that the answer to both would be "no".

The reason why I say no is because achievement doesn't necessarily solve problems.

In fact, I would argue that achieving desired outcomes creates newer and more challenging problems.

I think what many people get lost thinking about is how great their lives would be if they had this one thing, as if it were the only mark of their existence on earth.

While achieving goals and desired outcomes is extremely rewarding, the question then becomes, what is next?

Once you have the thing that you want, what is next?

Is having the person of your dreams going to solve all of your problems for you?

Because to me, it sounds like there will be newer problems that you are going to have to solve with someone else.

I have personally found that the best part about chasing something you want is the knowledge and skills you learn along the way.

It is the knowledge and skills that are acquired in the process that make the thing worth having.

It is the knowledge and the skills that you gain that will make you more capable of doing more, achieving more, and solving new problems.

This means that in order for you to gain the knowledge and skills that you need to have the thing that you want, it is going to take sacrifice.

The word "sacrifice" is used very loosely in modern culture.

People like to think they are sacrificing their lives away for the betterment of others, which is only partly true.

Because yes, being responsible for others will force you to put your own needs behind others, but what if I told you that it didn't have to be this way?

You see, for men, the best option is for him to continue to work at building himself into the strongest, most capable man that he can become for the betterment of others - this requires sacrifice.

It requires sacrifice in the sense that a man must be able to sacrifice his short term desires for long term reward.

The trap that most people fall into is that they will sacrifice so much of themselves and get nothing out of it.

When a man deliberately chooses to build himself and sacrifice his short term gratification, the long term payout will be priceless.

The key here is to understand the difference between sacrificing your life away, and sacrificing your short term desires.

When you sacrifice your life away, you become a pawn in the game of life - other people using you to do their dirty work, while receiving little to no benefit in return.

However, when you choose to sacrifice your short term desires to gain valuable knowledge and learn new skills, the benefits are all in your favor.

Truth be told, this principle applies to both men and women.

Anyone that is able to sacrifice the short term for the long term reward, will life fulfilling lives.

What is the point of partaking in hookup culture when you inherently know it is driving you further away from being able to experience true love with one person?

What is the point of partaking in childish games like drinking and partying at the risk of your own health and well-being?

What I find particularly interesting is that what most people consider to be "fun" by today's standards, I find little to no enjoyment in at all.

I personally hate the feeling of drinking alcohol, getting little to no sleep, just to wake up and feel like a bag of dicks the next day.

Not to mention, drinking alcohol also cuts into my gym time, which is unacceptable for me.

I also see no reason in short term hookups due to its genuine lack of fulfillment because it is not true love coming from one woman and ONLY one woman.

The point that I am trying to make is that sacrifice comes at the price of eternal glory.

Would you rather look back on your life when you are 80+ and wonder what your life would have been like if you made a true effort to have the things that you want and know that you left nothing on the table?

Or, would you rather spend your time partying and "living life" because it is what makes the most sense to you right now?

If you do not think long term, the consequences of your current actions will not make sense to you until it is too late.

This means that you must be able to look at yourself in the mirror and truly ask yourself if what you are currently doing is worth it or not.

I would argue that most out there would agree that if they were to think far enough ahead, the things they are doing now are not worth the risk in the long term.

There is absolutely no point in living your life as a degenerate, partying, drinking your liver to death, and participating in short term hookups.

All this kind of behavior does is fuel your own ego, conceal you from your emotions, and create narcissistic qualities.

Everything good in life comes from commitment.

The love of a beautiful woman comes from commitment - first committing to yourself to be the best man that you can become, and committing to her and only her.

Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial strength comes from one's ability to commit to things and live up to their commitments.

To me, these are the things worth sacrificing for.

These are the things that are worth getting up every single day and working to achieve.

Don't let society fool you.

You are a man that is capable of achieving great things that life has to offer if you are willing to focus on what actually matters.

You are a woman that is capable of giving love and bringing life into this world if you focus on the things that actually matter.

Sacrifice is worth it in every sense if you are willing to fight for the things that bring you genuine fulfillment in life.

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