The Power Of Seduction

The Power Of Seduction

Seduction, by nature, has a negative connotation behind it.

When we think of being seduced or someone trying to seduce us, we naturally feel like someone is trying to sway us in their direction to get something out of us.

The interesting thing is we tend to get seduced more often than we care to admit, and we also tend to seduce others subconsciously.

Think of it in terms of trying to find a partner - we may not be trying to get anything particular out of them (except for their validation), and we often play the game of trying to win them over in some way, shape, or form.

This is seduction in a nutshell.

The reality is, it is true that we seduce others for something we want them to give us.

No, it does not have to be money, trips around the world, or a bunch of fancy shit, it can simply be just wanting the other persons attention, and their validation.

When we are in pursuit of something we want, we often conform to the biases of other people.

Maybe you are trying to get a raise at your job and you naturally conform to your boss and their interests by portraying your interests in the company.

You want to make more money because you want the company to make more money, so you portray this to your boss hoping for the raise.

This is a classic form of seduction outside of the realms of romanticism.

The question then becomes: what happens when we are being seduced romantically?

Some may even ask what are they to do if they think they are being seduced by someone else for something less than a long term relationship.

There are key elements to understanding this, but first, it is important to note that men and women seduce the other differently.

For example, a man knows he can seduce a woman by showcasing some level of competency, status, or ambition.

Women are naturally drawn to men that are driven to go out into the world with a purpose and that want to accomplish things.

If a man is strategic, he can leverage his competency to win a woman over.

Women on the other hand, seduce in different forms, mainly with their looks and their figure.

We see this very obviously in modern culture with the amount of women displaying their bodies and looks on social media for male validation.

While this might not necessarily be a conscious effort, it is the subconscious need for attention and validation that drives a woman to showcase her looks and her body to the world.

Women are smart enough to know that by showcasing their looks to the masses, they can fulfill an immediate desire for attention, and in other forms of immediate gratification in the forms of money, and status.

All of this is a classic form of seduction that women will play to men when trying to get what they want.

This is all surface level stuff that most people are aware of, but there is a deeper psychology when it comes to the power of seduction.

In Robert Greene's book The Art Of Seduction, he illustrates that we can often be seduced by the opposite sex due to wants and needs from our early childhood.

For example, men can easily be seduced by a woman that portrays similar traits as their mothers, because the first few years of every young boys life solely depends on that of a woman.

There is deep rooted psychology behind what we were exposed to as young boys that can play a subconscious effect on the partners that we choose and how easily influenced we are by those kinds of women.

Greene also illustrates that something as simple as the tone of a woman's voice can be enough to seduce a man - this is something that I haven't thought about deep enough yet, but is still quite interesting nonetheless because I have seen proof of this in my own experiences with dating women.

The particular tone of a woman's voice can be very persuasive and attractive.

The same holds true for women in that they can easily be seduced by men that represent the fatherly figure in their lives or lack thereof.

We have discussed in past blog posts about the deep rooted psychology in women who lack a fatherly figure tending to be more promiscuous in seek of male validation, but also often find themselves in repeated patterns of dating men that do not suit them.

Women can be easily persuaded by men who might look the part and talk a good game, but fall short of finding something long term because she was focused more on the attention and the things he claimed to offer her in the forms of competency, status, and security.

Seduction is very powerful in getting what we want and getting people to agree with us and our ideologies.

Just think, every politician on the planet uses seduction in one from or another to campaign their ideas to the public, but how much of the shit do they actually get done if chosen for the role?

If we truly wish to be genuine in how we seduce others, we need to become more in tune with other people and who they are.

We try and understand people and what emotionally drives them by being empathetic in our own right.

Only then will people see you as someone who is genuine instead of some sleezy salesman trying to get them to buy something.

If someone makes a genuine effort to understand you and understand what drives you emotionally, there is a greater chance of them coming from a genuine place.

Sure, you will meet people that you probably open up to and realize after the fact that you shouldn't have, but that is a part of life.

We are all going to experience pain in more ways than one.

These types of encounters may make you feel as if you shouldn't open yourself up and that you should become more defensive, but remember, this is a game of strategy.

You never want to show the other players at the table all of the cards in your hand until you are sure this person wants something genuine from you.

Be mysterious, but don't forget to be wise in your decisions when it comes to allowing people into your life.

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