The Power of Love in Loss

The Power of Love in Loss

Loss is one of the hardest tragedies that we must bear as humans during our short time here on earth.

In loss, feelings of pain, heartbreak, and sadness swarm over us like a rain cloud on a sunny day.

What was once light turns to darkness and the only thing we can focus on is the feelings of heartache over the loss of another.

Our love and emotional attachment to those that we lose creates a recurring loop in our minds and we get stuck thinking about them and the impact they had on us, especially when we feel as though they left too soon.

Part of the human experience is having to experience loss, even when we can't consciously make sense as to why it has to happen.

Being as that we are social and emotional creatures, mourning loss reminds us that we are alive.

Life is full of pain and trauma, whether it be mental, physical, or emotional hardship.

During times of pain and hardship, we are presented with the greatest challenges that life has to offer.

These are the moments in which our strength is put to the test the most.

Here on this channel, we have discussed heavily on the process of using pain as a source of motivation to gain strength.

When we experience the loss of a loved one is when we can really take this idea and put it into action.

In the mourning process, we often do not think about the things that we can do to continue to move our lives forward because our minds are solely fixated on the strong feelings we have towards the ones we lost.

When we think about why this is, we can come to the conclusion that the reason why our minds get stuck in this loop is because of the feelings of love we have for the ones we lost.

Love is the most powerful emotion - it can bring us to the highest of highs but it can also bring us to the lowest of lows.

When we are riding the high, it seems like nothing can bring us down from the mountain top.

However, when we hit the low, it feels like there is nothing that we can do to climb our way of it.

Our strong social nature ensures that we grow strong emotional connections to other humans - it is biologically programmed in our DNA.

When we reach the low, we must be able to realize that the only way out of it is to act through love.

The reason we reach the low when mourning loss is because of our feelings of love towards another, and the only way out of it is to continue to act through love.

We act through love by loving ourselves so that we can share the love with others.

In times of hardship and loss, it is very natural for us to beat ourselves up.

We realize just how much we take for granted when something or someone we love has been stripped away from us.

We think about the "what ifs" as if we could have done things differently that it could have potentially changed the outcome.

When we get trapped in this loop, we lose sight of our ability to be able to act out of love.

This is the challenge we are presented with when we experience loss.

We can't sit and think about what we could have done differently because that is only going to continue to reinforce the thought loop.

Instead, we need to take that love and channel towards something productive.

We need to be able to ask ourselves, "if this person were still here, what would they want me to do?"

The answer to this question is always going to be to act out of love.

Firstly, we need to love ourselves so that we can project those feelings through our actions towards others.

The truth is, those that leave us are never truly gone - they are always with us in spirit, and this is why it is so important for us to remain true to who we are and our purpose in life.

We know that if they were still here with us in the flesh, they would want us to pursue our mission and our life's purpose.

They would still want to see us win.

So if you ever feel like you don't know what to do when you lose someone you love, just remember that the mission is always the same.

Do it for the one's you love and do it for the one's you lost, because through them, you can find the strength needed to carry out your mission and spread that love onto others.

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